Author J. One1,2, Author M. Two3, Author R. Three4,…, and Steven C. George1,2 *

Department of Biomedical Engineering 1, Department of Energy, Environment, and Chemical Engineering2, Department of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA3, Department of BBBBBBBBBBB4, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63130.

Running Title: Great study

*Corresponding Author:

Steven C. George, M.D., Ph.D.

Elvera and William Stuckenberg Professor and Chair

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Washington University in St. Louis

1 Brookings Drive

Campus Box 1097

St. Louis, MO 63130, USA

Telephone: (314) 935-4588




One paragraph summarizing the entire study in ~ 250 words. It is convenient to consider sections Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion/conclusion (and sometimes these subheadings are required), each taking 2 -4 sentences.


Keywords: 1, 2, 3, 4

INTRODUCTION (1.5 pages, 3-4 paragraphs)

This summarizes why there is a problem, the current state of the field, how you are addressing the problem (including a hypothesis if appropriate), and sometimes summarizes your major finding(s).

METHODS (2-5 pages, depending on Journal)

Method/subtopic 1. This is a description of the first method….

Method/subtopic 2. This is a description of the second method….

RESULTS (2-5 pages)

This section describes the results (but does not interpret them) by describing the figures in numerical order.

DISCUSSION (3-5 pages depending on volume and complexity of Results)

This section interprets the results, including any limitations, and places them in the larger context of how they may impact the field.

Paragraph 1: summarize the major findings and major conclusion(s)

Paragraphs 2-6: Each paragraph should represent a major topic from the Results. Before writing these paragraphs, create a brief outline of these important topics and consider a single paragraph for each.

Sentence 1: Introduce important topic

Sentence 2: Summarize the key result from the paper (should only be one sentence).

Sentences 3-6: Consider the following. What does your result mean for the field? How does the result compare to similar results from other groups? Are there any limitations for the interpretation?


Summarize the study and the major findings (sometimes part of the Discussion section).


This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (UH3 TR00048, R01 CA170879, and UC4 DK104202). We would also like to thank ….


Table 1.Title of Table


(Your figures should flow like pictures in a book that tell the natural progression of your “research story” without having to refer to the text)

Fig. 1:Describe in enough detail that reader does have to go to the text to understand the message.

Fig. 2: Describe in enough detail that reader does have to go to the text to understand the message.

Fig. 3: Describe in enough detail that reader does have to go to the text to understand the message.

Fig. 4: Describe in enough detail that reader does have to go to the text to understand the message.

Figure 1