AP U.S. Government and Politics: Chapter 6: Public Opinion and Political Action
- Answer the following questions in short-answer essay format – complete sentences, concise but articulate answers, check your spelling before you finish, and as always, DO YOUR OWN WORK IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
- Your answers must be indented, typed in bold, blue-color, Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced. Leave one blank line between your answer and the next question. Please use this format in this assignment and all similar assignments in this course.
- Be sure to be specific, using terms and vocabulary from Chapter Six in the Government in America textbook. Through your answers, prove to your instructor and yourself that you’ve done the reading and that you understand the concepts.
- When it is appropriate, use specific examples that are relevant to the question (using examples from contemporary news reports is most helpful, here).
Chapter 6 Questions for Review
Demographic factors help to shape who we are as a nation, politically. Keep that in mind as you answer the first four questions.
1. What were the three great waves of immigration to the United States?
a. The first great wave of immigration to the U.S. was
b. The second great wave of immigration to the U.S. was
c. The third great wave of immigration to the U.S. was
2. What was the goal of the Simpson-Mazzoli Act?
The goal of the Simpson-Mazzoli Act was
3. How have the following demographic changes affected political changes?
a. Immigration
b. Regional shifts/migrations of the population
c. Aging population
4. People learn about politics through a variety of processes. Explain the significance of each of the following as sources for political learning.
a. Family
b. Schools
c. Mass media
5. Name two ways in which aging affects political behavior.
For the test over the content in this chapter, you’ll need to be able to define public opinion, describe how public opinion is measured, explain its role in shaping public policy, and describe the nature of political information in America. Keep this in mind when you answer the following three questions.
6. What is the key to the accuracy of opinion polls?
7. List three criticisms of public opinion polling.
8. Understanding the concept of political ideology is basic to the study of American politics and government. Fill in the following table regarding political ideology. Please use a bulleted list for your answers.
Ideology / General Beliefs / Typical Demographic CharacteristicsLiberals
9. List three ways in which religion influences political ideology in the U.S.
10. Fill in the following table on the classification of the ideological sophistication of American voters according to the study The American Voter.
Ideological Classification / Definition / PercentAmong the learning objectives of this course is to understand the ways in which people participate in politics and the policymaking process, as well as the implications of unequal political participation among individuals and groups in America. Keep this in mind as you answer these three questions.
11. List five activities of conventional political participation, beginning with the most common activity.
12. Define civil disobedience and describe one example.
13. How does minority group status affect political participation?
14. What is the general attitude of the following groups regarding the scope of government in the United States?
a. Liberals/Progressives
b. Conservatives
c. Libertarians
15. How does Americans’ lack of political knowledge and low participation rate affect democracy?