They Have Their Reward
-Unless they’ve been recently removed, there were some “Missing Dog” flyers posted in
the immediately area. If I remember right, the word “Reward” appeared at the top.
-That word “reward” attracts our attention, does it not? We like the sound of it. It peaks
our curiosity.
-Well, here’s a way of using the concept of a reward in a rather unusual way – a way we
don’t normally think about: There is a reward for sin.
-If we’re honest with the passage, we’ll concede the fact that when Satan tempted
Jesus in Matt. 4, he had something to offer.
-But, aren’t we glad that Jesus refused the offer!
-There’s a Reward to Sinfulness – Jesus Said So
-Matthew 6:2
-Reminds me of Mark 12:41-44 (Jesus at treasury observing rich & the widow)
-It has been said that the rich would cast in coins to make considerable noise – to
indicate they were making a contribution – to gather attention for themselves.
-pride, glory of men
-Not so with the widow
-Back to Matt. 6:2 – “they have received their reward”
-Contrast this to vs 4 – “Father…will reward you”
-Matthew 6:5-6
-Matthew 6:16-18
-So, in these passages, Jesus does not deny the idea of a reward being tied to sin. We
don’t like to think of it that way but the fact is some who sin will get what they want.
-attention, glory of men, status, influence – They might find pleasure, satisfaction,
worldly success, wealth and other things.
-But, the words of Jesus indicate a tragic sense – past tense. Even for those who attain
these things that they are after are receiving a reward that will not last. They will miss
out on the reward to come.
-Satan is Selling Sin
-Satan is a deceiver (Rev. 12:9). We can think of him as a deceitful advertiser.
-2012 Super Bowl ads – averaged $3.5 million for a 30 second spot
-Although many look to these ads for entertainment, advertisers are looking for
something different: appeal, influence and ultimately sales.
-Isn’t that what Satan is aiming for? appeal, influence and sales?
-James 1:13-15 – Through this process, Satan sells his product of sin.
-Reminds me of Danny Boggs’ GVBC lesson, The Pregnant Man – Ps. 7:14.
-This is the person who has fallen to the influence of Satan. He followed the
appeal of sin, allowed it to influence his decisions & actions and purchased
what Satan was selling.
-And, again, Satan offers a reward.
-pleasure, enjoyment, popularity, ease, wealth, etc., etc., etc.
-1 John 2:15-17
-But, notice Heb. 11:24-25
-vs 24 – Would it have been advantageous to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter?
-vs 25 – Could Moses have enjoyed the pleasures of sin?
-vs 26 – Could he have had his portion of the riches of Egypt?
-The answer to each of these is “yes.” This would have been part of his reward.
-But, notice a very significant word in vs 25 – “fleeting.”
-fleeting – that which passes swiftly – i.e. temporary
-Now, remember, I said Satan is a false advertisers.
-While some get what they want, many end up with something very different.
Pleasures turn to sorrow. Hopes of wealth turn to emptiness. Sexual sinfulness
turns to sorrows, broken homes, transmitted diseases (example of Corinthians).
-Nobody starts with a desire to be an alcoholic or a gambling addict. Nobody
seeks failure, loneliness, destitution, etc. Yet, that’s exactly where sins leads for
-Summary and Invitation
-now vs then – Too many people sacrifice the reward to come in order to have things
now. We need to make the necessary sacrifices now in view of the reward to come.
-rich fool (Luke 12)
-Matt. 6:1
-God’s reward is not falsely advertised. It is not an empty promise. It is of an eternal
-Col. 3:23-25
-1 John 2:25