Primary Instructor – President of The Citadel or his designate

Secondary Instructor – Cadet Cadre and Honor Committee Representatives

Audience – Incoming class of freshman and the Cadet Cadre.


Auditorium space and audio/visual equipment to support President’s comments

Instructor packet


This lesson serves as the formal introduction for the incoming class on the concept and expectation of honorable living at The Citadel. The President routinely covers these subjects in this annually scheduled talk. Though the actual comments and theme of the lecture is up to the President, the Honor Committee has asked that the President comment on how living by The Citadel Core Values and tenets of the Honor Code will relate to the Fourth Class Cadet’s life as a cadet. This instruction sets the context for Honor training during the Cadre period. Additionally,it is intended to support Fourth Class Cadet understanding and initial reflection on the unique ethical aspects of the cadet environment and the expectations of a Citadel graduate. Key to success in this lesson is the cadre/Honor Committee’s ability to help the Fourth Class understand the President’s comments after the lecture and his role as the leader of The Citadel.


Recommended Lesson Outline:

Part I.Introduction to the Lecture . 5 min.

Part II.President’s CommentsTBD

Part III.Reflection and Assessment.As time permits

following the lecture

Purpose: To introduce the incoming freshman class to the Core Values and the Honor Code that guide cadet life. Also provides the opportunity to introduce Fourth Class cadets to the cadre and the Honor Committee’s role in helping them understand and embrace these concepts.

Learning Objectives: To ensure the Fourth Class understand the importance of the institutional values and the Honor Code in their introduction to The Citadel

Part 1Introduction to the Lecture As time permits the cadre shouldbrief the Fourth Class on the purpose of this lecture and instruct them to pay attention to the President’s comments.

Part 2President’s Lecture - In accordance with the Cadre Week Schedule the President of The Citadel or his designate will provide this initial lecture to the Fourth Class cadets as soon as feasible. Theme and length of the lecture is at the discretion of the President. If feasible it is important and instructive for the cadre to be present to listen to the President’s comments so they can assist the Fourth Class in understanding the meaning of the lecture.

Part 3Reflection and Assessment - Following the lecture, as time and circumstance permit, cadre should discuss with the Fourth Class cadets what they got out of this experience. The technique to conduct this discussion should reflect the importance and sanctity of the Honor Code and the institutional values. It should not be used as an additional “knowledge” requirement or chance to quiz the Fourth Class. For example, during some appropriate opportunity (e.g. while a squad of Fourth class sitting on the Quad working on learning how to shine their shoes) the cadre sergeant can include a discussion on the lecture and its meaning. By asking some probing questions and including as many members of the squad as possible in the discussion the cadre sergeant can increase the collective understanding of the Fourth Class cadets. As a minimum, the cadre should remind the Fourth Class of this lecture and its meaning prior to conducting the next honor instruction (Honor 4-2 Cadet Honor Chairman Brief – Introduction to the Honor System).