2018 Alexandria Earth Day Exhibitor Application
Deadline: Friday, April 13, 2018
Thank you for your interest in the 2018 Alexandria Earth Day event on Saturday, April28,2018. Those interested in exhibiting at Alexandria Earth Day may apply by filling out and submitting the attached application or the online form found at alexandriava.gov/76176 by Friday, April 13, 2018.
Please note, exhibits must adhere to our Zero Waste guidelines and refrain from selling any products at Alexandria Earth Day, as this is an educational event. The Alexandria Earth Day Committee will review each submission to confirm the applicant and proposed exhibit meet the three criteria listed above. Each applicant will be notified of its status as soon as possible.
Late Fee
Exhibitors that submit applications prior to Friday, March 30, 2018, are not required to pay a participation fee; however, exhibitors who sign-up between March 31 and the April 13 application deadline are required to pay a $100 late fee.
The Earth Day Committee will provide each exhibitor with a table (2 ft x 8 ft) and two (2) chairs under a group tent. We aim to group exhibits according to categories reflecting the first nine (9) chapters of the City of Alexandria’s Environmental Action Plan 2030 (EAP): Transportation, Green Building, Air Quality, Water Resources, Environment and Health, Energy, Land Use and Open Space, Solid Waste, and Climate Change and Other Emerging Threats. We will provide more information to exhibitors on this concept closer to the event, and they will be directed to their final location upon arrival at Alexandria Earth Day.
Sponsorship Opportunities
While the Alexandria Earth Day Committee does not charge a registration fee for timely exhibitor applications, we still must secure funding to pay for event equipment, amenities, and more. Please consider becoming an Alexandria Earth Day sponsor or simply make a donation. The logo of each sponsor will be prominently displayed on Earth Day promotional materials. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of the event.
Zero Waste
While we love to reduce and recycle, it's time to also refuse. We want to practice saying no to waste at our upcoming Earth Day celebration. This starts by asking that planners and exhibitors serve as models of sustainable and responsible resource consumption. The Zero Waste concept asks the public to maximize recycling, reduce consumption, and say no sometimes to utilizing or accepting waste materials. Please read the Zero Waste Guidelines to learn how to make your exhibit waste free.
Submission Information and Application Questions
Please submit your completed application and/or any questions related to exhibiting at Alexandria Earth Day to .
2018 Alexandria Earth Day Exhibitor Application
Contact Name:
Phone: Email:
Please select the category that aligns the closest with your exhibition topic:
ÿ Transportation
ÿ Green Building
ÿ Air Quality
ÿ Water Resources
ÿ Environment and Health
ÿ Energy
ÿ Land Use and Open Space
ÿ Solid Waste
ÿ Climate Change and Other Emerging Threats
ÿ Not Sure
Please describe what you plan to display at Alexandria Earth Day, as well as the educational activity that your organization will conduct as part of your exhibit. All activities should be related to this year’s Alexandria Earth Day theme, “Local Action, Global Impact.”
Will you provide your own tent? □ Yes □ No
Please note that we are not allowed to put stakes in the ground at George Washington Middle School; tents must be secured in place through some other means (e.g., sandbags, water jugs).
I have read the attached Zero Waste Guidelines and agree to the following Zero Waste rules:
(1) As an exhibitor participating in Alexandria Earth Day, I agree to minimize the number of handouts given to attendees, and if possible eliminate them all together.
(2) I agree to sort my discarded items and make use of the Zero Waste stations.
(3) I understand that violating these guidelines may lead to our dismissal from the event.
□ Yes □ No
Alexandria Earth Day
Zero-Waste Guidelines
Alexandria is proud to advance its commitment to a Zero Waste event. The goal at a Zero Waste event is to plan ahead and distribute, only when necessary, materials that are recyclable or compostable. Remember that "reduce" and "refuse" are more waste conscious than recycling, which is a process that often requires high amounts of energy and resources itself. Furthermore, materials meant for recycling often end up instead in the landfill or in nature, too.
Zero Waste Stations will be available to participants throughout the venue for the collection of materials to recycle or compost.
As there will be no trash cans at the event, we encourage exhibitors to really think how to minimize the distribution of unnecessary materials, including trinkets and other marketing items that attendees may ultimately end up discarding. We also encourage exhibitors to use digital or other non-handout displays and promotions.
Zero Waste events show our commitment to the environment and help us create a living model of Zero Waste for event participants and the community.
Thank you for considering exhibiting at the Alexandria Earth Day 2018. Please contact us with any questions or comments.
For more information:
call 703.746.4410 or visit www.alexandriava.gov/Recycling