Online supplement 7 Included studies
Abrams LS, Dornig K, Curran L (2009). Barriers to service use for postpartum depression symptoms among low-income ethnic minority mothers in the United States. Qualitative Health Research 19, 535-551.
Adams EFM, Lee AJ, Pritchard CW, White RJE (2010). What stops us from healing the healers: a survey of help-seeking behaviour, stigmatisation and depression within the medical profession. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 56, 359-370.
Ahmed A, Stewart DE, Teng L, Wahoush O, Gagnon AJ (2008). Experiences of immigrant new mothers with symptoms of depression. Archives of Women’s Mental Health 11, 295-303.
Aisbett DL, Boyd CP, Francis KJ, Newnham K (2007). Understanding barriers to mental health service utilization for adolescents in rural Australia. Rural and Remote Health 7, 624.
Al-Krenawi A, Graham JR (2011). Mental health help-seeking among Arab university students in Israel, differentiated by religion. Mental Health, Religion and Culture 14, 157-167.
Alvidrez J, Azocar F (1999). Distressed women’s clinic patients: preferences for mental health treatments and perceived obstacles. General Hospital Psychiatry 21, 340-347.
Alvidrez J, Snowden LR, Kaiser DM (2008). The experience of stigma among Black mental health consumers. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 19, 874-893.
Alvidrez J, Snowden LR, Patel SG (2010). The relationship between stigma and other treatment concerns and subsequent treatment engagement among Black mental health clients. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 31, 257-264.
Aromaa E, Tolvanen A, Tuulari J, Wahlbeck K (2011). Personal stigma and use of mental health services among people with depression in a general population in Finland. BMC Psychiatry 11, 52.
Ayalon L, Alvidrez J (2007). The experience of Black consumers in the mental health system – identifying barriers to and facilitators of mental health treatment using the consumers’ perspective. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 28, 1323-1340.
Bambauer KZ, Prigerson HG (2006). The Stigma Receptivity Scale and its association with mental health service use among bereaved older adults. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 194, 139-141.
Barney LJ, Griffiths KM, Christensen H, Jorm AF (2009). Exploring the nature of stigmatising beliefs about depression and help-seeking: implications for reducing stigma. BMC Public Health 9, 61.
Becker AE, Hadley AA, Perloe A, Fay K, Striegel-Moore RH (2010). A qualitative study of perceived social barriers to care for eating disorders: perspectives from ethnically diverse health care consumers. International Journal of Eating Disorders 43, 633-647.
Belloch A, Del Valle G, Morillo C, Carrio C, Cabedo E (2009). To seek advice or not to seek advice about the problem: the help-seeking dilemma for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 44, 257-264.
Biddle L, Donovan JL, Gunnell D, Sharp D (2006). Young adults’ perceptions of GPs as a help source for mental distress: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice 56, 924-931.
Bilszta J, Ericksen J, Buist A, Milgrom J (2010). Women’s experience of postnatal depression – beliefs and attitudes as barriers to care. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 27, 44-54.
Boey KW (1998a). Psychosocial factors associated with seeking psychiatric treatment: a study on adolescents in Shanghai. International Medical Journal 5, 293-298.
Boey KW (1998b). Help-seeking pattern of psychiatric outpatients in urban China. International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research 4, 433-443.
Boey KW (1999). Help-seeking preference of college students in urban China after the implementation of the ‘open-door’ policy. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 45, 104-116.
Boyd C, Francis K, Aisbett D, Newnham K, Sewell J, Dawes G, Nurse S (2007). Australian rural adolescents’ experiences of accessing psychological help for a mental health problem. Australian Journal of Rural Health 15, 196-200.
Brown JSL, Casey SJ, Bishop AJ, Prytys M, Whittinger N, Weinman J (2011). How Black African and White British women perceive depression and help-seeking: a pilot vignette study. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 57, 362-374.
Bruffaerts R, Demyttenaere K, Hwang I, Chiu WT, Sampson N, Kessler RC, Alonso J, Borges G, de Girolamo G, de Graaf R, Florescu S, Gureje O, Hu C, Karam EG, Kawakami N, Kostyuchenko S, Kovess-Masfety V, Lee S, Levinson D, Matschinger H, Posada-Villa J, Sagar R, Scott KM, Stein DJ, Tomov T, Viana MC, Nock MK (2011). Treatment of suicidal people around the world. British Journal of Psychiatry 199, 64-70.
Burke S, Kerr R, McKeon P (2008). Male secondary school student’s attitudes towards using mental health services. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 25, 52-56.
Carpenter-Song E, Chu E, Drake RE, Ritsema M, Smith B, Alverson H (2010). Ethno-cultural variations in the experience and meaning of mental illness and treatment: implications for access and utilization. Transcultural Psychiatry 47, 224-251.
Chandra A, Minkovitz CS (2006). Stigma starts early: gender differences in teen willingness to use mental health services. Journal of Adolescent Health 38, 754.e1-8.
Chandra A, Minkovitz CS (2007). Factors that influence mental health stigma among 8th grade adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 36, 763-774.
