Frequently Asked Questions:

How can my district or school sign up for the Gateway Project Summer Institute?

If your district or school is interested in applying for the Gateway Project Institute, please contact us at .

Who should attend the Gateway Project Institute?

The Gateway Project Institute is appropriate for teachers and administrators from any public school district, charter school, or private school encompassing at least two grade level spans: elementary, middle, and/or high school. Since we aim to promote integrated STEM learning across multiple grade levels, we cannot accommodate schools with only one grade level span.

Your district or school should assemble a STEM Leadership Team, consisting of 4-6 people, including educators and at least one administrator, with representatives from at least two grade level spans; elementary, middle, and/or high school. Ideally, a team should have all three (3) grade level spans represented. We encourage diverse teams that are truly reflective of your school’s student population (i.e. special needs educator, ELL, art, technology education, etc.). Identify a team leader, who will be your contact person and liaison with the Gateway staff.

What will our team need to prepare before the “Opening the Gateway to Technology and Engineering” Summer Institute?

Prior to the institute, each Leadership Team will be asked to e-mail the following to the Gateway staff:

·  Short PowerPoint slide presentation (about six to eight slides) on their district or school’s demographics and community.

·  Information on their district or school’s current efforts to meet the Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework standards or the New Hampshire K-12 Curriculum Frameworks for Science and Technology/Engineering Education Curriculum Guide recommendations.

·  Future goals for STEM learning in their district or school.

·  Introductions to the Leadership Team members.

What is the cancellation policy?

Cancelling a Gateway District Summer Session must be done by phone or email three (3) weeks before the scheduled session. Refunds will be issued, minus a 10% administrative fee, for those cancelling before this deadline.

Are members of the Leadership Team required to attend all Progress Sessions and Gateway events?

Although we strongly encourage all Leadership Team members to attend all three sessions, if a team member needs to cancel, we request the selection of an appropriate alternate to attend in that team member's place. Please notify us as soon as possible of any changes to your Leadership Team.

Can a Gateway Project Institute be held in my state?

Yes, please contact us at to discuss options for Gateway sessions in your state.

For any additional questions, contact us:


Phone: 617-589-3100