Green Text: Papers published from 2011 - 2017Blue Text: From original Bibliography – Grayling Specific
Black Text: From original Bibliography – Grayling relevant but not specific
Grayling Research Bibliography 2011 to October 2017
1. Biochemistry / Physiology / Immunology 2 - 4
2. Diseases / Aquaculture 4 - 6
3. Genetics/Populations/Taxonomy/Evolution 6 - 12
4. Fisheries Management / Reproduction / Habitat / Ecology / Migration 13 - 24
5. Life History 24 - 26
6. Predation 26
7. Welfare / Catch and Release 26 – 31
Biochemistry / Physiology / Immunology: Grayling Specific
Yu. S. Petukhov, Yu. P. Tolmacheva, B. E. Bogdanov
Hydrobiological Journal, (2017), 52(6), 58 – 65: DOI:10.1615/HydrobJ.v52.i6.70
Morphobiological Characteristic of the Baikal Grayling Thymallus baicalensis of the Gitara Lake (System of the Kurkula River, Northern Baikal Coast)
Oliver M. Selmoni, Diane Maitre, Julien Roux, Laetitia G. E. Wilkins, Lucas Marques da Cunha, Etienne Vermeirssen, Susanne Knörr, Marc Robinson-Rechavi, Claus Wedekind
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Preprint, (2017).
Sex-Specific Changes in Gene Expression and Delayed Sex Differentiation in Response to Estrogen Pollution in Grayling (Salmonidae)
Salvatore D. Blair,Derrick Matheson,Yuhe He,Greg G. Goss
Conservation Physiology, (2016), 4(1), 1-11
Reduced salinity tolerance in the Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) is associated with rapid development of a gill interlamellar cell mass: implications of high-saline spills on native freshwater salmonids
Kurt C. Heim;Matthew S. Whitman;Lawrence L. Moulton
Conservation Physiology, (2016), 4(1),
Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) in saltwater: a response to Blairet al. (2016)
O. A. Maznikova, P. B. Mikheev
Inland Water Biology, (2016), DOI: 10.7868/S0320965216010137 A Comparative Analysis of Two Amur Grayling Species
Benedicte Renaville, Francesca Tulli, Massimiliano Bruno, Emilio Tibaldi and Maria Messina.
British Journal of Nutrition (2013), 110, 1559–1564
Fatty acid desaturase 2 (FADS2) insertion/deletion polymorphism impact on muscle fatty acid profile in European grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
Gladyshev MI, Sushchik NN, Makhutova ON, Kalachova GS, Malyshevskaya KK, (2012),
Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics 445(1), 194 – 196,
DOI: 10.1134/S1607672912040035
Differences in fatty acid composition of food and tissues of grayling from the Yenisei River
Pekka J. Vuorinen, Marja Keinänen, Seppo Peuranen and Christina Tigerstedt
Boreal Environment Research 3: 405–419
Effects of iron, aluminium, dissolved humic material and acidity on grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in laboratory exposures, and a comparison of sensitivity with brown trout (Salmo trutta)
Biochemistry/Physiology/Immunology: Grayling Relevant but not Specific
Monica Giulivo, Ettore Capri, Eleni Kalogianni, Radmila Milacic, BrunoMajone, Federico Ferrari, Ethel Eljarrat, Damià Barceló
Science of the Total Environment 586 (2017) 782–791
Occurrence of halogenated and organophosphate flame retardants in sediment and fish samples from three European river basins
Stephen D. Gregory, Marie Nevoux, William D. Riley, William R. C. Beaumont,
Nicholas Jeannot, Rasmus B. Lauridsen, Frederic Marchand, Luke J. Scott, Jean-Marc Roussel
Freshwater Biology, (2017),62(7), 1117–1129.
Patterns on a parr: Drivers of long-term salmon parr length in U.K. and French rivers depend on geographical scale.
