Due February 21, 2007 - 5% of Final Grade
Write a review of an E-Commerce Site. Attempt to purchase an item to evaluate the purchasing process. Your review should minimally include the following elements.
- A description of the site and provide the URL
- Evaluate the URL
- Is the site well designed?
- Was the site comprehensive?
- Was the site easy to navigate? Describe the navigation process.
- How simple or complex did you find the process for purchasing items? Were there too many “clicks” required to purchase an item. Was it a long or confusing process to check out your items?
- Was there a privacy statement? If so, were you comfortable with the privacy statement?
- Would you feel safe purchasing from the site – is there a statement on security?
What security does the site have?
- Would you return to this site? Why or why not?
- How does this site compare to the competition (other on-line companies in the same business)? Do a search to locate other companies and compare the sites. How has your company's site differentiated itself from the competition?
- What were the best features of the site ?
- In what way could the site be improved?
This is a review – do not simply provide yes or no answers. Your review must be a minimum of 2 pages in length, 12 pt font. If graphics are included you must adjust the length appropriately. Your points will reflect the “thoroughness” of your review.
You may pick any E-Commerce site.
Your paper should be at least one and a half to two pages long.
Your paper should be double-spaced. You need to have 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, left, and right. Use a readable font like Times New Roman and use a font size of 12. You must use Microsoft Word to complete the assignment and your print out must be on a quality printer. Do not print on the library printer.
You must include a cover page. The cover page needs to include the title of your paper, your name, section number, and the four digit number you were assigned for this class. You may include a graphic on the cover if you wish.
You must include a minimum of two (2) references in your paper. At least two references should come from the World Wide Web. The web site of the company you are presenting on does not count toward the minimum. You must include a reference page at the end of your paper - the reference page does not count as one of the two pages of the actual paper.
To cite your online sources, use either the humanities style or the scientific style (pick one and stick with it for all of your references) found on the Columbia Univeristy Press web site ( - Failure to use proper online citing guidelines will result in a loss of points in your grade.
All four (4) pages must be stapled (cover sheet, paper, and reference page)
This paper must be turned in at the beginning of class on February 21, 2008. Papers turned in once class begins will lose one letter grade. If you believe you might be late for class on February 21, 2008, you may e-mail me your paper and turn in the hard copy once you arrive to class.
If you have any questions about this assignment let me know as soon as possible. Good luck and do a great job!