CTE Program Evaluation Rubric

Program Access

Non-Compliant / Partially Compliant / Compliant / Items of Evidence
Notice of Non Discrimination
PA 1 - 3 / District did not publish a notice of nondiscrimination through media prior to the beginning of the school year.
The notice of nondiscrimination does not appear in all publications that go to students, parents, employees, applicants, and the general public. / District has a notice of nondiscrimination published through media prior to the beginning of the school year.
It does not appear in all publications that go to students, parents, employees, applicants, and the general public. / All publications, including the website, student publications, applicant publications, and employee publications, have the nondiscrimination statement in English and other languages as needed.
The notice includes Title IX and Section 504 designated contact.
Evidence that the LEA has taken steps to continuously notify all stakeholders and the general public that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. / ☐Newspaper clipping
☐Course catalog
☐Student and/or parent handbook
☐Employee handbook
☐Recruitment materials
☐Applications for employment
☐Annual communications with employees
Grievance Procedures
PA 4 / No evidence that the LEA has adopted and distributed grievance procedures and policies. / Evidence that the LEA has published the board of trustees-adopted grievance procedures in some but not all of the following documents: Student and parent handbooks, employee handbooks, memoranda, newspapers, newsletters, bulletins, or other publications. / Evidence that the LEA has published the board of trustees-adopted grievance procedures in all of the following documents: Student and parent handbooks, employee handbooks, memoranda, newspapers, newsletters, bulletins, or other publications.
Evidence that the LEA has on file the most recent board-approved policy regarding student and parent complaints and grievances as well as policy regarding employee complaints and grievances. / ☐Employee grievance policies and procedures
☐Student grievance policies and procedures
☐Parent grievance policies and procedures
☐Local policy for student/parent complaints/grievances
☐Local policy for employee complaints/grievances
Record Keeping
PA 5 / No records of compliance activities as required under Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) / Partial or incomplete records of compliance activities / Complete records of compliance activities that show the steps that have been taken to eliminate potential discrimination. / ☐Notebook with civil rights documentation
☐List of civil rights training
☐Signatures of attendees of civil rights training
Special Populations
PA 8 – 11 / Access to CTE programs is denied to persons with disabilities and persons with limited English language skills / Lack of provisions for members of special populations
Very few steps have been taken to ensure that CTE programs are open to all students
Little planning to provide supplemental services and/or related aids and services
Not all buildings are accessible to all students / Evidence that CTE programs are accessible to all students
Appropriate related aids and services have been provided
Language-related support services are provided
Written procedures are in place to ensure proper placement of students in CTE programs
Evidence that there is not a concentration of special populations students in one or a few CTE programs or provide rationale that this is not a discriminatory practice / ☐Student’s IEP/504 Plan
☐Redesign of equipment
☐Assignment of aide to student
☐Written procedures to identify, assess, and place students in CTE programs
☐Listing of CTE courses with LEP student identified
☐Listing of Career Programs of study with LEP student identified for each pathway
☐Evidence of equal access to all site locations apart from the primary campus
☐Similar proportion of special populations students and non-special populations students in CTE program areas
PA 12 – 14 / No written procedures or policies that would ensure admission to programs that could curb disproportionately excluding students based on race, color, national origin, sex, or disability / Teachers, administrators, and counselors can state that CTE programs are open to all students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or disability but there is no evidence of a written admissions/participation procedure / Written admissions procedures are available for CTE program enrollment
Course catalogs/student handbooks contain rationale that prerequisite courses are essential to participation
NOTE: Teacher recommendation is not an acceptable prerequisite
Procedures and criteria for selection/admission to CTE programs where there are more applicants than can be accommodated are in place
Demographics of particular CTE programs are similar to demographics of entire CTE enrollment / Course catalog with prerequisites listed
☐Student demographic information
☐Admissions policy
☐Selection and admissions criteria for accommodating more applicants than available seats
☐Policies and procedures for serving temporarily disabled students
Counseling Activities and Materials
PA 15 – 17 / No evidence that the LEA has developed a guidance policy and plan to ensure nondiscrimination
No evidence of promotional activities and materials
No evidence that counselors and other employees can communicate effectively with LEP students or students who have hearing impairments / Some guidance policies have been established but do not include nondiscriminatory assurances
Copies of promotional materials but the materials do not provide evidence against discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, or disability / Promotional materials such as brochures, pamphlets, posters, and bulletin boards cover a broad range of occupational opportunities and are not limited on the basis of the race, color, national origin, sex, or disability of a potential student
Promotional materials in the national-origin minority students’ own language
