Minutes of Queensland Quilters Inc Committee Meeting
Monday 21st September 2017
Mt Gravatt Hotel, Logan Road, Mt Gravatt Qld 4121
Opening and Welcome
Chris opened the meeting at 6.00pm approx..
Acting President:Chris Harvey/Quilt Show Convenor
Secretary:Glenys Tickle
Treasurer:Charmaine Ludlow
Karen Mersiades (Committee/Sponsorship)
Loretta Parsons (Committee/Challenge)
Lyn Kenny (Committee/Website/Quilt Assist/BMT)
Pam Pengelly (Committee/Publicity)
Verna Hunt (Committee/Membership)
Yvonne Emson (Committee/Material Facts)
Gail Dean (Committee/Traders and Guest Speakers)
Linda Graham (Committee/Media /Graphics)
Greg Allen (Committee/Property/Quilt Stand Hire)
Apologies:Olive Claydon, Anne Corbett, and Susan Harris
Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes were tabled.
Motion: Yvonne Emson moved that the minutes be accepted as tabled. Seconded: Chris Harvey. Carried.
Business arising from previous minutes:
- Verna advised that the membership form has been updated as posted in emails.
- Loretta reported that the Challenge forms were updated and used at the last gathering.
- The position of Facilities Manager remains unfilled and will be discussed at the next meeting. In the interim, a spreadsheet of bookings will be sent to Charmaine.
Correspondence inwards and outwards: Not available
Treasurer’s Report – tabled
In addition to the payments tabled in the report, Charmaine asked that the following extra payments be made:
Chris Harvey (money spent on Quilt Show) :$416.43
Verna’s expenses for Judging Day:$200 (up to)
Balance for quilt stands:$2959.80
Motion: That these expenses and those tabled in the report be approved for payment. Moved: Charmaine Ludlow Seconded: Glenys Tickle. Carried.
Sub Committee Reports
Quilt Show: Chris confirmedthat 2Q will pay the out of pocket expenses incurred by Quilt show judge, Amanda Daly, due to travel disruption.
2QAQ: Lyn Kenny reported that Brenda Gail Smith has agreed to be the juror for the SOTA exhibition in 2018
QuiltConnect: Lyn Kenny reported that a meeting had been held with Brother and they have agreed to increase funding for QuiltConnect in 2018. It was also proposed that a 2QMod challenge be launched at QuiltConnect and travel with the Challenge quilts. This led to a discussion regarding what the focus of QuiltConnect will be in the future.
It was decided that once the new QuiltConnect convenor is on board a meeting of the QuiltConnect committee should discuss their desired goals for the show and present them to the Management Committee. Greg Allen suggested that once approved by the Management Committee these goals should be clearly stated and posted quite visibly at the show. Another suggestion which came out of the discussion was that Affiliated Groups be made more aware of the difference between affiliated membership and individual membership and the benefits offered by each.
Publicity: Pam asked for ideas for the next Between the Facts. With respect to promotion of the upcoming Quilt Show, Chris requested that Pam write an article for Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine and provide them with photos. (AP&Q are 2Q sponsors).
General Business:
- Appointment of new President:
Motion: That Lyn Kenny take over the President’s role as of October 11th. Moved: Charmaine Ludlow Seconded: Karen Mersiades. Carried.
- Appointment of signatories to bank account:
Motion: The signatories to the bank account from October11 will be:
President – Lyn Kenny; Vice president – Anne Pizatto, Secretary – Glenys Tickle, Treasurer – Charmaine Ludlow, Membership Secretary/Assistant Treasurer – Verna Hunt
Moved: Loretta Parsons; Seconded: Pam Pengelly. Carried
- Allocation of bank tokens:
Motion: Bank tokens to be allocated to the President- Lyn Kenny, Treasurer – Charmaine Ludlow, Membership Secretary/Assistant Treasurer – Verna Hunt, and Secretary – Glenys Tickle
Moved: Linda Graham; Seconded: Karen Mersiades. Carried
- Barbara Meredith Trust update:
Lyn Kenny reported that the documents are currently with the solicitor, Jeff Thomas and Associates, Slacks Creek. The 2 signatories for the trust will be Lyn Kenny and Glenys Tickle.
- Members Sale Day:
The meeting decided that surplus challenge fabric from 2017 and surplus ‘prepared for dyeing’ fabric from Bryan Whitehead workshop will be available for purchase at $10 per metre at the next gathering. Any remaining fabric will be donated to Linus. Fabric and thread from Judie’s handover will be donated to Sunshine Linus.
- Christmas celebration for the Management Committee:
Glenys to contact the Royal on the Park with a view to booking for a Christmas celebration in early December.
- Vote of thanks for retiring committee members:
This being the last meeting for Chris Harvey and Karen Mersiades, Glenys moved a vote of thanks for the contribution Chris and Karen had made to 2Q. Seconded by Charmaine Ludlow. Carried.
Meeting closed at 7.35pm.
Next Committee meeting: Monday, November 6th 2017 at 6pm at the Holland Park Hotel, 945 Logan Road, Holland Park.
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