Blunt, Brian
University of Alberta, (2014), M.Sc. Thesis: doi:10.7939/R3707WV8H
Fish olfaction: a biosensor for anthropogenic contaminants
Andrew C. Johnson, John P. Sumpter
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, (2014), 369, issue 1656: DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2013.0581
Putting pharmaceuticals into the wider context of challenges to fish populations in rivers
A. F. Kirillov, I. B. Knizhin
Journal of Ichthyology, (2014), 54(7), 433–445
Ichthyofauna of the Lena River (Laptev Sea Basin): Modern composition and historical formation
Judith S. Weis
Toxics (2014), 2(2),165 - 187
Delayed Behavioral Effects of Early Life Toxicant Exposures in Aquatic Biota
Atif Kamil, Arnt Raae, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Erling Olaf Koppang, Kari E. Fladmark, Ivar Hordvik
Fish & Shellfish Immunology, (2013), 34(2), 667-672
Comparative analysis of IgM sub-variants in salmonid fish and identification of a residue in μ3 which is essential forMAb4C10 reactivity
Anzhelika A. Kolmakova, Michail I. Gladyshev, Galina S. Kalachova, Elena S. Kravchuk, Elena A. Ivanova, Nadezhda N. Sushchik
Freshwater Biology, (2013) 58(10), 2180–2195
Amino acid composition of epilithic biofilm and benthic animals in a large Siberian river
M. I. Gladyshev, O. V. Anishchenko, N. N. Sushchnik, G. S. Kalacheva, I. V. Gribovskaya, A. V. Ageev.
Contemporary Problems of Ecology, (2012), 5(4), 376–385
Influence of anthropogenic pollution on content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids in links of food chain of river ecosystem
Judith Weis and Alison Candelmo
Current Zoology, (2012), 58(1), 9 – 20
Pollutants and fish predator/prey behavior: A review of laboratory and field approaches
Palić D, Beck LS, Palić J, Andreasen CB (2011)
Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 1st January 2011, doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2010.12.024.
Use of rapid cytochemical staining to characterize fish blood granulocytes in species of special concern and determine potential for function testing.
Diseases / Aquaculture: Grayling Specific
P. Horká, P. Horký, T. Randák, J. Turek, K. Rylková, O. Slavík
Journal of Fish Biology, (2015), 86(2), 544–557
Radio-telemetry shows differences in the behaviour of wild and hatchery-reared European grayling Thymallus thymallus in response to environmental variables.
Bastian Fromm, Susann Burow, Christoph Hahn, Lutz Bachmann
International Journal for Parasitology, (2014), 44(11), 787-793
MicroRNA loci support conspecificity of Gyrodactylus salaris and Gyrodactylus thymalli (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea)
Marina D.-D. Batueva, Alexey V.Katokhin, Svetlana V.Pronina, Nikolay M.Pronin.
Parasitology International,62(6), 2013, 530-534.
Supplementary studies and molecular data onHenneguya cerebralisPronin, 1972 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea), a parasite from Kosogol graylingThymallus arcticus nigrescensin Mongolia
Tuija Gadd, Satu Viljamaa-Dirks, Riikka Holopainen, Perttu Koski, Miia Jakava-Viljanen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, (2013), 106: 117–127.
Characterization of perch rhabdovirus (PRV) in farmed grayling Thymallus thymallus
V. Švinger, T. Hansen, Y. Shadrin, T. Policar, J. Kouril
Czech J. Anim. Sci., 58, 2013 (1): 8–14
Induction and advancement of ovulation in wild Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus arcticus) using D-Tle6,Pro9,NEt-mGnRHa Lecirelin
Mariusz Szmyt, Stefan Dobosz, Dariusz Kucharczyk, Joanna Grudniewska, Adam M. Lejk
Archives of Polish Fisheries (2012), 20, 289 – 297.
Impact of selected hormonal agents on the effectiveness of controlled reproduction of cultivated female European grayling
Diseases: Grayling Related but not Specific
Hadiseh Dadras, Borys Dzyuba, Jacky Cosson, Amin Golpour, Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique, Otomar Linhart
Aquaculture Research, (2017),48(3), 729–740
Effect of water temperature on the physiology of fish spermatozoon function: a brief review.
Christoph Hahn, Steven J. Weiss, Stojmir Stojanovski, Lutz Bachmann.
PLOS One, (2015), 10(6): e0127340:
Co-Speciation of the Ectoparasite Gyrodactylus teuchis (Monogenea, Platyhelminthes) and Its Salmonid Hosts
Horvath, A.B., Zoltan, B.G., Urbanyi, B., Snoj, A., Susnik-Bajec, S., Jesensek, D.
Vii International Conference “Water & Fish” Zbornik Predavanja, (2015):
Application of Sperm Cryopreservation to The Culture and Conservation of Salmonid Species: A Slovenian-Hungarian Collaboration
Giuseppe Paladini, Haakon Hansen, Chris F Williams, Nick GH Taylor, Olga L Rubio-Mejía, Scott J Denholm, Sigurd Hytterød, James E Bron and Andrew P Shinn.
Parasites & Vectors 2014, 7:576 – 589.
Reservoir hosts for Gyrodactylus salaris may play a more significant role in epidemics than previously thought.
