Professional Learning Subcommittee

April 14, 2015


Present: Celena Alcala; Mary-Jo Apigo; Elizabeth Bell; Adrienne Foster; Scott Kecken; Kimberly Manner (Chair); Clare Norris; Manish Patel; Alice Taylor

  1. The meeting was called to order at 3:20 p.m.
  2. Minutes of the March 10 meeting were approved by consensus.
  3. K. Manner shared a Wordle she created based on the “shared whys” of Professional Learning from the March 10 meeting.
  4. K. Manner reported on the “Best Practices in Professional Development” workshop she attended at College of the Canyons on March 27.
  5. The committee worked together to draft a mission statement for the Professional Learning Subcommittee. The following goals for PL were shared:
  6. Create a learning college
  7. Shift from what am I teaching to what are they learning
  8. Directs collaboration
  9. Talk about learning goals; share ideas and outcomes
  10. Include the entire campus—not just “teachers”
  11. Respect for other people is the basis for a learning culture
  12. Naturalized ideas about dealing with people in a respectful way (one of the staff pieces of a learning college)
  13. Shift from getting students through a process to how to welcome students to what they need from us
  14. Wherever they go on campus, students can turn to someone in support of learning/learning capacity
  15. Effective PD characteristics
  16. Long-term, collaborative, comprehensive programs that include observing colleagues, active learning opportunities…
  17. Ongoing
  18. Continuous
  19. Iterative
  20. Embedded within institutional needs
  21. Aligned with college initiatives
  22. Grounded in collaborative inquiry-based approach to learning
  23. Purposeful
  24. Questions: Do we want to be directive?Where do we want to focus?
  25. Mentoring
  26. Tech Fair—how can we capture what goes on and make it accessible?
  27. The committee decided to use the professional learning goals from the Education Master Plan as their mission statement

Professional Learning Subcommittee Mission

Inspire and increase faculty, staff, and administrator involvement in professional learning activities in order to create a college culture of learning. Develop, apply, and assess proven, effective learner-centered strategies.

  1. Other ideas for professional learning opportunities were shared:
  2. Being a learner-centered college: treat your students as people first
  3. Planned prof dev for adjuncts—academy that is considered for FT hiring priority
  4. To complete the plan, the committee still needs to:
  5. Describe the history of Professional Learning at West (everyone agreed to email what they know to K. Manner prior to the next meeting)
  6. Determine how success is measured. Ideas included:
  7. EMP Goals
  8. District Goal of Teaching & Learning Success (from IE report)
  9. SLOs—are students meeting learning criteria?
  10. Achievement rates (course completion, success, persistence, degree completion)
  11. How often do we measure it?
  12. Look at event evaluations
  1. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Next meeting: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 3:15 in Winlock Lounge