Chew-Graham CA, Rogers A, Yassin N (2003). ‘I wouldn’t want it on my CV or their records’: medical students’ experiences of help-seeking for mental health problems. Medical Education 37, 873-880.
Chung I (2010). Changes in the sociocultural reality of Chinese immigrants: challenges and opportunities in help-seeking behaviour. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 56, 436-447.
Conner KO, Copeland VC, Grote NK, Koeske G, Rosen D, Reynolds CF III, Brown C (2010a). Mental health treatment seeking among older adults with depression: the impact of stigma and race. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 18, 531-543.
Conner KO, Copeland VC, Grote NK, Rosen D, Albert S, McMurray ML, Reynolds CF, Brown C, Koeske G (2010b). Barriers to treatment and culturally endorsed coping strategies among depressed African-American older adults. Aging and Mental Health 14, 971-983.
Conner KO, Koeske G, Brown C (2009). Racial differences in attitudes toward professional mental health treatment: the mediating effect of stigma. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 52, 695-712.
Conner KO, Lee B, Mayers V, Robinson D, Reynolds CF III, Albert S, Brown C (2010c). Attitudes and beliefs about mental health among African American older adults suffering from depression. Journal of Aging Studies 24, 266-277.
Cooper AE, Corrigan PW, Watson AC (2003). Mental illness stigma and care seeking. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 191, 339-341.
Corrigan PW, Swantek S, Watson AC, Kleinlein P (2003). When do older adults seek primary care services for depression? Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 191, 619-622.
Cruz M, Pincus HA, Harman JS, Reynolds CF, Post EP (2008). Barriers to care-seeking for depressed African Americans. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 38, 71-80.
David E (2010). Cultural mistrust and mental health help-seeking attitudes among Filipino Americans. Asian American Journal of Psychology 1, 57-66.
Deane FP, Chamberlain K (1994). Treatment fearfulness and distress as predictors of professional psychological help-seeking. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 22, 207-217.
Dinos S, Stevens S, Serfaty M, Weich S, King M (2004). Stigma: the feelings and experiences of 46 people with mental illness. Qualitative study. British Journal of Psychiatry 184, 176-181.
Donnelly TT, Hwang JJ, Este D, Ewashen C, Adair C, Clinton M (2011). If I was going to kill myself, I wouldn’t be calling you. I am asking for help: challenges influencing immigrant and refugee women’s mental health. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 32, 279-290.
Eaton KM, Hoge CW, Messer SC, Whitt AA, Cabrera OA, McGurk D, Cox A, Castro CA (2008). Prevalence of mental health problems, treatment need, and barriers to care among primary care-seeking spouses of military service members involved in Iraq and Afghanistan deployments. Military Medicine 173, 1051-1056.
Eisenberg D, Downs MF, Golberstein E, Zivin K (2009). Stigma and help seeking for mental health among college students. Medical Care Research and Review 66, 522-541.
Elhai JD, Schweinle W, Anderson SM (2008). Reliability and validity of the Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale-Short Form. Psychiatry Research 159, 320-329.
Ey S, Henning KR, Shaw DL (2000). Attitudes and factors related to seeking mental health treatment among medical and dental students. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy 14, 23-39.
Fikretoglu D, Guay S, Pedlar D, Brunet A (2008). Twelve month use of mental health services in a nationally representative, active military sample. Medical Care 46, 217-223.
Flynn HA, Henshaw E, O’Mahen H, Forman J (2010). Patient perspectives on improving the depression referral processes in obstetrics settings: a qualitative study. General Hospital Psychiatry 32, 9-16.
Fortune S, Sinclair J, Hawton K (2008). Adolescents’ views on preventing self-harm. A large community study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 43, 96-104.
Gibbs DA, Rae Olmsted KL, Brown JM, Clinton-Sherrod AM (2011). Dynamics of stigma for alcohol and mental health treatment among army soldiers. Military Psychology 23, 36-51.
Givens JL, Katz IR, Bellamy S, Holmes WC (2007). Stigma and the acceptability of depression treatments among African Americans and whites. Journal of General Internal Medicine 22, 1292-1297.
Golberstein E, Eisenberg D, Gollust SE (2008). Perceived stigma and mental health care seeking. Psychiatric Services 59, 392-399.
Golberstein E, Eisenberg D, Gollust SE (2009). Perceived stigma and help-seeking behavior: longitudinal evidence from the healthy minds study. Psychiatric Services 60, 1254-1256.
Goodman JH (2009). Women’s attitudes, preferences, and perceived barriers to treatment for perinatal depression. Birth 36, 60-69.
Gorman LA, Blow AJ, Ames BD, Reed PL (2011). National Guard families after combat: mental health, use of mental health services, and perceived treatment barriers. Psychiatric Services 62, 28-34.
Gould M, Adler A, Zamorski M, Castro C, Hanily N, Steele N, Kearney S, Greenberg N (2010). Do stigma and other perceived barriers to mental health care differ across Armed Forces? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 103, 148-156.
Gum AM, Iser L, Petkus A (2010). Behavioral health service utilization and preferences of older adults receiving home-based aging services. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 18, 491-501.
