Murrindindi Regional Tourism Association 21 December 2004 Page 1

Minutes of Committee Meeting File No. 58/06/13


Minutes of Committee Meeting

Wednesday 21 December 2004

6pm, Mount Pleasant Hotel, Alexandra

1. Meeting Opened & Welcome

The meeting was opened by the Chairperson (David Nugent, President) at 6:00pm.

2. In Attendance & Apologies

Present: John Steer, Arthur Kapantzian, Brett Herridge, Sam Hicks, Stan Burden, David Nugent, Geoff Proctor, George Nadj, Damien Jacobs, Geof Sargent, Marcus Gillon, Cindy Ferguson, Bronwyn Mumford and Tammy Blakeney.


Cr Dalmau, Cr Brown and Cr Beales. A late apology was received from Jodi Morrison.

3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Motion: For the Minutes of the 28th of September 2004 meeting to be accepted.

Moved: George Nadj Seconded: Geoff Proctor CARRIED

Motion: For the Minutes of the 3rd of November 2004 meeting to be accepted.

Moved: Sam Hicks Seconded: George Nadj CARRIED

4. Business Arising from the Minutes and Action Items

Damien, on behalf of MMT Executive raised issues with the distribution of the OVG, including questioning the effectiveness of its distribution. Some members had expressed that they may not advertise in it in the future. Sam said YADTA agreed.

Geoff explained that LTA’s have a marketing strategy that does not always fit with MRTA’s overall marketing plan and this should not be the case, there should be a willingness to work together. MRTA should have a collective collateral distribution plan for all of Murrindindi and the production should be streamlined. David explained that a better distribution plan is currently being worked on in MRTA Marketing Plan.

Geoff went on to explain that the function of the OVG is for use by visitors whilst they are in the area. What is currently being discussed and wanted is a more sophisticated, motivational tool that can be produced in larger volumes and circulated widely, aimed at attracting people to the region. He stressed that as a whole, LTA’s require a better understanding of what each piece of collateral does.

Cindy clarified that the current OVG was a stopgap publication when the old black and white Murrindindi Magic ceased production. A decision was made at the time to make the OVG a combined motivational brochure and visitor guide, with the view to separating the two in the future.

Geof described that the original idea for the current OVG was for it to compliment the touring maps, lead into tourism development and other elements, which have not got off the ground.

David made it clear that all of these issues relating to the OVG are currently being worked on in the Marketing Plan, which will require a lot of additional input from LISTA’s before it is finalised. A draft should be ready early in the New Year.

5. Correspondence


Alexandra Race Club – Request for letter of support

Goulburn Valley Fly Fishing – Request for letter of support


Thank you letters for Tourism Award Judges and the Alexandra Traders & Tourism Association

Letter of support to Alexandra Race Club

George raised the question whether Alexandra Race Club are members of ATTA? David then asked whether MRTA should only provide letters of support to businesses that are members of their local LTA? Cindy advised that Tourism Alliance had an aphorism ‘to grow tourism, no free loaders.’ After discussion David suggested that the MRTA not be so narrow minded and instead would be happy to support tourism projects irrespective of tourism association membership, however, will encourage non-members to become part of their local LTA. Bronwyn explained that the trout stocking support letter request from Goulburn Valley Fly Fishing was drafted as it fits with the product strengths of the area. David was asked to proof the letter following the meeting and sign if appropriate.

Motion: That the correspondence be accepted.

Moved: Geoff Proctor Seconded: Sam Hicks CARRIED

Action: Geof Sargent to ascertain whether the Alexandra Race Club is a member of ATTA and report back at the next meeting.

6. Reports


David expressed disappointment on behalf of the Executive with regard to being unsuccessful at raising a quorum at the previous two meetings. It is understood that the moving and rescheduling of meeting dates can be disruptive and an apology for this was extended. Unfortunately due to other commitments including the Tourism Awards, rescheduling could not be avoided.

Bronwyn has prepared a schedule of meeting dates for the next six months (attached separately). Please provide any feedback to Bronwyn prior to the next meeting being held on Tuesday the 22nd of February, so that the schedule can be confirmed at that meeting and diarised by delegates immediately. It is then hoped that attendance at the meetings will be achievable for all members.