A guidance plan, policy, and procedures are in place that ensure counselors do not direct or urge any student with limited English proficiency or a disability to enroll in a particular program or career based on race, color, national origin, sex, or disability / ☐Promotional materials
☐Electronic communication
☐Other media used for parents’ night or career days
☐Promotional materials that show counseling process includes career options that are not limiting
☐Written guidance plan
☐Written procedures for evaluation and placement of disabled students
☐Plan for provision of services for students with LEP and hearing impaired individuals
Appropriate Setting and Services
PA 18 – 20 / ARD committee does not include all required staff (e.g. a CTE teacher when considering placement in CTE courses as well as a general education teacher)
No evidence that comparable facilities and activities are available for students with disabilities
Students with disabilities are excluded from programs, courses, services, or activities due to equipment barriers / ARD committee discussed career options and programs of study but no CTE teacher was present
Students with disabilities are sometimes provided a commensurate instructional day as students without disabilities
No policy in place for providing appropriate aids and services to student with disabilities creating a barrier for students with disabilities to participate / ARD committee includes all required staff including the appropriate CTE representative
Students with disabilities have an instructional day commensurate to students without disabilities or the ARD committee report provides justification
Facilities for students with disabilities are comparable to facilities for students without disabilities
Appropriate aids and services are available for students with disabilities to participate in programs, courses, services, or activities / ☐Special Education student folders
☐ARD committee meeting minutes
☐Policy for providing aids and services
☐Description of aids and services available
☐Policies on use of guide dogs, tape recorders, and note takers
☐On site observations for facilities
Effective Communications
PA 21 – 23 / Students in CTE programs are not provided the opportunity to receive and present communication in a manner that is appropriate and effective
No evidence that communications with applicants and members of the public with disabilities is as effective as communications with others
Appropriate signage for entrances to facilities is not available / Lacking evidence that documentation of auxiliary aids and services are available
No list of available resources to allow members of the public or applicants to enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the school
Signage is available but does not meet the standards of American National Standards Institute, Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards, or ADA / The LEA provides clear documentation of auxiliary aids and services available including interpreters and translators
Students with disabilities or parents with disabilities have participated in the development of the IEP
A list of resources is available to meet the needs of applicants and members of the public to enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the school
Signage is appropriately placed for parking areas, exits, elevators, restrooms, classrooms, and stairways / ☐On site observations
☐List of resources and equipment available
☐List of interpreters or translators available
☐Student IEP with signatures
☐ARD Committee reports
CTE Programs, Services, and Activities
PA 24 – 26 / No student policies or procedures for membership in Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)
No policies or procedures for Career Prep, Work-Based Learning, and job placement programs
No evidence that protected groups did not drop out of CTE programs due to unequal treatment / CTSO promotional materials are available but lack the non-discriminatory statement
CTSOs are active but no policies and procedures for membership have been established
Career Prep, WBL, and job placement programs are available to students but no evidence of non-discriminatory statement on applications, contracts, or agreements
Transition services are discussed/developed but do not include a course of study
Individual graduation plans exist but no data to show drop out rates from protected subpopulations / CTSO promotional materials are available and include the non-discriminatory statement
CTSOs are open to all students in the instructional program
Student membership policies and procedures exist
Career Prep, WBL, and job placement programs are available to all students and the LEA has established policies and procedures for placing students
Training plans, contracts, applications, and agreements all contain the non-discrimination statement / ☐CTSO student membership policies and procedures
☐CTSO promotional materials
☐Career Prep/WBL Handbook or documentation
☐Individual graduation plans for all students
☐Drop out rate information
Recruitment and Employment
PA 27 – 28 / No evidence that recruitment, promotion, and employment practices and procedures are free from discrimination
Faculty salary scales and policies have not been established or maintained and are not based upon the conditions and responsibilities of employment / LEA has promotion policies and procedures but lacks a statement of non-discrimination
Applications for employment lack a notice of equal opportunity
Lack of evidence that salary scales, stipends, and assignment of faculty are done without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age / Employee job descriptions/handbooks contain non-discriminatory information
Policies and procedures have been established for promotions, transfers, and granting of tenure that are non-discriminatory have been established
Policies, procedures, and guidelines for faculty salaries have been established
Stipends are non-discriminatory
Faculty assignment and job descriptions are non-discriminatory / ☐Employee job descriptions
☐Employee handbook
☐Policies and procedures for assignment and promotion
☐Salary scales
☐Stipend scales
☐Faculty assignment demographics