School Improvement Plan Format



Each Fulton County school should utilize three documents to communicate performance and a plan for improvement.

The School Improvement Detailed Plan is for the management of the plan within the school and generally shared with the LSAC and school staff. It describes the priority objectives for improvement and major initiatives, and also delineates performance measures, action steps and progress monitoring. The priority objectives and major initiatives should remain relatively constant over a three-year period so that meaningful improvement can take place.

The Annual Performance Report is intended for the full school community. It is a retrospective picture of the school’s past performance on standardized tests. It shows how the school compares with the county overall. It also includes other school accomplishments and recognitions.

The School Improvement Plan Summary can be provided to the full school community along with the Annual Performance Report. The School Improvement Plan Summary lists the priority improvement objectives and major initiatives.

Below is the format for the School Improvement Detailed Plan, and example of a Detailed Plan and Summary.

School Improvement Detailed Plan



School Name / Principal
Dolvin Elementary / Laura Zoll


Identify 3-5 specific areas for improvement for students in your school. These are your objectives. Objectives can address overall subject areas or content areas within subject areas. Objectives may also address areas of student behavior (ex. attendance, discipline).

Underneath each objective list the related data to be reported to determine if improvement efforts have been successful … these are your measures. Please include baseline (or historical) data for each measure, if available, and targets for achievement for 2012-13 through 2014-15. Note that data for both leading indicators (ex. tardy or attendance data, cumulative Checkpoints proficiency, common assessments) or lagging indicators (ex. CRCT, EOCT, ITBS) can be included as a measure

Objective No. 1
Improve student achievement in reading
Measure / % on Unit Summative tests of all 3rd grade students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
XX / XX / XX / 80% / 82% / 84%
Measure / % on Unit Summative tests of all 4thgrade students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
xx / xx / xx / 80% / 82% / 84%
Measure / % on Unit Summative tests of all 5th grade students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
xx / xx / XX / 80% / 82% / 84%

Add more objective templates as needed, but ideally no more than a total of five.


What will be done to foster improvement in the areas identified in Step 1? These are your initiatives. Initiatives can be school-wide or be centered around a specific objective. Initiatives are not programs; initiatives are what people will do differently or in an enhanced way to support improvement. If the initiative is related to a specific objective, please include the number of the objective; if the objective is general, leave this area blank. No more than 5 initiatives should be included.

The following information should be included for each initiative:

·  Action steps (or specific tasks) to be taken during the 2012-13 school year to support the initiative.

·  Person responsible for monitoring the initiative.

·  Data, or other indicators, that will be used to monitor the initiative.

Initiative Description
·  Implementation of Common Core Georgia Performance Standards in all grades
·  Use of Common Summative Assessments
Is this a general initiative? / Yes / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting?
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
·  Use of Critical Thinking Stem questions in both small and large group instruction
·  Use of non-fiction texts
·  DOK training for teachers
·  HOT’s questions included in lesson plans
·  EasyCBM data taken monthly at students instructional level
·  SRI and DRA2 administration
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
Percentages of Unit Summative Assessments by grade level
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
Grade level chairs

Add more initiative templates as needed, but ideally no more than five.

Objective No. 2
Improve student achievement in math
Measure / % on Unit Summative tests of all 3rd grade students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
XX / XX / xx
Measure / % on Unit Summative tests of all 4th grade students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
xx / xx / xx
Measure / % on Unit Summative tests of all 5th grade students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
xx / xx / xx
Initiative Description
·  Implementation of Common Core Georgia Performance Standards in all grades
·  Use of Common Summative Assessments
Is this a general initiative? / Yes / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting?
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
·  Use of Critical Thinking Stem questions in both small and large group instruction
·  Use of open ended questions in guided practice and assessments
·  DOK training for teachers
·  HOT’s questions on lesson plans
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
Percentages of Unit Summative Assessments by grade level
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
Grade level chairs
Objective No. 3
Improve student achievement in writing
Measure / % on Write Score assessment of all 3rd grade students in exceeds on the 5th grade rubric
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / Winter 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
XX / xx / 3% / 5% / 7% / 9%
Measure / % on Write Score assessment of all 4th grade students in exceeds on the 5th grade rubric
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / Winter 2011-12 / Fall 2012 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
xx / 9% / 1.5% / 12% / 14% / 16%
Measure / % on Write Score assessment of all 5th grade students in exceeds on the 5th grade rubric
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / Winter 2011-12 / Fall 2012 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
xx / 25% / 5% / 30% / 32% / 34%
Initiative Description
·  Implementation of Common Core Georgia Performance Standards in all grades
Is this a general initiative? / yes / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting?
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
·  Integration of writing across all curricula
·  Student conferences and feedback
·  Using data spread sheets to monitor progress through all genres
·  Daily writing lessons with conventions skills integrated
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
Percentages of students exceeding on rubric
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
Grade level chairs

School Improvement Plan


Summary for Distribution to School Community

School Name / Principal
Dolvin Elementary / Laura Zoll

Objectives for Improving Student Achievement

Objective No. 1
Improve student achievement in reading
Objective No. 2
Improve student achievement in math
Objective No. 3
Improve student achievement in writing

Add more rows for Objectives as needed

Major Improvement Initiatives

Initiative Description
·  Implementation of Common Core Georgia Performance Standards in all grades
·  Use of Common Summative Assessments
Initiative Description
·  Implementation of Common Core Georgia Performance Standards in all grades
·  Use of Common Summative Assessments
Initiative Description
·  Implementation of Common Core Georgia Performance Standards in all grades

Add more rows for Initiatives as needed