10 August 10am Lionel Nunns
17 August 10am Pulpit swap, the Rev Ryhan Prasad will take our service
24 August 10am Lionel Nunns
31 August 10am All Age Service – led by Worship and Education Committee
Next Stillpoint11am Wednesday 13 August

Onslow Anglicans are running a Triple P - Positive Parenting Course from 9am – 1 pm from 6 August.
This course covers many aspects of Parenting, was designed by psychologists and is run by an accredited Triple P Practitioner. 9am – 1pm For further information please contact:
, or Joanne Edson, Parish Administrator,Onslow Anglicans
Ph 64 4 970 1121
Another course is being run by Parent Help for Parent Family Support
Starts 19 August for 8 weeks 7pm to 9pm. Cost $80 – see noticeboard for details.

The annual Bookfair is now only two and half weeks away on 16-17 August 2014, at the TSB Bank Arena. It is DCM’s major fundraiser of the year. As a supporter of ours, you will know what a great bookfair it is. In fact, it is the largest of its kind in Wellington, with some 90,000 books, as well as CDs, DVDs, vinyl and puzzles and its success is absolutely critical to everything we do at DCM. Every cent of funds raised goes toward our work with some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in Wellington.We need as many people as possible to come along. Please help us get the word out to everyone you know. Together we can make the Bookfair a success. We look forward to seeing you there!
NUC Annual Report Deadline
All contributions must be with Ian Bolitho not later than 17 August,

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Waged $15, Unwaged $10
15 August 8pm
16 August 4pm
17 August 4pm
21 August 8pm
22 August 8pm
23 August 4pm
24 August 4pm

At 75 Taranaki Street, Wellington. Bookings: ph. 389 9879. Limited door sales.