Southwest Asia (Middle East) Economies THINK-TAC-TOE
In order to extend your learning of economic systems, complete three activities (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) to win tic-tac-toe. You only have to do one activity per square.Students may NOT do all assignments at the knowledge/comprehension level. This assignment must be turned in no later than Monday, 28 November 2016.
Level / Economic Systems / Specialization & Trade / Economic Growth Factors & EntrepreneurshipKnowledge/
Comprehension /
- Write a one page journal entry that explains how market, command and traditional economies operate.
- Create a triple Venn diagram and compare/contrast the three economic systems. Decide which works best and why.
- Summarize the 3 trade barriers (tariffs, embargos and quotas) in 6-8 sentences. Explain why a nation would impose a trade barrier.
- Create a triple Venn diagram and compare/contrast the three trade barriers. Decide which one works best and why.
- Create 4 word-chart-context and connection maps: Human Capital, Capital goods, and Entrepreneurship and Investment.
- Use the words above and create a synonym/antonym list for each of them.
Analysis /
- Write 2 diary entries about a trip to the store. One entry should be from the perspective of someone living in a country with a market economy. The second diary entry should reflect the experiences of someone living in a country with a command economy (one paragraph each).
- Using a poster-size sheet of paper, create a collage that shows your understanding of the four economic systems – Command, Mixed, Market, and Traditional. Be sure to label each quadrant of your paper, indicating the economic system. You may use magazine and newspaper or drawings.
- Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the three types of trade barriers. Look for ways they are alike and different. Write 2-3 paragraphs to explain your comparisons.
- Survey two students in your class to learn their opinions about specialization and trade. Write a report that reveals your survey findings.
- Analyze the political cartoon: “The Global Economy: Hanging Together”
- Graph the literacy rates and GDP of six (6) Middle Eastern nations. Determine the correlation between a nation’s GDP and literacy rate.
- Create a simple plan for opening your own business. Your business plan should include your business’ name, a short written description of the goods or service your will provide and a list of all the human and capital goods needed to run your business.
- Pick a living entrepreneur that created a product we use daily. Write a one page report that includes a short biography of the entrepreneur and a description of their product/business.
Evaluation /
- Create a lesson to teach 6th grade students about the Economics Systems. Your lesson must include a visual aid for each economic system.
- Compose a rap, song, poem, cheer with at least 15 lines that discusses the three economic systems.
- Write a news report that tells why the United States would likely impose a trade barrier such as an embargo on a nation that sponsored terrorism.
- Write a song, rap, poem or cheer demonstrating your understanding of the 3 trade barriers. Be sure to include the words: trade barrier, quota, tariff, and embargo.
- Create an original game using the facts that you learned while studying factors that influence growth.
- Forecast how a nation’s GDP would change over the next 10 years if a nation fails to invest in education (human capital).