September 2015 /
Local Education Agency (LEA):
Year this LEA began implementing SEFEL:
SEFEL Implementation Team Members:
Date Plan Established: Review Dates:
Goals2015-2016 / Strategies and/or Targets / Responsible Person(s) / Target Date /
1. Implementation Plan Goals:
A. Increase the number of new targeted classrooms that will receive coaching each year.
B. Increase the overall percentage of classrooms that will reach or approach fidelity.
C. Develop a sustainable plan to work with classroom teachers that have achieved fidelity in the past.
D. Establish or maintain a professional learning community plan for the year (e.g., face to face meetings, on-line communication, frequency of meetings, etc).
E. Ensure that the SEFEL implementation team meets regularly and reviews program data.
/ Goals A and B [Sample]
1. Total number of preschool classes in LEA______
2. Number of targeted classes that have reached fidelity on the TPOT:______
3. Number of targeted classes that have received coaching and are approaching fidelity: ______
4. What percentage of your preschool classes have reached or are approaching fidelity on the TPOT? ______
5. Number of new targeted classes for 2014-2015: ______
1. Number of new targeted classes for 2015-2016: ______
2. What percentage of your preschool classes do you project that will reach or approach fidelity on the TPOT? ______
1. Number of new targeted classes for 2016-2017: ______
2. What percentage of your preschool classes do you project that will reach or approach fidelity on the TPOT? ______
Goals C:
Goals D:
Goals E: / End of year
End of Year
End of Year
2. Professional Development
A. Increase all staff awareness of SEFEL
B. Increase # staff trained in Tiers II, and III
C. Ensure LEA coaches receive training in principles of Mindful Coaching
D. Ensure LEA coaches trained in Institute II (TPOT)
E. Ensure LEA coaches are proficient in administration of TPOT
F. Coaches attend webinars/regional meeting
G. Ensure that implementation team understands how to conduct program self-assessment and review and revise implementation plan accordingly / See LEA Professional Development Plan
1. # teaching staff who will be trained in Tier I (Foundations):______
2. # teaching staff who will be trained in Tiers II, and III: ______
3. # new LEA coaches who will be trained in Institute I (Mindful Coaching): ______
4. # LEA coaches who will be trained in Instiute II (TPOT): ______
5. # LEA coaches who will pair with experienced coaches to observe and score
TPOT: _____ (inter-rater reliability)
6. # Coaches who will attend webinars/regional meeting: ______
7. # Implementation team members who will attend first annual Summit: ______
3. Classroom Implementation Plan
A. Procedures for implementation team to respond to classroom challenging behaviors
1. Establish procedures in place for responding to crisis situations
2. Ensure that teachers know how, when to initiate behavior support planning process
3. Ensure that teachers are an active part of the behavior support planning process; they collect data, contribute ideas, plan strategies, and implement the plan
4. Ensure that families are an active part of the behavior support planning process; they collect data and contribute ideas on behavior support strategies for the community, home, and classroom
B. Develop plan to support training for teacher assistants in targeted classrooms
4. Monitoring Implementation and Outcomes
A. Implement teacher checklists for Tier I (Foundations) for all classes (not targeted with coaching).
B. Develop a system for collecting teacher checklist data from all teachers not in the targeted SEFEL classrooms; review data to identify trends and areas that need improvement.
C. Implement or continue to implement on-line child curriculum assessment tool for all classes.
D. Develop a system for analyzing on-line child curriculum assessment results by class for end of year review.
E. Collect data on the frequency, duration and mode of coaching visits for end of year review.
F. Develop a system for collecting data on coaches participation in co-scoring of TPOT, attendance as training institutes, and webinars for end of year review.
G. Conduct program self-assessment and review and submit data to DPI.
H. Implementation team reviews data and adjusts implementation plan accordingly.
NC Early Learning Network is a joint project of the NC Department Of Public Instruction, Office Of Early Learning
and UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute