Note: Additions always will be made at the end of each sublist.

General and Mathematical

Kahn, David, The Codebreakers (New York, 1967; rev ed 1996).

Kahn, David, Kahn on Codes: Secrets of the New Cryptology (New York, 1984).

Buchman, Johannes A., Introduction to Cryptography (New York et al.:

Springer Verlag, 2001).

Coutinho, S.C., The Mathematics of Ciphers: Number Theory and RSA

Cryptography (Natick, Mass.: A K Peters, 1999).

Lewand, Robert Edward, Cryptological Mathematics (2000).

Welsh, Dominic, Codes and Crytpography (New York, 1988).

Schneier, Bruce, Applied Cryptography (New York, 1996).

Peake, Hayden B, The Reader's Guide to Intelligence Periodicals (Washington: National Intelligence Book Center, 1992).
Shulman, D.An annotated bibliography of cryptography (New York?, Garland 1976).

Tuerkel, Siegfried, Chiffrieren mit Geraeten und Maschinen (Graz, Austria 1927).

Vernam, G., "Cipher printing telegraph systems for secret wire and radio
telegraphic communications," J. Am. Inst. Electr. Eng. 45 (1926), 109-115.

Gaines, Helen Fouché, Cryptanalysis: A Study of Ciphers and Their Solutions. (Dover, New York 1939).

Reynard, Robert, Secret Code Breaker. (Jacksonville, FL 1996).

Reynard, Robert, Secret Code Breaker II. (Jacksonville, FL 1997).

Reynard, Robert, Secret Code Breaker III. (Jacksonville, FL 1999).


Smith, Bradley F., The Ultra-Magic Deals and the Most Secret Special

Relationship, 1940-1946 (Novato, California, 1993)

Paul, Doris A., The Navajo Code Talkers (Pittsburgh, 1973)

West, Nigel, The Sigint Secrets (New York, 1986)

Alvarez, David, Secret Messages: Codebreaking and American Diplomacy,

1930-1945 (Lawrence, Kansas, 2000)

Lewin, Ronald, Ultra Goes to War (New York, 1978)

Winterbotham, F. W., The Ultra Secret (New York, 1974)

Beckman, Bengt, Codebreakers: Arne Beurling and the Swedish Crypto

Programduring World War II (Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2002).

Hodges, Andrew, Alan Turing: The Enigma (New York: Simon and Schuster,


Budiansky, Stephen, Battle of Wits: The Complete Story of Codebreaking in

World War II (New York, 2000)

Marks, Leo, Between Silk and Cyanide: A Codemaker’s War 1941-1945 (New

York, 1999)

Drea, Edward J., MacArthur’s Ultra: Codebreaking and the War Against Japan, 1942-1945 (Lawrence, Kansas, 1993).

Rowlett, Frank B. and David Kahn, The Story of Magic: Memoirs of an American Cryptologic Pioneer (1998).

Prados, John, Combined Fleet Decoded: The Secret History of American Intelligence and the Japanese Navy in World War II (1995)

Lee, Bruce, Marching Orders: The Untold Story of World War II (2001).

Hinsley, F. H. and Alan Stripp, Codebreakers: The Inside Story of BletchleyPark

(New York, 1994).

Hinsley, F.H., British Intelligence in the Second World War (London, 1975).

Sebag-Montefiore, Hugh, Enigma: The Battle for the Code (New York, 2001).

Welchman, Gordon, The Hut Six Story (1997).

Brown, AnthonyCave. Bodyguard of Lies (rev ed, 2002)

Andrew, Cristopher, ed., Codebreaking and Signals Intelligence (1986).

Smith, Michael, The Emperor’s Codes: The Breaking Japan’s of Secret Ciphers (2001).

Gardner, W. J. R., Decoding History: The Battle of the Atlantic and Ultra (2000).

Kahn, David, Seizing the Enigma: The Race to Break the German U-Boat Codes, 1939-1943 (New York, 1991).

Jones, R. V., Most Secret War (1999).

Yardley, Herbert O. The American Black Chamber (1931).

Bamford, James, The Puzzle Palace (London, 1983).

Bamford, James, Body of Secrets (New York, 2002).

Lewin, Ronald, The American Magic: Codes, Ciphers and the Defeat of Japan (1982).

Bauer, Friedrich , "Marian Rejewski und die Allierten im Angriff gegen die Enigma," Informatik-Spektrum Oktober 2000, 325-333.
Johnson, Brian, The secret war, ([London?], BBC, 1978.
Kozaczuk, Wladislaw, Enigma (place?, Arms and Armour Press, 1984). (The fact that the author is Polish may indicate that it provides worthwhile coverage of Polish involvement in breaking Enigma.)


Whitemore, Hugh, Breaking the Code (play text) (Oxford: Amber Lane Press,


Harris, Robert, Enigma (1996).


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Last updated 04/18/2004