Action: MRTA Delegates to provide any feedback regarding the schedule of meeting dates for the next six months (attached separately) to Bronwyn prior to the next meeting being held on Tuesday the 22nd of February, so that the schedule can be confirmed at that meeting and diarised by delegates immediately.

Whilst the General Committee has not met as a group, the Executive, Marketing and Awards Committees have met regularly. The Executive Committee have met 3-4 times over the last two months, as have the Marketing Committee who will provide their own report and strategic outlook to be discussed later in the meeting. Destination Yarra Valley will also be discussed further into this meeting.

“As an Association we are continuing to grow and are dealing with what gets thrown up, including new zones and the restructure of the Yarra Valley. Tourism never stands still and we need to be prepared to look down the track and work out what our charter is all about. This year we have learnt and been a part of the change process. Now we need to get ourselves aligned with the best way to move forward in the future.”

“Thanks to everyone involved with MRTA for your commitment, especially Cindy, Bronwyn and Tammy who have been a terrific support from the Murrindindi Shire Council.”


David provided background information for the benefit of new members that at the MRTA Annual General Meeting held in August 2004, no one nominated as Treasurer. George agreed to undertake the role if no one was found. Currently TSO is progressing with hand over from Anne Ugazio (Yea representative from last year) who has moved on from her role at YADTA and subsequently MRTA.

In the transition stage MRTA has still been monitoring it’s finances and has paid all outstanding invoices.

Furthermore, George is leaving Lake Mountain, thus can no longer be Treasurer. Brett, George’s replacement as Lake Mountain representative on MRTA, is happy to take on the role. The Treasurer’s role is to ensure payments are made, BAS Statements are completed and to provide a report at MRTA meetings.

Motion: That Brett Herridge become Treasurer. Brett accepted nomination.

Moved: Damien Jacobs Seconded: Geoff Proctor CARRIED

MRTA will be engaging the services of a Bookkeeper. Three quotes have been received and the Executive Committee recommended that we enlist the services of Sas McKenzie due to her competitive hourly rate and her availability to undertake tasks when required as she works from home. There is concern some of the larger operations may not have time to assist us immediately when required.

Motion: To accept the Executive Committees recommendation to employ Sas McKenzie as a Bookkeeper.

Moved: Brett Herridge Seconded: John Steer CARRIED

Motion: To pay tonight’s catering account as soon as it is received due to next meeting not being until February 2005.

Moved: Geoff Proctor Seconded: Brett Herridge CARRIED

Action: Bronwyn to enlist the services of Sas McKenzie as MRTA Bookkeeper and provide handover of financials.

Tourism Unit

TDO, Cindy, extended a thank you to MRTA members for their support over the year and throughout lots of changes within the industry.

Cindy then highlighted various tourism successes for 2004 including:

- Assisting to attract $150,000 for the development of a rail trail from Tallarook to Mansfield

- Assisting in The Cumberland, Marysville with their successful grant application for $100,000 for the development of a Day Spa

- The development of a positive working relationship with Yarra Valley Dandenong and Legends Wine & High Country, including involvement in advertising Marysville Village campaign and Adventure Brochure

- $25,000 Tourism Victoria drought assistance for marketing Lake Eildon in partnership with Mansfield Shire

- 15 local businesses completing the Regional Development Victoria state funded ($27,000) Drought Assistance Program, with 4 of these business entering both the Regional & State Tourism Awards, of which one won a Certificate of Excellence at the State Tourism Awards and is therefore in the running at the National Tourism Awards

- Building a relationship and influence with Tourism Victoria resulting in a Murrindindi presence in the Tourism Development Plan

- Tourism Victoria’s recognition of the UGFWCG and UGWGA in the State’s Food & Wine Plan

- Tourism Minister, The Hon. John Pandazopoulos visiting the area 3 times this year, creating high profile exposure within Tourism Victoria and Victorian Parliament i.e. the launch of the Tourism Victoria Regional Partnerships Program cooperative funding for Yarra Valley and High Country at Yea at the time of the Murrindindi Community Cabinet

- High profile visits from Chief & Senior Executive Officers of Tourism Victoria and Tourism Alliance to address issues for the area

- Council & Senior Council Officer support of raising the profile of MRTA

The TDO thanked all members and especially the MRTA Executive members for their support throughout the year and particularly of late. Cindy is looking forward to 2005 being a great year for moving ahead and looks forward to working with MRTA members further.

