The name of this corporation shall be Palomar District Federation California Federation of Women’s Club; organized June 1, 1958, incorporated January 5, 1966; hereinafter in these bylaws referred to as District; a subsidiary of the GFWC California Federation of Women’s Club (CFWC) and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, International (GFWC).


The object of this federation shall be to unite, promote, offer training and recognize the clubs of the District for their membership’s achievements in the GFWC and GFWC/CFWC programs and other charitable, educational and service programs.

ARTICLE III — Membership

Section 1. To become a member of the Palomar District Federation California Federation of Women’s Club, a club must:

(a) Hold membership in the State and General Federations.

(b) Have a membership of at least ten (10) members.

(c) Show by its bylaws that the organization requires no sectarian or political test for membership; that it is not a secret society; and that it does not conflict with the bylaws of the General Federation, the California Federation, or the Palomar District.

Section 2. Types of Members. Membership in the District shall be Active, Juniorette, and Affiliate as follows:

(a) Active membership shall be clubs whose members pay per capita dues to GFWC, CFWC, and the District.

(b) Juniorettes are clubs whose memberships is composed entirely of middle school/junior high and high school age students whose members have paid GFWC, CFWC and District dues. These Clubs are sponsored by Women’s Clubs or the District and have an advisor from a CFWC general club.

(c) Affiliate Groups are clubs that have affiliate group status with CFWC. Only groups whose object is Past Presidents, Parliamentary Law, Alumnae, or Emeritus may request affiliate status. Members shall also have membership in a dues-paying Federated club. Affiliate groups shall pay an annual fee to CFWC and to the district. Each affiliate group shall have one representative vote at the CFWC Convention and the District Convention. They are not included in the membership count to CFWC and GFWC.

Section 3. Application for membership shall be made to the Palomar District Chairman of Federation Extension:

(a) Application for membership must be accompanied by membership dues, the name and address of the President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer, and a copy of the bylaws which have been approved by the District Parliamentarian. The District Chairman of Federation, after investigation, shall present the application to the Executive Board for approval and to the Board of Directors for ratification; the majority vote of those present shall elect the club to membership. Upon approval, the District Chairman shall send the application to the State Second Vice-President, accompanied by State and General dues and the bylaws, who shall present it to the State Executive Board.

Section 4. A club desiring to resign in good standing from the Federation shall do so before January 15 or be responsible for the current year’s dues.

(a) Such request must be made by a two-thirds (2/3) vote by ballot at a regular business meeting of the club provided written notice of the proposed resignation has been sent to each member of the club at least ten (10) days before vote is taken.

(b) After such action, the club desiring to resign shall notify the District President and shall return the charter issued by the State Federation. The said resignation shall then be presented to the Palomar District Executive Board for their consideration and the Board of Directors for ratification.

(c) The District President shall immediately notify the District Second Vice-President and the Area D Vice-President, sending a duplicate to the State Office.

Section 5.

(a) A club having resigned in good standing from the Federation may be reinstated under the role of membership except that an entrance fee shall be required. For clubs with a membership of two hundred (200) or over, the fee shall be Six Dollars ($6.00); for clubs with a member-ship of one hundred (100) and up to two hundred (200), the fee shall be Three Dollars ($3.00); and for clubs with a membership of less than one hundred (100), the fee shall be One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50).

(b) A club having been dropped for non-payment of dues and desiring to rejoin Federation shall pay a re-entry fee of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) to the State Federation and dues for the current year, and may be reinstated under the rule of membership.

Section 6.

(a) Each club may adopt its own policy, which shall not conflict with the policies of General Federation, State Federation or Palomar District.

(b) Clubs are urged, but not obligated, to support projects recommended by General Federation, State Federation, and Palomar District.

ARTICLE IV — Officers and Their Duties

Section 1. The Officers of Palomar District Federation shall be: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Fourth Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and Parliamentarian.

Section 2. Newly elected officers: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Fourth Vice-President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer; and appointed officers: Corresponding Secretary, Auditor and Parliamentarian, shall enter upon their duties on June 1 following election.

Section 3. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the Parliamentary Authority adopted by the General Federation.

