/ TheUBC cardisUBC'sofficial identification document.It can beusedforUBC Library services, UBCBookstoreandcampus partners’ e-Moneypurchases, Food Services'diningconvenienceanddiscounts, reducedor freeadmissiontovariousUBC attractionsandfacilities.
Campus Wide Login (CWL)
/ CWL is UBC’s single sign-on authentication system designed to give you access to UBC’s online applications using the same username and password.Initial access will include the Faculty and Staff Self-Services web portal and the Library.
/ Faculty members have full access to all materials and services. These include remote access to medical journals, access to library researchworkshops, online guides and tutorials on a variety of topics, and assistance from the staff and reference librarians. For individuals who do not wishto register for a CWL, a library card will be provided.
TravelDiscounts / Government, University and Corporate rates are available for Canadian hotels and vehicle rentals, including ZipCar, Park N’ Fly and YVR short-term and long-term parking.
/ UBC has reciprocal parking agreements with SFU and UVic. UBC Faculty and staff who have current parking permits may park in faculty/staff lots atthese institutions, and SFU and UVic faculty and staff with current parking permits may park in faculty/staff lots at UBC.
UBCConferences & Accommodation ccommodations/ / Various types of accommodation are available on the UBC Point Gray Campus and UBC Okanagan Campus. For UBC Point Gray information and reservations, call 604-822-1000, or toll free 888-822-1030 and request the campus rate. For UBC Okanagan information and reservations, call 1-250-807-8050, or toll free 1-888-318-8666 and request the campus rate.
William A. Webber
Medical Student & AlumniCentre (MSAC)
/ MSAC, located on the corner of 12th Avenue and Heather Street near Vancouver General Hospital, is a social and recreational facility for UBC medical students, residents, alumni, faculty and departments.
E-Mail Account / Departments and schools will coordinate. Please contact the department/school administrator.
UBCBookstore Discounts
/ With a UBC Card, you are eligible for discounts on computers.
Apple / Visit the Academic Store on-line for discounts on hardware and software.
RetailGoods and Services / Many companies offer government and educational discounts. Ask, and have your UBC Card with you.
Business Cards / Business Cards with the UBC logo indicating your appointment and rank can be ordered through your department/school for a nominal charge.
/ Free admission to the UBC Museum of Anthropology, and reduced admission to the UBC Botanical Garden, Frederic Wood Theatre, TELUS StudioTheatre, other attractions and numerous fitness and recreation programs.
Communication / You will receive a copy of the monthly Faculty of Medicine electronic bulletin, ‘The Link’, which provides updates about the Faculty Executive meeting minutes, award deadlines and upcoming events.
UBC Child Care Services
/ UBC Child Care Services provides about 600 spaces designed for the children of students, faculty and staff at UBC. Expansions at various locations will annually create more spaces, however the waiting lists tend to be long.
Kids & Co. Parent
/ Kids & Co. Parent give faculty and staff access to emergency child care as well as priority placement.
Faculty Development Initiatives Grant Program. / Faculty of Medicine Faculty Development offers programsandservicesaimedatenhancingskillsinteachingandlearning, assessmentand evaluation,leadershipandeducational research. Faculty membersareeligibletoapply for theannual Faculty Development Initiative Grant Program. Vancouver Fraser Medical Program & Other FOM Programs: IslandMedical Program:
Centre forHealthEducationScholarship
/ CHESiscommittedtoenhancinghealtheducationscholarship bybuildingcapacity acrosstheFaculty of Medicinethroughcollaboration, team-building,mentorshipof newfaculty, successful fundingapplications, andother activities. Linked strongly toundergraduateand postgraduateactivities, the Centreservesas a resourcetohelp supportbest practiceinterms of the delivery of the Faculty’s educational programsincludingassessment. Departmentallinksprovidea resource for departmentally basedmemberswhorequiresupportandadvice.CHES hostsResearch Roundsonthethird Wednesday of each month, from 12:00-1:30 pm, withvideoconferenceaccesstoalldistributedsites.
eHealth Strategy Office
/ Themissionof theFaculty of MedicineeHealthStrategy Officeispurpose driven eHealth- toexplore howmoderninformationand communicationtechnologies(e.g. cell phone, iPods, Internet, etc.) can enable, enhance, andfulfill theacademic missionof education, research, knowledgetranslation andcommunity engagement inthecontext of healthcare.The eHealth Strategy Office hasregular thirdThursday of themonthlearningevents, called eHealthInvestigative Partnership Program(eHIPP)Rounds. They are heldin Room 309,855 West 10th Avenue, Vancouveror virtually via WebEx.Each event consistsof 40 minutesof presentationfollowed by 20 minutesof questions, andmost arerecordedfor futureviewing.
Centre forTeaching,Learningand
/ CTLTisa UBC centrethat offersa variety of programstotheUBC community, includinganongoingdevelopment program for facultymembersatdifferent stagesintheir careers.The program ismeant to supportyouinyour teachingandlearning endeavorsandtoprovideinformationoncurrent research onteachingandlearningtheoriesandmethods.
MDs only: UBC ContinuingProfessional Development(UBC CPD) / Bringingtogether a uniquecombinationof educational expertise, innovation, research andtheuseof technology,UBC CPD, a divisionof the Faculty of Medicine,isa leader in providingaccreditedhigh qualityunbiasededucationalprogrammingtosupportthe identified ContinuingMedical Education (CME) andCPD needsof physicians.
Ethics Approvals
/ Allresearch conductedat UBC facilities(includingUBC’saffiliatedhospitals) or undertakenby individualsappointedatUBC,that involveshuman subjects, animalsor bio-hazardousmaterialsmust bereviewedandapprovedby a UBC sanctionedResearch EthicsBoardor Committee.Youwill requirea UBC Cardtoregister in RISe, theon-line ethicsapplication.Courses, on-linetrainingandguidancenotesareavailable.
/ TheUniversity Industry LiaisonOffice(UILO)SponsoredResearch Groupnegotiates, draftsandadministersresearchagreementswithindustry, government and non-profit organizationsfor UBC and, insomecases, itsAffiliatedTeachingHospitals.
/ The UILOTechnology Transfer Group assistsresearchersat UBC andits AffiliatedTeachingHospitalstomaximize theimpact of their researchby helpingtotransform innovativediscoveriesintonewtools, processes, productsandtreatments.
Support Programs to
/ SPARC,formerly theHealthResearch Resource Office(HeRRO), provides expertsupporttoUBC researchersinalldisciplineswhoseek fundingfor innovative, team-basedresearchinitiatives.Servicesinclude internal review,strategic workshops,and brokeringteam development and partnershipswith government, industry andconsumer groups.

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UBCDepartment of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

G227-2211 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 2B5



Page 3of3 – Advantagesof Faculty AppointmentupdatedJanuary 26, 2012