Chapter 4, pages 103-116, due Wednesday, November 9

1. Relate the cultural landscape approach to the origin, diffusion, and distribution of folk and popular culture.

2. Discuss television as both an example and a means for diffusing popular culture.

3. In what ways do folk cultures respond differently than popular cultures to variations in the local physical environment? (habit, Taboos)

Chapter 4, pages 116-1130, due Friday, November 11

4. What are some of the negative impacts of the diffusion of popular customs?

5. Discuss the role of transportation and communications in the diffusion of global popular culture.

Chapter 5, pages 136-152, due Tuesday, November 15

1. In what ways do American and British English differ? What geographic factors explain the similarities and differences in American and British English? (British Received Pronunciation (BRP), dialect, Creole languages)

2. How do we know that all Indo-European languages have a common ancestor? (Language family, Language branch, Language group, vulgar Latin)

Chapter 5, pages 152-168, due Friday, November 18

3. Why do people in different regions of the United States speak English differently? (Ebonics)

4. What are the future prospects for different groups of non-English speakers in North America?

5. Discuss the increasing role of English as the world's lingua franca. (Pidgin English)

Other terms to know; Isolated languages, extinct languages, ideograms, isogloss, Franglais

Chapter 6, pages 173-195, due Tuesday, November 22

1. Briefly describe the historical distribution of the world’s major religions. (Universalizing Religion, branch, denomination, sect, fundamentalism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Ethnic religions, Hinduism, Judaism, mono or poly theism, hierarchical religion, autonomous religion)

Chapter 6, pages 195-210, due Tuesday, November 29

2. Compare the impact of Christianity and Islam on the landscape.(church, Mosque, temple, pagoda, pilgrimage (Hajj), dioceses, bishops/archbishops)

3. In what ways is Judaism an ethnic religion?

4. How do different religions incorporate natural features into their cosmogony? (Animism, Pagan, solstice)

5. How has religion been a source of territorial conflict among people? (caste)

6. How has the concept of pilgrimage changed in the modern world?

Chapter 7, 212-223, due Friday, December 2

1. Describe the national distribution of ethnic minorities within the United States. (Clustering, race, racism, racist, ethnicity, White Flight)

2. Describe the geographical implications of South Africa's "apartheid" laws. (Boers, Afrikaners, Afrikaans, Homelands)

3. What is the difference between a nation and a state? Define the elements of a nation-state. (Nationality, Nationalism, multi state nations, multi-nation (ethnic) states, Self-determination)

4. Explain why ethnicity will continue to contribute to local diversity even as other cultural elements become globalized.

Chapter 7, 223-239, due Tuesday, December 6

5. Briefly outline the events leading to the war in Lebanon, the war itself, and the resolution of the conflict.

6. Sri Lanka has conflict between its two main groups of people. Describe the two groups and the major legal difficulties which contribute to the unrest.

Misc. terms to know; Ethnic Cleansing, Balkanization, Balkanized