A. L. Antonov
Journal of Ichthyology, (2012), 52(2), 149–159
Diversity of fishes and structure of ichthyocenoses in mountain catchment areas of the Amur Basin
Irina A. Kaygorodova, Elena V. Dzyuba, and Nikolay M. Pronin
The Scientific World Journal
Volume 2012, Article ID 652827, 8 pages
Leech-Like Parasites (Clitellata, Acanthobdellida) Infecting Native and Endemic Eastern Siberian Salmon Fishes
Christoph Hahn, Tor A. Bakke, Lutz Bachmann , Steven Weiss , Phil D. Harris
Parasitology International, (2011), 60(4), 480-487
Morphometric and molecular characterization of Gyrodactylus teuchis Lautraite, Blanc, Thiery, Daniel & Vigneulle, 1999 (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) from an Austrian brown trout population
Genetics/Populations/Taxonomy/Evolution: Grayling Specific
Vladimir I. Romanov. International Journal of Environmental Studies, (2017), 74(5): 845-853 On the taxonomic composition of the graylings (Thymallidae) from the Ob and Yenisei River Basins
Evgeniy S. Balakirev, N. S. Romanov & Francisco J. Ayala,
Mitochondrial DNA Part B:. (2016), 1(1), 289 – 290:
Complete mitochondrial genome of the yellow-spotted grayling Thymallus flavomaculatus (Salmoniformes, Salmonidae)
Carim, K.J., Dysthe, J.C.S., Young, M.K. et al.
Conservation Genet Resources (2016) 8: 197–199. doi:10.1007/s12686-016-0531-1
An environmental DNA assay for detecting Arctic grayling in the upper Missouri River basin, NorthAmerica.
Yun-Guo Liu, Yao-Yao Li, Wei Meng & Ling-Xiao Liu
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources (2016), 1(1), 724 - 725
The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Xinjiang arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus grubei
Bo Ma,Haiying Jiang,Peng Sun,Jinping Chen,Linmiao Li,Xiujuan ZhangLihong Yuan
Mitochondrial DNA Part ADNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis, (2016), 27(5).
Phylogeny and dating of divergences within the genusThymallus(Salmonidae: Thymallinae) using complete mitochondrial genomes.
Hannu Mäkinen;Spiros Papakostas;Leif Asbjørn Vøllestad;Erica H Leder;Craig R Primmer
Journal of Heredity, (2016), 107(1), 82–89 doi:10.1093/jhered/esv06
Plastic and Evolutionary Gene Expression Responses Are Correlated in European Grayling (Thymallus thymallus) Subpopulations Adapted to Different Thermal Environments
JeremyPasquier,CédricCabau,ThaoviNguyen,ElodieJouanno,DanySeveracIngoBraasch, LaurentJournot,PierrePontarotti,ChristopheKlopp,
JohnH.Postlethwait,YannGuiguenandJulien Bobe BMC Genomics 2016 17:368 DOI:10.1186/s12864-016-2709-z Gene evolution and gene expression after whole genome duplication in fish: the PhyloFish database.
Henri Persat, Karin Mattersdorfer, Stéphanie Charlat, Tamara Schenekar & Steven Weiss
Cybium 2016, 40(1): 7-20.
Genetic integrity of the European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) populations within the Vienne River drainage basin after five decades of stockings
L.V. Sukhanova, S.V. Kirilchik, Yu.P. Tolmacheva, S.Yu. Petukhov, A.P. Fedotov
Quaternary International, (2016), 420, 242-248
Reconstruction of glacier advance in Northern Baikal area (East Siberia, Russia) in the Pleistocene inferred from mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms of Baikal grayling (Salmonidae: Thymallus baicalensis)
Peter Jørgen Haddeland, Claudia Junge, Dimitar Serbezov, Leif Asbjørn
PLOS 1 March 20, 2015
Genetic Parentage Analysis Confirms a Polygynandrous Breeding System in the European Grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
Henri Persat,Karin Mattersdorfer,Stéphanie Charlat,Tamara Schenekar andSteven Weiss
XV European Congress of Ichthyology, Porto, Portugal, 7 Sep - 11 Sep, 2015
Genetic integrity of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L. 1758) within the Vienne River drainage basin after five decades of stockings
Ruben Alexander Pettersen, Tor Atle Mo, Haakon Hansen And Leif Asbjørn Vøllestad
Parasitology, (2015), 142(14), 1693 - 1702
Genetic population structure of Gyrodactylus thymalli (Monogenea) in a large Norwegian river system
Yu. V. Slynko, V. V. Stolbunova, B. Mendsaykhan
Russian Journal of Genetics, (2015), 51(6), 601–606
Genetic variation of the mtDNA cyt b locus in graylings (Thymalus sp.: Thymalidae, Pisces) introduced into the Baydrag Gol River of the Valley of Lakes basin (Mongolia).