(a) It shall be the duty of the PRESIDENT to preside at all meetings of the Palomar District Federation. She shall appoint a Corresponding Secretary, an Auditor, a Parliamentarian, all Chair-men of Departments and Programs, Chairmen of Special Appointments and Chairmen of Standing Committees. She shall complete the necessary data as required for the State Yearbook. She shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. She shall have general supervision over the work of the District. She shall represent the District at the State Board meetings and at the State Convention. An allowance for necessary expenses for the president shall be determined by the Budget Committee. She shall be the custodian of the Club Presidents’ folders.

(b) The FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of that office. In case of death, resignation, or permanent disability of the President, the First Vice-President shall succeed to that office for the remainder of the unexpired term. She shall be Dean of Chairmen. Along with the District President, she shall represent the District at State Board meetings. She shall be responsible for all Report Writing in the District. She shall conduct informational workshops, keep a list of all Club Deans, sending one to the State Dean of Chairmen, prepare an article for the four Telescope(s) published during the year, and appear on the agenda calling on those District Chairmen wishing to report. She shall prepare and coordinate the awards and award certificates to be presented at the annual convention. She shall present the outgoing President with her gift.

(c) The SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, in the absence of the President and the First Vice-President, shall perform the duties of the President. She shall serve as Federation/Membership Chairman.

(d) The THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT shall assist the President. She shall serve as Chairman of Programs and Itineraries.

(e) The FOURTH VICE-PRESIDENT shall be the Ways and Means Chairman. She shall coordinate all District fundraising activities.

(f) The RECORDING SECRETARY shall keep a true and correct record of the minutes of all meetings of Palomar District, including those of the Executive Board and the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. She shall submit a copy of the minutes to the President within fourteen (14) days. She shall perform such other duties as may be required.

(g) The CORRESPONDING SECRETARY shall keep a true and correct list of all member clubs, all District Officers, Chairmen of Standing Committees, Departments and Programs, Special Appointments, and Past District Presidents, and all General and State Officers and Chairmen residing in the District, all of whom shall constitute the official list of the District Federation. She shall send notices of all official meetings of the Palomar District Executive Board to its members. She shall compile and complete the Palomar District Yearbook.

(h) The TREASURER shall receive all money due Palomar District from all sources; shall keep a record of same in a ledger book belonging to the District; and shall deposit the money in a financial institution approved by the Executive Board.

(1) She shall obtain the necessary signature cards to be signed by the President, First Vice President, Recording Secretary, and the Treasurer, with only two signatures required to sign checks.

(2) Expenses listed in the budget may be paid and shall be ratified at the next Executive Board or Board of Directors’ meeting. Expenditures exceeding Fifty Dollars shall be presented to the Board of Directors for approval. The Treasurer shall pay only from District vouchers with all bills/receipts attached.

(3) The Treasurer shall ascertain that all approved budget expenditures are used for that specific purpose only. Unexpended budgeted items shall revert to the general fund by vote of the Executive Board.

(4) The Treasurer shall keep all accounts between Palomar District and its members and shall notify the President of the clubs whose dues are delinquent.

(5) She shall give a financial report at each Executive Board meeting, the Board of Directors meeting, and at the first Board of Directors meeting of the new fiscal year. Copies of these reports shall be given to the President, Recording Secretary, and the Auditor.

(6) The Treasurer shall deliver the books to the Auditor in sufficient time to be audited and delivered to the new Treasurer no later than four (4) weeks after the beginning of the new fiscal year.

(i) The AUDITOR shall examine the books of the Treasurer and make a report at the Spring convention each year. She shall make a supplementary audit in the second year covering the period between the annual audit and the first day of June.

(j) The PARLIAMENTARIAN shall act in an advisory capacity at all meetings of the Palomar District and also to member clubs of the Palomar District Federation as requested. She shall serve as CHAIRMAN OF THE BYLAWS COMMITTEE.

ARTICLE V — Board of Directors

Section 1. Members shall be: District elected and appointed officers, Chairmen of Standing Committees, Departments and Programs, Chairmen of Special Appointments, Presidents or their alternates of member clubs and their duly designated delegates or their alternates, special club representatives to the District Executive Board, Past District Presidents currently holding membership in an active membership Palomar District club and all General and State Officers residing in the district. This Board shall have general supervision over corporate affairs and shall have the power to transact all business referred to it.

Section 2. District Chairmen shall have reports judged by outside individuals not members of Palomar District.