TSO, Bronwyn, thanked MRTA members, particularly Sam Hicks, for the support she has received since commencing her role. She has been in the role for four months now and is finding her feet. TSO reported that last week she commenced VIC Network Meetings again with VIC Coordinators. Meetings will be held regularly to discuss each of the Centres and their services.

Vice President Geoff stated he thought it would be remiss if MRTA did not take a step back and recognise the positive changes made to the Tourism Department team since Cindy, Bronwyn and Tammy came on board. Cindy is so different from predecessors Maurie and Jo and nobody quite understands the amount of work behind some of this years successes.

For example, from personal previous experience Geoff understands that with LWHC it takes a lot of work behind the scenes to achieve anything – it took 12 months to produce the adventure brochure, as nothing moves quickly, but good Murrindindi representation as a result. Geoff feels the best thing for MRTA members to do is to undertake a familiarisation with the Council Tourism Department and have a look at the workload that sits in the tourism area.

Therefore next time members hear criticism they can provide informed support for the department. An example of the workload witnessed by Geoff recently is Cindy having to delete emails off her system because she cannot receive anymore. This is information she can’t simply discard, it relates to such things as funding opportunities that LTA’s are looking for.

David acknowledged the longer term benefits of work undertaken by the Tourism Department and the strong foundations it has built, including very strong relationships with Tourism Victoria.


LAKE MOUNTAIN: Firstly George congratulated Brett on taking over his role at Lake Mountain and his position with the MRTA. George stated the value of MRTA could increase by working more cooperatively. Maurie is no longer here and until we have trust and a working relationship (other associations are far smarter and have more resources) we will not be able to drive on to where we want to be in future. Business wise, it is a smart move for Lake Mountain to be involved in MRTA, however, there is concern regarding the lack of presence in LWHC, although it is greater than before. MRTA can improve if members work more cohesively. George thanked the association and stepped down from his role.

Brett thanked George for his leadership and support and stated he is looking forward to his role. Brett is a local having grown up in Eildon. He is looking forward to working with everyone in the Shire and to promoting the area. A reminder, Heights Restaurant is open Thursday to Monday and is the highest restaurant in the area.

UGFWCG: Marcus stated that the UGFWCG is thankful of the support provided from MRTA and mentioned that the wine group is coming together under the banner of UGFWCG to work on more things and put more events on cooperatively. Marcus also mentioned that the group hopes to expand substantially next year.

MMT: Damien is a proud member of the Executive of MMT for a short period of the past six months and feels he has been pulled from pillar to post somewhat, given there is a lot of history with what has happened within MMT between MMT and MRTA. Damien sees his role on the MRTA as a messenger and communicator on behalf of MMT.

Damien understood that there had been incoming correspondence that was not listed on the agenda. He had meet with some MMT members to ascertain what action they wanted from the correspondence. Out of that meeting came visibility, communication and lots of issues. MMT, throughout history, have done things their own way and have a lot of strength including 90 members. With strength comes independence, but that is also a weakness. There is a need, from MMT’s perspective, to air issues that they see as standing out. It is up to other LTA’s if they have issues.

Damien would like to see MRTA hold a forum to express issues and put actions into place. In the short term he will ensure that the letter has been drafted and sent and would like a business like forum to be arranged in order to work through issues. An open, two way discussion will help filter through information from MRTA to LTA’s and address underlying issues. It is too hard to go into further discussion now.

David reported that the letter in question from MMT was written to the Shire Council and not MRTA, thus that is why it is not on the agenda under incoming correspondence. David, as President of the MRTA, was sent a copy of the letter. David further explained to MRTA members that the letter addressed concerns with how the industry is operating within the region. This is all about communication and a number of issues will be looked at within the strategic plan, as it is MRTA’s role to work across the region. It is good that these concerns have been raised and David is keen to sit down and deal with the issues, particularly with Damien.