University:Name of Program Director:
Date of Review:
Sites Participating in this Program:
Program Website / URL:
Standard B.4
"There must be sufficient resources including teaching faculty, the number and variety of patients, physical and technical resources, as well as the supporting facilities and services necessary to provide the opportunity for all residents in the program to achieve the educational objectives and receive full training as defined by the Royal College specialty training requirements."
Where the resources to provide "full training" are not available at the sponsoring university, several different types of interuniversity affiliations may be negotiated. It should be noted that the exchange of residents between two fully accredited programs does not require an interuniversity affiliation.
1. Teaching Faculty
List by teaching site the members of the teaching faculty who have a major role in this program, including members from other departments. In indicating a subspecialty, use as a criterion whether he or she is considered by colleagues as a subspecialist and functions academically and professionally as one.
Teaching Site / Name / University Rank / Specialty Qualifications / Subspecialty(If any) / Nature of Interaction with Resident (e.g. clinical, teaching, research)
What percentage of faculty listed above have been practising in the specialty/subspecialty:
< 15 years %
> 25 years %
2. Physical Facilities for Medical Microbiology
Describe the resources and facilities available for each section of the laboratory (bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology, and relevant immunology.) A separate description is required for each participating institution. Information should include space, provision for resident accommodation, and any special features.
3. Laboratory Microbiology and Immunology
(Statistics for Last Full Year)
NAME OF PARTICIPATING INSTITUTIONSNUMBER OF EXAMINATIONS / Specs. / Units (DBS) / Specs. / Units / Specs. / Units / Specs. / Units
Bacterial serology
Virus isolation
Virus serology
Molecular diagnostics (routine automated)
Molecular diagnostics (special*)
Serological tests done (exclude STS and virology)
Referred elsewhere (type and numbers)
* For special molecular diagnostics: Detail scope and volumes.
4. Other Supporting Laboratory Facilities
List any laboratories or teaching facilities other than those described above that provide training for residents in Medical Microbiology. Include any special units, such as research institutes, university departments, or government laboratories not attached to teaching hospitals.
5. Scientific, Technical and Support Staff
(Numbers Attached to Each Participating Institution)
NAME OF INSTITUTION / Ph.D. / M.Sc. / ARTLCSLT / R.T. / Lab Aides / Other
6. Pediatric Medical Microbiology
Outline the resources available for teaching in the Medical Microbiology of infants and children. Describe the organization for the teaching of residents and the availability of teachers. Provide any relevant statistics not already included in the above tables.
7. Consultations
Describe the arrangements for residents to gain primary experience in handling consultations.
8. Infection Surveillance and Control (Hospital and Other Settings)
Describe the involvement of medical microbiologists in the infection control programs in the participating institutions. Indicate the measures taken within the program to ensure that residents receive adequate training in infection control.
9. Infectious Disease Services
Describe the organization and direction of the infectious disease services within the program. Where these services are not a function of the Medical Microbiology Departments, comment upon the relationships that ensure that residents in Medical Microbiology are actively and continuously involved under expert supervision.
10. Public Health and Epidemiology
Describe the arrangements for teaching residents public health and epidemiology.
11. Supporting Clinical Services
Outline the role of the medical and surgical services associated with the training of residents in Medical Microbiology, with special reference to arrangements within the faculty to ensure that such training meets the needs of residents. In addition, comment upon any specific liaison arrangements with the teaching services in Pediatrics, Clinical Immunology, Genetics, Nuclear Medicine, or Oncology, or any other service that may provide training for residents or fellows on either a mandatory or elective basis.
12. Laboratory Management
Describe the resources and equipment available for the instruction of residents in matters related to the management of microbiological laboratories, including quality control, data processing, and laboratory screening procedures.
13. Information Resources
a) Do residents have free 24/7 access to on-line libraries, journals and other educational resources? Yes No Partially If “No” or “Partially”, please explain.
b) Do residents have adequate space to carry out their daily work? Yes No
c) Are technical resources required for patient care duties located in the work setting? Yes No
d) Do facilities allow resident skills to be observed and do they allow for confidential discussions?
Yes No
14. Summary of Adequacy of Resources
Comment on the adequacy of resources in the overall residency program in Medical Microbiology. In particular, indicate whether the laboratory and basic science facilities are sufficient to provide adequate teaching and experience for residents in Medical Microbiology in addition to other students and residents sharing the same facilities.
Editorial revisions - February 2012