Waste and Recycling Uplift Request Form

This form should be used to notify the Waste & Recycling Team that an uplift of bagged, boxed or loose items is required. If items are working and reusable, please consider using the University’s free reuse portal (WARPit) first: https://www.warp-it.co.uk/universityofedinburgh - someone else need them!

Items must normally be packaged and/or contained in some way. Please use CLEAR bags for recyclable materials such as clean plastics, card or paper and BLACK bags for non-recyclable items such as polystyrene or laminated materials. Cardboard should be flattened and tied into bales that can be carried.

External contractors may need to be brought in for large clearouts – particularly for bulky or unpackaged items.

Items must be packaged appropriately to ensure that they are safe for transport (e.g. no sharp items in bags, bags not over-full).

This form must NOT be for hazardous or chemical waste or Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment or refrigerated items. For guidance on how such items should be disposed of, please refer to the “How do I dispose of…?” guide at http://www.ed.ac.uk/recycling.


Responsible Person’s name: / Job Title:
Phone Number: / Email:

LOCATION of items to be uplifted

Room Number: / Floor: / Building Name: / Campus/Site: / Please chose from dropdownCentral Easter BushHolyroodKings BuildingsLittle FrancePeffermillWestern GeneralOther (please explain below)
1. Is there a suitable lift available: / Please chose from dropdownYesNo / 2.a. Are there parking restrictions: / Please chose from dropdownYesNo
2.b. If yes, please explain:


Type / Number of bags or boxes / Content (already bagged/boxed) / Items that have not been bagged or boxed (e.g. Pallets)
Please chose from dropdownClear BagsBlack BagsBoxesLoose / Please chose from dropdownLess than 10 10 - 2525 - 4040 - 5555 - 7575 - 100>100 / Please chose from dropdownBooks (in good condition)Books (in poor condition)Cardboard (flattened and tied)Cardboard folders (content removed)Crockery (in boxes only)JournalsMetalPaperPlastic packagingPolystyreneRingbinders (content removed)
Please chose from dropdownClear BagsBlack BagsBoxesLoose / Please chose from dropdownLess than 10 10 - 2525 - 4040 - 5555 - 7575 - 100 / Please chose from dropdownBooks (in good condition)Books (in poor condition)Cardboard (flattened and tied)Cardboard folders (content removed)Crockery (in boxes only)JournalsMetalPaperPlastic packagingPolystyreneRingbinders (content removed)
Please chose from dropdownClear BagsBlack BagsBoxesLoose / Please chose from dropdownLess than 10 10 - 2525 - 4040 - 5555 - 7575 - 100>100 / Please chose from dropdownBooks (in good condition)Books (in poor condition)Cardboard (flattened and tied)Cardboard folders (content removed)Crockery (in boxes only)JournalsMetalPaperPlastic packagingPolystyreneRingbinders (content removed)
Please chose from dropdownClear BagsBlack BagsBoxesLoose / Please chose from dropdownLess than 10 10 - 2525 - 4040 - 5555 - 7575 - 100>100 / Please chose from dropdownBooks (in good condition)Books (in poor condition)Cardboard (flattened and tied)Cardboard folders (content removed)Crockery (in boxes only)JournalsMetalPaperPlastic packagingPolystyreneRingbinders (content removed)
Please chose from dropdownClear BagsBlack BagsBoxesLoose / Please chose from dropdownLess than 10 10 - 2525 - 4040 - 5555 - 7575 - 100>100 / Please chose from dropdownBooks (in good condition)Books (in poor condition)Cardboard (flattened and tied)Cardboard folders (content removed)Crockery (in boxes only)JournalsMetalPaperPlastic packagingPolystyreneRingbinders (content removed)

FURTHER INFORMATION (Please use this area to provide us with extra information e.g. on Location or Item description)

Completed form should be faxed, posted or emailed to the Waste & Recycling Team (Estates Operations)

Contact: 13 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1LT. Fax: 0131 650 6515 Tel: 0131 650 9346 Email:

Created: April 2011 Reviewed: September 2014