Exercise 1:L’expression du but

1)Always carry a map so as to be able to check alternative routes and exit points.

2)First explore the neighbourhood by car in order to be able to check for places for good pictures.

3)Think carefully where you leave your car so as to be able to get out in a hurry.

4)Wear strong boots or shoes so that you can move about freely.

5)Carry the minimum amount of equipment so that you can move quickly if need be.

6)Have enough electronic memory so as you are able to take all the photos you want.

Exercise 2: Poser des questions

1)What did the Panorama programme shown on BBC TV expose?

2)Who had already been told about the abuse inflicted on the patients?

3)Why did nobody react? Why didn’t anybody react?

4)Who contacted Panorama? Why did that person contact Panorama? What did he/she contact Panorama for?

5)What subterfuge was used to investigate in the hospital?

6)Why was it necessary to use secret cameras?

7)What/ Which parts of the article show that the documentary was very disturbing?

8)What also contributed to convince the government that they should take immediate action?


1G 2S 3H 4E 5N 6M 7J 8R 9C 10B 11K 12O 13T 14D 15P 16L 17F 18 Q 19I 20A

Exercise 4: Le vocabulaire de la presse

1)The main story today is about the presidential election.

2)The editorial is about the role of the president.

3)The readers’ letters deal with the following topics: military intervention in Libya.

4)The most interesting feature is about the life of civilians during a war.

5)The best sports article is bout the best football player in the world.

6)The most striking photograph shows reporters running for cover.

7)There are ads for TV monitors, cameras.

PRONUNCIATION: Les sons vocaliques

Les homophones: weakly/ weekly

Les diphtongues: tabloid, page

Le jeu répétition-différence: glossy/ glassy

La valeur du O (cover, glossy)

TRADUCTION: Traduire de façon authentique

Des caméras cachées au service du journalisme d’investigation

Les caméras cachées utilisées au Winterbourne View ont fourni des preuves si violentes que le programme a failli être impossible à regarder hier soir par des gens confortablement installés sur le canapé de leur salon. Mais il a été assez convaincant en utilisant des commentateurs autoritaires, pour inciter un gouvernement sous le choc à prendre des mesures palliatives quelques heures plus tard. Personne ne pourrait accuser le reportage de faire du sensationnalisme ou bien d’être de qualité douteuse. Le reporter infiltré, le journaliste télé Joe Casey, a obtenu ces images en se faisant embaucher pour 5 semaines comme aide-soignant.