Title: Monster School Bus
Purpose: Composing 10 using whole numbers and decimals (.5 only)
Grade Level/TEKS Reference: Grades K, 1, and 5*. Students in Grades K and 1 would need an adult or older student to read the conversation captions in the game. Students in grade 5 could play the game independently.
*NOTE: The story line is more appropriate for an older middle school student or high school student needing remediation but it does not address a specific middle or high school standard.
TEKS K.2.I “The student is expected to compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures.”
TEKS 1.3.C “The student is expected to compose 10 with two or more addends with and without concrete objects.”
TEKS 5.3.K “The student is expected to add and subtract positive rational numbers fluently.”
Length of time necessary for game or activity: The student can play as many rounds as time allows and the game will save their results. Each time they login they can click either “New Game” or “Continue” with the same game. Each round takes about 5-10 minutes and there are a total of 12 rounds (4 levels with 3 rounds each level).
Number of Participants: Each student plays individually.
Source for Game or Activity: Math Snacks
Directions for Preparing the Materials for the Game or Activity: Students will need access to a computer with headphones (optional) and the url should be entered for students in grade K or 1.
Enter url:
Click on the box that states “I am not a part of the study, but I’d like to play anyway.”
Click on “New Game”
Select your Avatar by “mousing over” either choice and clicking on your selection (male or female).
Press the space bar or click the mouse to allow the caption windows to continue the conversation.
The Monster School Bus game involves the student selecting either “Lenny” or “Jenny” as their avatar. They will be accepting a job as a bus driver in the Monster School District. The object is to maneuver the bus to pick up groups of students that total 10 which is considered a “Full Load”. As soon as 10 students have been picked up, they will need to be dropped off at the school before picking up more students. The goal is to pick up groups of students in multiple combinations to total 10 however, some rounds the bus driver may need to drop off less than 10. This will occur when the bus driver has not correctly matched the combinations of numbers of students in a previous trip and discovers that they remaining student groups will total greater than 10. The bus will not hold more than 10 students at a time.
A practice screen will appear with a bus and students to pick up on the bus. Use the arrow keys to maneuver the bus around town to pick up students. (Use the space bar or click the mouse to continue the conversation.) As soon as you have picked up 10 students you will hear “Full Load” and you should head the bus toward the school. Beakers will appear on the roadway. Run over them to gain additional points.
Drive to the school and drop off students using the arrow keys. Use the space bar and/or click of mouse to select next round. Each successive round alters how the students are grouped to either form groups of “10” or “10.0” (one particular round counts the smaller children as “.5” so the player will have to add decimals to total “10” for a “Full Load” on the bus. After completing 3 rounds at each of 4 levels, the player (avatar) receives a reward based on his/her total score for the game (all 12 rounds total).
Adapted by: Carl Juenke (2014)