A Corporation Not-for-Profit
April 26, 2017
A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Directors was scheduled for 6:00 P.M., at the Casa Blanca Clubhouse located at 6154 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, Florida.
CALL TO ORDER: Tom Wiggers, President called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
PROOF OF NOTICE: Notice of the meeting was delivered to each Member and posted on the property prior to the meeting, in accordance with the requirements of the Association Documents and Florida Statutes.
Present: Tom Wiggers, Donna Piver, Gary Stimpfl.
Via Speaker Telephone: Ana McMillian, Gregg David, Bruce Miller and Bob Antonelli.
John Luchkowec represented Casa Blanca Vacation Rentals.
Serena Schortzmann represented Lighthouse Property Management.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On matters relating to the minutes of the previous February 23, 2017 and March 11, 2017, Board meeting minutes, upon a motion made and seconded, it was to approve the minutes with corrections. Motion passed.
Report given by Mr. Luchkowec, Casa Blanca Vacation Rentals – update of occupancy rates and development. Upgrade to technology and marketing.
Report given by Ms. Schortzmann, CAM (see attached).
Gregg David requested and John agreed to provide the Board with a project plan for the Escapia Project outlining the tasks remaining to be completed along with the target dates for completion.
President’s Report given by Mr. Wiggers. Season was both busy and profitable, increased security, additional beach chairs, bike safety, family friendly atmosphere.
Treasurer’s Report given by Gary Stimpfl – Mr. Stimpfl met with Flanagan & Jason, CPA. The 2016 Audit is completed. Strong first quarter of 2017.
Matters relating to Lighthouse contract: Mr. Stimpfl motioned and Ms. Piver seconded,
VOTE 17-02: to increase compensation to Lighthouse Property Management from $1,395 per month to $1,595 per month. The motion was unanimously approved by all attending Directors. Motion passed.
Matters relating to acceptance of auditors report: Mr. Stimpfl motioned and Ms. Piver seconded,
VOTE 17-03: to accept the 2016 year-end audit from Flanagan & Jason, CPA. The motion was unanimously approved by all attending Directors. Motion passed.
Matters relating to insurance bids: Greg Ruggiero at Bouchard Insurance is awaiting insurance renewal proposals prior to May 31, 2017.
Matters relating to 2018 rental rates: Ms. Piver motioned and Ms. McMillian seconded,
VOTE 17-04: to accept the 2018 rental rates at a 7% increase and to eliminate the processing fee.
Ms. Piver allowed Ms. McMillian to substitute the motion and Mr. David seconded,
VOTE 17-05: to direct Mr. Luchkowec to prepare a comprehensive report to analyze 2018 rental rates including processing fees prior to the May Board meeting. Six Directors vote FOR, Mr. Wiggers voted AGAINST. Motion passed.
Matters relating to harassment policy: Ms. Piver motioned and Ms. McMillian seconded,
VOTE 17-06: to approve Wells and Olah to draft harassment policy for board review. The motion was unanimously approved by all attending Directors. Motion passed.
Matters relating to changing condominium documents: 47 responses were received from the recent survey. Mr. David motioned and Ms. McMillian seconded,
VOTE 17-07: to proceed with changing condominium documents for allowing less than a 7 day rental. Five Directors voted FOR, Ms. Piver and Mr. Wiggers ABSTAINED. Motion passed.
Ms. McMillian and Ms. Piver volunteered to develop the scope and details for presentation to the board and to the attorney.
OWNERS COMMENTS: Owner William Henning presented his findings regarding case law wherein if the bylaws are not enforced for a period of time, the 7 day rental requirement is unenforceable.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Board of Directors meetings date to be announced at 6:00 PM at the Casa Blanca Clubhouse.
ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Board, upon a motion and it was seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Prepared by:
Serena Schortzmann, CAM
Lighthouse Property Management