Shelter Coordination Meeting #2
Participants; Mr. John Fontaine (Local Government Commissioner), Mr. Glenroy Toussaint (Assistant Commissioner), OFDA, IFRC, PAHO, Unicef, Samaritan’s Purse, IOM
Date; 26 September 2017
Location; Kitchen space at EOC (the Ministry of Finance Building 5th floor)
-Mr. Toussaint chaired the meeting while Mr. John Fontaine, Local Government Commissioner was able to participate in this meeting.
Status of Collective Centers and Locations of People
-20 hurricane shelters known to be damaged, mainly roof issues. No information from South and from East, part of SE, NE and part of SW and part of North (A list of 143 hurricane shelters in Dominica is attached).
-1,955 people in hurricane shelters in Roseau and surroundings.
-Many people with host families. They are facing increased pressure.
-The government has begun registration process for those who are homeless within Roseau.
Approach for those in Collective Centers and with Host Families
-Collective Center and Host Family Plan was introduced by IOM with attached one page document. Based on housing condition at place of origin, it is categorized.
-For those who lost roof, which are major portions in this disaster, emergency kits to be recommended provide immediate, covered living space. In a recovery stage, roofing kits are recommended.
-For those who have a house or land destroyed, upgrade of selected collective centres or host families for immediate solutions, consolidate people unable to return into upgraded collective centres or host families, and create individually tailored longer-term solutions
-Both Mr. Fontaine and Mr. Toussaint support the approach presented.
-IOM shared an idea to train enumerators to collect data as well as identify target caseloads focusing on collective center residents and those with host families. DTM model to be used.
Shelter/Non-Food Item Tracking, Priorities and Guidance about Use
-Good samples of fixing plastic sheets to structures are introduced as attached. With proper fixing, plastic sheets are very useful and durable.
-For Shelter/Non-Food Item Tracking, OCHA and WFP asked partners to fill in the following links.
Logistics tracking(WFP) /
Pipeline of incoming aid /
-Those links are also found in Dominica Useful links
-OFDA/USAID informed 4,000 plastic sheeting (400 rolls) are arriving in Dominica shortly and asked Mr. Toussaint to identify distribution locations.
-IFRC plans to distribute NFIs to 1,000 families with support from USAID.
-Mr. Toussaint expressed high needs of water containers, solar lighting, mattresses, generators.
-Next Shelter meeting on 28 September 2017at 14h at kitchen space at EOC.
-PAHO announced WASH meetings are on at 15h every day.
-Plan to have shelter meetings twice/three times a week and one of them jointly with WASH partners.