University of Wisconsin-Marathon County

Multicultural Resource Center (MRC)

Application for Student Executive Director Position

(August 2016 to May 2017)

The UW-Marathon County Multicultural Resource Center Advisory Board is accepting applications for a student Executive Director for the Fall 2015 to Spring 2016 academic year. The MRC Executive Director runs the MRC business office, coordinates programming, and assists the MRC Advisory Board in creating and maintaining a safe space for campus students.

Application Instructions

Applications are due on Friday, April 15, 2015. Interviews for the position will take place on Monday, April 18 and Tuesday, April 19. To apply, complete the attached application with the required letter and short resume. Submit the application and supporting documents to . Applicants for the position will receive a confirmation through campus e-mail, along with information about how to schedule an interview.


·  Hold reasonable office hours

·  Keep the MRC open for students during the academic week

·  Inform Advisory Board members about student concerns and issues related to the daily operations of the MRC

·  Facilitate communication between students and the MRC Advisory Board

·  Work with the MRC Advisory Board to develop annual programming

·  Organize student leadership opportunities and coordinate the work of MRC student Advisory Board leaders

·  Coordinate the efforts of MRC student leaders and student volunteers

·  Help MRC committees organize and implement programs, events, and activities

·  Organize and conduct monthly MRC business meetings

·  Respond to e-mail correspondence and phone calls

·  Organize and maintain the physical space in the MRC room

·  Write an annual funding request to SUFAC with assistance from the Chair

·  Maintain organized MRC records

·  Assist the Treasurer in maintaining accurate financial records

·  Assist the Chair in writing an annual MRC report to the campus

·  Coordinate the application process for the Director position and Advisory Board

·  Work on special projects at the request of the MRC Advisory Board

Eligibility Requirements

The MRC Director must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA and enroll in at least 6 credits at UW-Marathon County each semester for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017. UW Colleges Online courses count toward the credit requirement.


The new MRC Director must be available to receive training in May and start work in mid-August. The hours are flexible, but the Director needs to hold regular office hours and conduct MRC business on most weekdays during the academic year.


The Executive Director receives a 70% tuition stipend for the academic year.

Multicultural Resource Center Director Application


Credits Enrolled in This Semester Cumulative GPA

E-mail Phone

1) Briefly list and describe any activities, work experience, and/or courses that have prepared you to manage the MRC business office and organize activities that help students understand diversity.

2) List the MRC activities or other campus activities that you have participated in during the current academic year.

3) Write at short (300 to 500 word) letter to the MRC Advisory Board. Explain why you want the Director position and describe your plans for the Multicultural Resource Center next year.

4) Prepare a short (one page) resume that includes the following information: your name, your contact information, work and/or volunteer experience, and leadership experience. You may also include information about extracurricular activities, your education, or special skills. If you would like feedback or help with your resume, contact Joanne Giordano ()

About the Multicultural Resource Center

What Is the MRC?

The Multicultural Resource Center (or MRC) at the University of Wisconsin-Marathon County offers students a supportive environment for learning about cultural diversity. The purpose of the MRC is to create a safe gathering space for students, develop co-curricular programs that increase awareness of diversity and multicultural issues, advocate for policies and practices that create an inclusive campus climate, and assist the campus in reducing barriers to higher education for underrepresented student populations. The MRC sponsors educational programs and social events during the academic year. The MRC also provides the campus community with a place for students, faculty, and staff to talk with each other in an informal setting. Many students go to the MRC to do homework, hold study groups, and make new friends. The Multicultural Resource Center is located in Room 176.


Multicultural Resource Center Goals

·  Maintain a safe and supportive campus space for students to study, work together, and socialize.

·  Educate students about the complex concept of diversity, which includes–but is not limited to–race, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, gender, age, and sexual orientation.

·  Provide students with ongoing opportunities to develop leadership skills.

·  Increase faculty and staff awareness about the needs of diverse student populations that the campus serves.

·  Help the campus develop and maintain an inclusive climate for all students but especially for learners from underrepresented groups; raise awareness of issues and practices that create a hostile campus climate for students.

·  As funding and available resources permit, assist the campus with achieving institutional goals related to inclusivity and diversity, including recruitment, retention, educational and co-curricular programming, and community outreach.

·  As funding and available resources permit, partner with other campus groups to develop programs and events that increase students’ awareness of multicultural issues and diversity on campus, in the local community, and in the world.

·  Serve as a clearinghouse for information on programs that educate students about diversity and develop their global leadership skills (for example, related campus events and activities, study abroad opportunities, and relevant certificate programs).

MRC Advisory Board

An advisory board of six students and six faculty/staff members assists the Director and develops MRC programs. The Board usually includes a mix of returning and new students, along with a nonvoting Student Government Association representative. Applicants who do not receive the MRC Director position are strongly encouraged to apply for a position on the MRC Board in September.

Are There Other Ways to Get Involved?

All members of the campus community are invited to participate in MRC activities—even if that means simply stopping by Room 176 to study or hang out with other students. Opportunities to participate in committees and help organize events will be available throughout the academic year. Committees plan events, coordinate special programs, organize fundraisers, and work on community outreach projects. To volunteer for a committee or present an idea for next year’s MRC programming, contact the current MRC Director at (715) 261-6353, send an e-mail message to , or visit the MRC in Room 176.
