Classified Position Request Form
Instructions: Complete one form for each classified position requested
II New Position (not in last year’s budget)
£ Replacement Position (in last year’s budget)
£ Conversion Position (from grant to general funds not in last year’s budget)
£ Formerly Eliminated Position (not in last year’s budget)
Title of Position Requested: Department Assistant III (Welcome Center)
Program/Department/Area: Outreach and School Relations
Number of Hours per Week: 40
Number of Months per Year: 12
Brief Abstract: (How does position impact present area status, affect workload reduction, impact students or provide support/services?)
The Bakersfield College Welcome Center was established in 2015 with a goal of offering a wide array of students services designed to accommodate first-time students in a “one-stop center” environment. The Department Assistant III position will be responsible for answering the main college switchboard, confirm campus tours, send various confirmation emails and email communications to students, taking student identification card (Renegade Card) pictures, issuing student identification cards to new and continuing students, maintain the security of the student identification cards, perform general clerical work, provide a variety of complex and confidential administrative and clerical services for the Director of Outreach & School Relations, faculty, staff, students, and the general public, and also provide supervision of student employees.
Rationale and Applicability to College Strategic Goals: (Substantiate recommendations with data and the guidelines listed in the Budget Decision Criteria document and College Strategic Goals. Does this need fulfill a compliance/mandated position, i.e. State, Federal, regulatory boards, contracts? Does this need address grant partnership commitments and/or critical community needs?)
First-time students are less likely to be successful as a college student if the transition is cumbersome and difficult. This position will support the transition of new and continuing students (as well as parent inquiries) to other academic and student support services, with the goal of ultimately improving student success and retention.
Impact on College/District if position is not filled: (Include how having the position or not having the position impacts FTES, services to students.)
Bakersfield College enrolled 5,017 (25% of the student population) first-time students for the Fall/Summer 2015 academic year. It is imperative that first-time students have a central location with a permanent staff member that will welcome them to the BC campus. Many of the college’s new students begin their education experience in the Welcome Center as they complete their matriculation steps and work toward full enrollment. This position will assist the college decrease the number of lost new students navigating through at least five other student services locations.
Total Cost:
Salary $ 37,284.00
Benefits $ 24,046.00
Computer/office space etc. $______
Total Amount: $ 61,330.00
Revised by: Program Review Committee (June2, 2013)Page 1)