17th ANNUAL CONFERENCE: March 19-22, 2017

Health Behavior Research in the Age of Personalized Medicine

Continuing Education Evaluation Form - NCHEC Provider Number: 101888 Program #: 28331

Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: 1

Session Date/Name: Sunday, February 21, 2016 4:30 pm– 5:30 pm

TITLE: “2017 AAHB Research Laureate Presentation - Reflections on 15 years in the global tobacco trenches”

Speaker: Kenneth D. Ward, Ph.D., - University of Memphis

Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

1.Describe successes and current challenges in global tobacco control efforts.


2.Understand the global spread, dependence potential, and health effects of waterpipe tobacco use.


3.Recognize social, political, and other “non-scientific” challenges of conducting global tobacco control research


Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speaker / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Kenneth Ward, PhD, FAAHB

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor


Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: 1.5 hrs.

Session Date/Name: Sunday, March 19, 2017Poster Session6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

  • Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

1.Participants will be able to discuss the importance of the health behavior research projects interactively with authors, individuals or small groups.


2. Participants will be able to identify how health behavior research addresses a need in scientific knowledge.


3.Participants will be able to understand how the results are valid and important to the health behavior field of study and future directions.


  • Please circle the degree to which the poster session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate at least 9 posters on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Poster # / Content / Organization/clarity of poster presentation / Useful information / Author -participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Visual Appeal / Handouts
  • Please rate the overall quality of this poster session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Additional Comments:

Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: .5 hrs.

Date/Name: Monday, March 20, 20179:00 – 9:30 am Session Moderator: Jay Maddock, PhD, FAAHB

TITLE: “Beyond the Genome: Advancing Precision Medicine through Personalized Health Behavior Change Interventions”

Speaker: Leigh Ann Simmons, PhD – Duke University School of Nursing

Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  1. Discuss the evolution of the Precision Medicine Initiative and its relationship to health behavior research.


  1. Describe non-genomic approaches to personalized and precision medicine using examples from studies of dietary intake and weight gain during pregnancy.


  1. Summarize strategies for adapting health behavior change interventions to promote personalized care.


Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speaker / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Leigh Ann Simmons, PhD

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor



Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: .5hrs.

Date/Name: Monday, March 20, 20179:30 – 10:00 am

TITLE: “Using Genomics & Genetic Information to Motivate Behavior Change”

Keynote Speaker: Colleen M. McBride, PhD – Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University

  • Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

1. Understand strategies for using Genomics and Genetic Information in health behavior research.


Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speaker / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Colleen M. McBride, PhD

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor


Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: .5 hrs.

Session Date/Name: MondayMarch 20, 201710:00 – 10:30 am

Session TITLE: “Major Initiatives at NIH: All of Us and the BRAIN Initiative”

SpeakerGregory K. Farber, PhD - National Institute of Mental Health

  • Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

1.Understand the reason for the creation of major new initiatives at NIH.


2.Describe the goals of the BRAIN Initiative


3.Describe the scale and scope of the All of Us research project


Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speaker / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Gregory K. Farber, PhD

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor


Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: .5 hrs.

Session Date/Name: Monday March 20, 201710:45 – 11:15 am

Session TITLE: Can Genomic Information Guide Precision Treatment of Weight Management?

Speaker: Molly S. Bray, PhD – University of Texas

Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

1.Discuss the role of genes in obesity and weight loss and a discussion of how genes influence energy balance through the direct and indirect influence of health behaviors (e.g., eating and physical activity).


2. Discuss the role of additional biological systems that influence energy balance (e.g., epigenetics, gut microbiome).


3. Examine how multi-omic data can be utilized for weight loss and provide recommendations for the future of weight loss treatment.


Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speaker / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Molly S. Bray, PhD

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor


Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: .5 hrs.

Session Date/Name: Monday March 20, 201711:15 – 11:45 am

Session TITLE: Is There a Role for Genomics in Diabetes and Heart Disease Prevention?

Speaker: Allison Vorderstrasse, DNSc, APRN, FAAN – Duke University School of Nursing

  • Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

Discuss the current state of the science in genomics of chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.


Describe program of research aiming to contribute to the evidence base for and context of implementation of genomics in clinical practice for chronic disease prevention.


Identify potential public health and precision health implications of the current state of the evidence in terms of chronic disease prevention and management.


Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speaker / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Allison Vorderstrasse, DNSc, APRN, FAAN

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor


Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: 1 hr.

