HL7 CIC WG Business Meeting
2:00-3:00 pm EST
· Attendance
· Sarah, Mitra, Anita, AMS
· Review of Agenda
· Summary of the CIIC Meeting
· AMS and Anita attended the CIIC meeting. Over 100 individuals attended the meeting from professional societies and Fed. Gov. Agencies.
Come up with Common Data Models for the use in EHRs.
People came ready to use standards and what is the path forward.
Tackled 5 projects
1. What are the important questions and what is the gov. priorities
The medical professional societies are ready but do not want to lead. Maybe HL7 can lead, but HL7 would like the clinical data to come from the clinicians.
The next meeting will focus on how.
CIMI model was presented at this model. It takes a lot more information to learn more about the CIMI model. We need to do more ground work.
People like ACC understands the CIMI model. there are a number of efforts going and what does it take to bring others to the table.
We consolidated all of the information from the CIIC and posted them on the wiki.
The next meeting will be in December 2017.
Next Steps: Document the How to do this and provide work products. How can the work products will be used downstream.
There are a few steps to clarify for CDEs.
Sarah asked the question, what other resources are available? (ex: VSAC, …)
Anita responded that they are resources and even within HL7 there are many projects going on, that not everyone is aware of.
Stan Huff has a path forward.
It is not clear what the Prework is.
The attendees were interested in CDEs, value sets and definitions.
There were individuals from the registries and some clinicians who were thinking of EHRs and vendors interested in extracting data from EHRs.
You need the same definition.
Stan used the Blood Pressure model as an example and make sure what a Data Element is, what is a clinical model and how it is used. Similar to William Goosen’s Detailed Clinical Models (DCMs).
ONC is engaged with this project and eager to assist. There was a meeting yesterday or today about this.
Projects Updates:
o HL7 Common Registry Framework (CCRF)
Anita and AMS lead this project. The DAM has been balloted. We may talk to people who would like to use. Anita and AMS reached out to the registry team (those building registries) to get them to use the model.
Identify standards that are needed for this model.
Rebecca (ACC) will connect Anita with vendors to look at the CCRF DAM.
We are not publishing the model now.
AMS provided an update on the ballot reconciliation process. The ballot comments were addressed and voted on. We need to find out what this model is useful for and if it is not useful, what does it take to make it useful.
Sarah heard a comment about that it is good for now but not good for where we want to go in the future.
The model covers both (today and to be), where the data might come from EHRs.
AMS thought that this model might be helpful for the CIIC. It defines what a data element is and also addressed on how a data element needs to be exchanged. It is similar to a dictionary with the terms.
The imaging group and the ontology groups are interested in this group and they are also interested in improving the interoperability with registries.
Anita will have pre-meetings with the Ontology groups
Dr. Brockhausen from UAMS and another ontologist who focuses on the rare diseases ontologies.
AMS provided an update on the THEMES project. This project was balloted and AMS addressed the comments and updated the model. The team decided not to move forward with the publication yet. The project is moving to phase II. The classes in the DAM need to have more definitions.
Anita has taken the task to develop a data collection form based on the model.
By the end of the years, the team will use it.
The NIH has a pediatrics project and are interested in using the THEMES model in this project.
This is an example of a professional group, who wants to use the end product.
The team has been working on this project for 2 years.
o Trauma
Trauma ballot comments are still being reconciled. The team is looking for a recirculation ballot prior to September. The team has been working with Amy.
A couple of representatives from German universities are interested in trauma and the LOINC codes.
NEMSIS is not active, but have not withdrawn anything.
o Max tool
No work on Max tools. No calls have been planned.
· September 2017 Ballots
o HL7 EHR-S FM Release 2: Usability Conformance Criteria, Release 1
Mitra will let ONC know of the usability profile.
· Mission statement
o Send the Domain steering committee our current mission statement for CIC.
· September 2017 WGM
o Finalize the agenda for September 2017
o Make sure we have room for each quarter.
o Mitra will reach out to Russ to have additional help for the WGM and the CIC meetings.
· Other Business
Jay and Russ could not join.