Dear Friends,
A few years ago our neighbors had a child avert a near drowning tragedy. We didn’t really know them then, we just heard, through the grapevine about their “life scare”. Their two-year old daughter, Chase had fallen into the river behind their house and nearly drown. This horror story has a happy ending because Farley and Patrick Boyle had taken an optional infant/child CPR course year earlier. For many, the story would end there and everything would go back to the way it was. But for Farley, it was a defining moment in her life, one that would change the course of CPR education forever.
Farley wanted to give back immediately and began by hosting an Infant/Child CPR workshop at her home a week after they were discharged from ICU. As neighbors living on her street with young children, she invited us to attend and we participated. Coincidentally, a few weeks later I utilized the skills I learned by saving my niece from a choking incident. Farley had her first testimonial and formed C.H.A.S.E. for Life (CPR-Heimlich-Awareness-Safety-Education) believing that a little bit of education could make a tremendous difference. We obviously recognized the importance of her mission and signed on by volunteering wherever we could.
Since our inception in 2006, C.H.A.S.E for Life has educated over 5000 people in FREE hands-on workshops C.H.A.S.E. wants to empower anyone with a hand on a child with the basic life saving skills needed to sustain a life in crises until help can take over. In just two short years, with the help of volunteers and supporters like yourself, C.H.A.S.E. has produced several educational resources like: an 18 minute animated instructional short called "How to Save a Life", an iconic character named Paddy the Penguin, an educational user-friendly website, along with Infant/Child CPR & Choking Maneuver posters, pocket guides and a coloring book. In addition we are proud to announce that we have now translated all of these resources into Spanish!
In honor of this accomplishment we are hosting our 3rd annual event called ¡Viva LA CHASE! A Fiesta celebrating the translation of our Spanish resources! We invite you to join us on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 129 Ave of Two Rivers for an evening filled with Spanish culture and cuisine. Proceeds from our event will enable us to launch a National Safety & Awareness Campaign spotlighting Paddy the Penguin (similar to Smokey the Bear) while simultaneously marketing the availability of our resources in Spanish. We are also going to create an interactive Paddy the Penguin web site and turn our original song "Rescue" into a music video that will serve as a Public Service Announcement.
Our goal is obtainable; we have the cure.... we just need to get it out there at no charge. By aligning yourself with C.H.A.S.E. for Life, together we can change statistics in this country by saving children’s lives.
Best Regards,
Your 2008 ¡Viva LA CHASE! Co-Chairs
Jennifer Borenius & Amanda Haytaian