Section 3. Any contract, except the budgeted items, to be binding upon the Palomar District, must be approved by the Executive Board and be signed by the President and the Recording Secretary of the District. The Convention contract shall signed by the President and the Convention Chairman.

ARTICLE VI — Executive Board

Section 1. The Executive Board shall be composed of the elected officers: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Fourth Vice-President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer; and appointed officers: Corresponding Secretary, Auditor and Parliamentarian. The appointed chairmen: President’s Aide, Advisor and Public Relations Chairman shall also be members of the Executive Board. The President of any club, or her appointee, shall also be members of the Executive Board.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall have the power to transact routine business between the Palomar Board of Directors District meetings and to act in emergencies not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws and the Standing Rules, and may approve expenditures of not more than One Hundred ($100) dollars.

Section 3. Executive Board recommendations shall be given at the next Palomar District Board of Directors meeting.

Section 4. Duties of the Executive Board:

(a) To fill all vacancies in the District elective offices, except the office of President, for the unexpired term.

(b) Each member of the Executive Board shall keep a record of the activities during her term of office and shall give this record to her successor immediately upon the completion of her term of office.

(c) To approve the annual budget for presentation to the Board of Directors for ratification and to authorize payment for all necessary expenses incurred between June 1 and ratification of the budget at the first meeting of the Palomar District Board of Directors meeting.

(d) To have the power to declare a vacancy, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, if an appointed member or elected officer fails to perform her duties.

(e) They shall decide the time and place for holding the convention.

ARTICLE VII — Executive Committee

Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers and shall meet at the call of the President or at the request of three (3) members.

Section 2. Duties of the Executive Committee:

(a) To ratify the appointments of all Chairmen of Departments and Programs and Chairmen of Special Committees.

(b) They shall have power to act in emergencies between meetings of the Executive Board and to transact such other business not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws or Standing Rules. A report of such action shall be given at the next meeting of the Executive Board and be included in the minutes of the meeting.

(c) They may make recommendations to the Executive Board.

ARTICLE VIII — Dues and Finance

Section 1. The fiscal year shall be from June 1 to May 31.

Section 2. Clubs shall pay the annual per capita Federation dues through their club by date set by the district.

(a) Affiliate: Past Presidents, Parliamentary Law, Alumnae and Emeritus groups may apply for Affiliate Group status. Each group granted affiliate status will pay an annual fee as determined by GFWC/CFWC based on the size of the group. Members will not be included in the District GFWC/CFWC membership count.

Section 3. The District President shall distribute Data Blanks to the Club Presidents no later than March 20th. Club dues shall be paid with the Data Blank no later than the Palomar District convention. If not paid before September 1, the club shall be dropped from Federation membership. The delegates from clubs whose dues are not paid shall not be seated at the annual convention. It is the Outgoing Club President’s responsibility to complete and return the Data Blanks with Club dues to the District President or her designated representative.

Section 4. Clubs joining the Federation prior to the February CFWC Executive Board meeting shall pay full annual dues for the current year. Dues of clubs admitted at the February CFWC Executive Board meeting shall be credited to the following fiscal year, and no dues shall be charged for the remainder of the current fiscal year.

Section 5. One or more Hazel Erickson Memorial Scholarships shall be awarded annually dependent on the interest earned from the Hazel Erickson Savings accounts and any other amount which may be allotted for this purpose. The interest on savings accounts shall be withdrawn each year whenever penalties do not apply.

Section 6. A budget shall be presented to the Executive Board for all contracted events.

ARTICLE IX — Nominations and Elections

Section 1. OFFICERS. The elected officers shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Fourth Vice-President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.

(a) They shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected.

(b) No elected officer, except the Treasurer, shall be eligible for re-election to the same current office unless she is filling a vacancy of less than one (1) year.

(c) Nominees, with dual memberships, shall have a letter of endorsement from their primary club. This letter shall be sent to the chairman of the nominating committee, prior to the candidate being considered by the committee, or if nominated from the floor.

(d) The nominees for District President shall have served as a Club president.

Section 2. NOMINATING COMMITTEE. At the Palomar District Convention in the non-election year, a Nominating Committee shall be elected.

(a) No member shall serve on the Nominating Committee more than two (2) consecutive terms.