Kvinge, Ane Solland
University of Oslo, M.Sc. Thesis (2014).
Gene Expression in the Early Development stages in Populations of European Grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
SašaMaric, IgorV.Askeyev, OlegV.Askeyev, SergeyP.Monakhov, JernejBravničar, AlešSnoj. Hydrobiologia, 2014,740(1), 167–176 Phylogenetic and population genetic analysis ofThymallus thymallus(Actinopterygii, Salmonidae) from the middle Volga and upper Ural drainages
Andreas Meraner, Luca Cornetti, Andrea Gandolfi Ecology and Evolution, 4(8), 2014, 1313–1327 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.931 Defining conservation units in a stocking-induced genetic melting pot: unravelling native and multiple exotic genetic imprints of recent and historical secondary contact in Adriatic grayling.
Spiros Papakostas,L. Asbjørn Vøllestad,Matthieu Bruneaux,Tutku
Aykanat,Joost Vanoverbeke,Mei Ning,Craig R. Primmer,andErica H.
Nat Commun. 2014 Jun 3; 5: 4071. doi:10.1038/ncomms5071
Gene pleiotropy constrains gene expression changes in fish adapted to different
thermal conditions
Christoph Hahn, Lutz Bachmann and Bastien Chevreux
Nucleic Acids Research, 2013, Vol. 41, No. 13 e129 doi:10.1093/nar/gkt371
Reconstructing mitochondrial genomes directly from genomic next-generation sequencing reads—a baiting and iterative mapping approach.
Weiss S, Kopun T, Suŝnik Bajec S
Journal of Fish Biology 82, 505-521. (2013)
Assessing natural and disturbed population structure in European grayling,Thymallus thymallus(Salmonidae): melding phylogeographic, population genetic, and jurisdictional perspectives for conservation planning.
Meraner, A., Unfer, G. and Gandolfi, A.
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (2013) 409, 01
Good news for conservation: mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA data detect limited genetic signatures of inter-basin fish transfer in Thymallus thymallus (Salmonidae) from the Upper Drava River
K. Ocalewicz, G. Furgala-Selezniow, M. Szmyt, R. Lisboa, M. Kucinski, A. M. Lejk, M. Jankun
Genetica, (2013), 141(10–12 0, 409–416
Pericentromeric location of the telomeric DNA sequences on the European grayling chromosomes
Ayaka Yano, Barbara Nicol, Elodie Jouanno, Edwige Quillet, Alexis Fostier, René Guyomard, Yann Guiguen
Evolutionary Applications, 6(3), 2013, 486–496
The sexually dimorphic on the Y-chromosome gene (sdY) is a conserved male-specific Y-chromosome sequence in many salmonids
Ma B, Lui T, Zhang Y, Chen J, (2012), Asian – Australian Journal of Animal Science, 25(7) 935 – 944, Phylogeography and Population Genetic Structure of Amur Grayling Thymallus grubii in the Amur Basin.
Marić S, Kalamujić B, Snoj A, Razpet A, Lukić-Bilela L, Pojskić N, Sušnik Bajec S, (2012)
Hydrobiologia, 2012, 691, 1, 225-237
Genetic variation of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) populations in the Western Balkans
Meraner A, and A. Gandolfi A, (2012),
Hydrobiologia, 693(1) 205 – 221.
DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1109-x
Phylogeography of European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (Actinopterygii, Salmonidae), within the Northern Adriatic basin: evidence for native and exotic mitochondrial DNA lineages.
A. A. Semenchenkoa and D. M. Atopkina
Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 2012, 38(7), 520–528
A Comparative Analysis of the Far Eastern Grayling Species Thymallus tugarinae and Thymallus grubii flavomaculatus based on the Data from Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome b Gene
Nick Dawnay, Louise Dawnay, Roger N. Hughes, Richard Cove, Martin I. Taylor
Conservation Genetics, (2011), 12(3), 731–744
Substantial genetic structure among stocked and native populations of the European grayling (Thymallus thymallus, Salmonidae) in the United Kingdom
Junge C, Vøllestad LA, Barson NJ, Haugen TO, Otero J, Sætre G-P, Leder EH, Primmer CR (2011)
Heredity, (12January2011) | doi:10.1038/hdy.2010.160
Strong gene flow and lack of stable population structure in the face of rapid adaptation to local temperature in a spring-spawning salmonid, the European grayling (Thymallus thymallus).