Hackler AH, Vogel DL, Wade NG (2010). Attitudes toward seeking professional help for an eating disorder: the role of stigma and anticipated outcomes. Journal of Counseling and Development 88, 424-431.
Halter MJ (2004). The stigma of seeking care and depression. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 18, 178-184.
Hammer JH, Vogel DL (2010). Men’s help seeking for depression: the efficacy of a male-sensitive brochure about counseling. The Counseling Psychologist 38, 296-313.
Hepworth N, Paxton SJ (2007). Pathways to help-seeking in bulimia nervosa and binge eating problems: a concept mapping approach. International Journal of Eating Disorders 40, 493-504.
Hines-Martin V, Malone M, Kim S, Brown-Piper A (2003). Barriers to mental health care access in an African American population. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 24, 237-256.
Hoge CW, Castro CA, Messer SC, McGurk D, Cotting DI, Koffman RL (2004). Combat duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, mental health problems, and barriers to care. New England Journal of Medicine 351, 13-22.
Howerton A, Byng R, Campbell J, Hess D, Owens C, Aitken P (2007). Understanding help seeking behaviour among male offenders: qualitative interview study. British Medical Journal 334, 303.
Interian A, Ang A, Gara MA, Link BG, Rodriguez MA, Vega WA (2010). Stigma and depression treatment utilization among Latinos: utility of four stigma measures. Psychiatric Services 61, 373-379.
Iversen AC, van Staden L, Hughes JH, Greenberg N, Hotopf M, Rona RJ, Thornicroft G, Wessely S, Fear NT (2011). The stigma of mental health problems and other barriers to care in the UK Armed Forces. BMC Health Services Research 11, 31.
Jesse DE, Dolbier CL, Blanchard A (2008). Barriers to seeking help and treatment suggestions for prenatal depressive symptoms: focus groups with rural low-income women. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 29, 3-19.
Kadir NBA, Bifulco A (2010). Malaysian Moslem mothers’ experience of depression and service use. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 34, 443-467.
Kanter JW, Rusch LC, Brondino MJ (2008). Depression self-stigma: a new measure and preliminary findings. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 196, 663-670.
Kessler RC, Berglund PA, Bruce ML, Koch JR, Laska EM, Leaf PJ, Manderscheid RW, Rosenheck RA, Walters EE, Wang PS (2001). The prevalence and correlates of untreated serious mental illness. Health Services Research 36, 987-1007.
Kim PY, Britt TW, Klocko RP, Riviere LA, Adler AB (2011). Stigma, negative attitudes about treatment, and utilization of mental health care among soldiers. Military Psychology 23, 65-81.
Kim PY, Thomas JL, Wilk JE, Castro CA, Hoge CW (2010). Stigma, barriers to care, and use of mental health services among active duty and National Guard soldiers after combat. Psychiatric Services 61, 572-588.
Komiti A, Judd F, Jackson H (2006). The influence of stigma and attitudes on seeking help from a GP for mental health problems: a rural context. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 41, 738-745.
Komiya N, Good GE, Sherrod NB (2000). Emotional openness as a predictor of college students’ attitudes toward seeking psychological help. Journal of Counseling Psychology 47, 138-143.
Kovandžić M, Chew-Graham C, Reeve J, Edwards S, Peters S, Edge D, Aseem S, Gask L, Dowrick D (2011). Access to primary mental health care for hard-to-reach groups: from ‘silent suffering’ to ‘making it work’. Social Science and Medicine 72, 763-772.
Langston V, Greenberg N, Fear N, Iversen A, French C, Wessely S (2010). Stigma and mental health in the Royal Navy: a mixed methods paper. Journal of Mental Health 19, 8-16.
Lazear KJ, Pires SA, Isaacs MR, Chaulk P, Huang L (2008). Depression among low-income women of color: qualitative findings from cross-cultural focus groups. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 10, 127-133.
Lee AMR, Simeon D, Cohen LJ, Samuel J, Steele A, Galynker II (2011). Predictors of patient and caregiver distress in an adult sample with bipolar disorder seeking family treatment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 199, 18-24.
Lee S, Juon H, Martinez G, Hsu CE, Robinson ES, Bawa J, Ma GX (2009). Model minority at risk: expressed needs of mental health by Asian American young adults. Journal of Community Health 34, 144-152.
Leong FT, Zachar P (1999). Gender and opinions about mental illness as predictors of attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 27, 123-132.
Lindsey MA, Joe S, Nebbitt V (2010). Family matters: the role of mental health stigma and social support on depressive symptoms and subsequent help seeking among African American boys. Journal of Black Psychology 36, 458-482.
Loya F, Reddy R, Hinshaw SP (2010). Mental illness stigma as a mediator of differences in Caucasian and South Asian college students’ attitudes toward psychological counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology 57, 484-490.
Marques L, LeBlanc NJ, Weingarden HM, Timpano KR, Jenike M, Wilhelm S (2010). Barriers to treatment and service utilization in an internet sample of individuals with obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Depression and Anxiety 27, 470-475.