Date/Name: Monday, March 20, 201711:45am – 12:45 pm

Session TITLE: Panel DiscussionModerator: Jay Maddock, PhD, FAAHB


Leigh Ann Simmons, PhD – Duke University School of Nursing

Colleen M. McBride, PhD – Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University

Gregory K. Farber, PhD - National Institute of Mental Health

Molly S. Bray, PhD – University of Texas

Allison Vorderstrasse, DNSc, APRN, FAAN – Duke University School of Nursing

Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  1. Discuss the implications related to speaker presentations.54321
  1. Explore important questions yet to be answered regarding the

presentations and research presented.5432 1

  1. Provide information and new facts related to topics and research

presented.5432 1

Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speakers / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Leigh Ann Simmons, PhD
Colleen M. McBride, PhD
Gregory K. Farber, PhD
Molly S. Bray, PhD
Allison Vorderstrasse, DNSc, APRN, FAAN.

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Additional Comments:

Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: 1 hr.

Session Date/Name: Monday, March 20, 20171:00 –2:00 pm

Session: Optional Professional Development and Mentoring

TITLE:“An Introduction to Working with Secondary Data”

Speakers: Matthew E. Rossheim, PhD – George Mason University

  • Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

1.The benefits to using secondary data (particularly for early career professionals)


2. How to conduct a study using secondary data


3.Secondary datasets that are relatively easy to use.


Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speaker / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Matthew E. Rossheim, PhD

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Additional Comments:

Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: 3 hr.

Date/Name: Monday, March 20, 20172:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Session TITLE: Optional Workshop - “Managing and Analyzing Secondary Data with STATA*”

Speaker: Matthew E. Rossheim, PhD – George Mason University

  • Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  1. Using data, participants will be able to merge and append data.54321

2.Participants will be able to clean and recode variables.5432 1

3.Participants will be able to conduct basic descriptive, bivariate,

and multivariable analyses.5432 1

  1. Participants will be able to create graphs with the data.5432 1

Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speaker / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Matthew E. Rossheim, PhD

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Additional Comments:

Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: 1.5 hrs.

Session Date/Name: Monday, March 20, 2017Poster Session6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

  • Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

1.Participants will be able to discuss the importance of the health behavior research projects interactively with authors, individuals or small groups.


2. Participants will be able to identify how health behavior research addresses a need in scientific knowledge.


3.Participants will be able to understand how the results are valid and important to the health behavior field of study and future directions.


  • Please circle the degree to which the poster session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate at least 9 posters on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Poster # / Content / Organization/clarity of poster presentation / Useful information / Author -participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Visual Appeal / Handouts
  • Please rate the overall quality of this poster session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Additional Comments:

Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: .5hrs.

Date/Name: Tuesday, March 21, 20179:00 am – 9:30 am

TITLE:“Personalizing Behavior Change Through Mobile Technology”

Speaker: Michael E. Newcomb, PhD – Northwestern University

Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

1.Review three approaches to personalizing eHealth and mHealth interventions.


2. Describe stepped-care/adaptive trial designs for evaluating eHealth interventions.


3.Discuss considerations for determining the degree of personalization in eHealth and mHealth interventions


Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speaker / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Michael E. Newcomb, PhD

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Additional Comments:

Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: .5hrs.

Session Date/Name: Tuesday, March 21, 20179:30 – 10:00 am

Session TITLE: Motivate, Monitor, and Measure: Using mHealth Approaches to Personalized Behavior Change

Speaker: Brie Turner-McGrievy, PhD, MS, RD – University of South Carolina

  • Please rate how well were the learning objectives were met. (Please evaluate each objective in the scale below.)

5=Very well met 4=Well met3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

1.Describe the use of mobile apps, social networking platforms, and wearable devices to create personalized behavior change recommendations.


2. List the outcomes of at least three different intervention studies using mHealth technology for behavior change.


3.Discuss how mHealth can be used to improve health behaviors important for obesity and chronic disease prevention and treatment.


Please circle the degree to which the session met your learning needs.

5=Very well met 4=Well met 3=Somewhat met 2=Not very well met 1=Not met

  • Please rate the speaker on each category on the table below.

5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor

Speaker / Knowledge of subject matter / Organization/clarity of presentation / Useful information / Speaker-participant interaction / Use of allotted time / Audio-visual aids / Handouts
Brie Turner-McGrievy, PhD, MS, RD

Please rate the overall quality of this session on the scale below.

5=Excellent 4=Good3=Fair2= Poor 1=Very poor


Participant's Name:______CHES ID # ______or MCHES #:______Contact Hours: .5hrs.

Session Date/Name: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 10:15 – 10:45 am

Session TITLE: Impacts of Precision Health Technologies on Individuals and Society