Sandi Fredlin
Erica Reed
Input Device
Name of Device: AlphaSmart (NEO-2)
How to obtain an AlphaSmart device: The AlphaSmart can be bought online through two different websites. On the device’s website, the device can be purchased for $169.00. The AlphaSmart can be purchased for slightly cheaper on for only $149.00.
Types of physical limitations assisted by using this device: AlphaSmarts are very helpful for individuals with learning disabilities, visual impairments, and those who lack fine motor skills. Here are a few adaptive functions offered on the standard NEO-2:
- Sticky Keys – allows students to type combination keystrokes without pressing the keys simultaneously.
- Slow Keys – helps students with unsteady or difficulty in key targeting.
- Auto-Repeat – can be disabled to support students with reflex control challenges.
- High-Contrast LCD Screen – and multiple fonts sizes helps students with vision challenges.
- Linked Files – makes it easy to provide customized assignments, instruction, and support materials.
The AlphaSmart NEO-2 also provides optional add-ons for purchase:
- Co-Writer – grammar-smart word predictor to help students find the word they want.
- Text2Speech – it allows students to listen to the text as they write. It can read back by letter, word, sentence, or paragraph.
How the device works: An AlphaSmart is essentially a keyboarding device, much like a laptop, but is strictly used for word processing. It is compatible with Macintosh and Windows computers and documents can be transferred wirelessly to a computer’s word processing program to complete further editing and printing. Another wireless feature with the NEO-2 is the Voting and Assessment System. This allows an instructor to give instant feedback to a student using a Classroom Response System. This AlphaSmart can also be used for quizzes, it can transfer text between computers, it can be used with an interactive whiteboard, and you can download GoogleDocs from the internet.
Skills needed to learn and use the device:
Based on the hierarchy of experience.
- Conceptualization: An individual has to understand that the AlphaSmart is used to convey thoughts and ideas. He/She has to realize that the AlphaSmart cannot be used without the input from the user.
- Symbolization: The individual has to know that the letters and characters on the keys stand for something. He/She has to know that when letters are combined, they make words.
- Imagery/Memory: The user will have to remember letter/sound correlations. They will also have to learn key placement, button functions, and how to access different programs on the device.
- Perception: The user of an AlphaSmart needs to be able to perceive the different letters or symbols being inputted into the device. They need to make the distinction between letter, symbol, and direction keys.
- Sensation: An individual using an AlphaSmart needs to have enough vision to be able to see the keys. They have to have just enough dexterity to be able to push the keys down enough so that its symbols can be represented on the little display. If an individual is using the Text2Speech feature, then he/she needs to be able to hear what the device outputs to ensure the input was correct.