Camp Hawkins
Screening Form
Come join us for a fun-filled summer at Camp Hawkins! Camp Hawkins is a privately funded residential camp for children and youth with developmental disabilities. Our goal is to provide children with disabilities a camp experience they will remember for the rest of their lives. As we like to say it, “Camp is for the camper!”
We currently have two locations, Mt. Airy and Baxley, Georgia. Our main facility is located in the beautiful Northeast Georgia mountains. Our campus includes two air-conditioned lodges, gymnasium, vesper garden, and pool surrounded by hardwood forests and a creek. Our second facility is located on the Children’s Home campus in Baxley. This campus includes cottages for campers/counselors, pool, gymnasium, lake, and lots of land for unlimited amounts of fun.
There are nine camp sessions during the summer. Most sessions consist of 5 days and 4 nights. Each day is filled with various activities that include swimming, sports and games, arts and crafts, music and bible study. Evenings are filled with special events such as messy games, a dance, field trips, and a variety show. We close each camp session with a camper awards ceremony joined by family and friends.
All camp staff will complete training that will provide an overview of various disabilities, certification in CPR, and an extensive session on how to meet the needs of our campers. It is helpful to have previous experience, but is not required. There will also be breaks between each camp session to rest and reminisce on the memories made with all the kids.
Camp Hawkins is a wonderful ministry that not only touches the lives of each camper, but also leaves a mark on the hearts of each family as well. Come join us as we make memories that will be shared for the rest of our lives!
Please mail completed Camp Hawkins Screening Form to:
Attn: Camp Hawkins
9250 Hutchinson Ferry Road
Palmetto, GA. 30268
Camp Hawkins
Georgia Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries
What is Camp Hawkins?
Camp Hawkins is a privately funded residential camp for children and youth with developmental disabilities. Campers must be between the ages of 8 and 22 years.
The camp is designed for campers with various disabilities such as Down’s Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Learning Disorders, and/or developmental delays. This program is not designed for children with a primary diagnosis of emotional disturbance or behavioral disorder.
Criteria: 18+ years old, male or female, experience with special needs population preferred but not required, stamina, enthusiasm, maturity, and a positive attitude.
Counselor: Paired to work one on one with a camper. Will provide necessary full time assistance to camper. Will assist and encourage camper to participate in all activities.
Arts and Crafts Leader: Will plan, adapt and lead arts and crafts activities appropriate for campers on a daily basis. Will be willing to assist with counselors as needed.
Sports and Games Leader: Will plan, adapt and lead sports and games appropriate for campers on a daily basis. Will be willing to assist counselors as needed.
Bible Study Leader: Will plan, adapt and lead Bible study appropriate for campers on a daily basis. Will be willing to assist counselors as needed.
Lifeguard: Must be a certified lifeguard. Will assume lifeguard duties on a daily basis. Will be willing to assist counselors as needed.
Music Leader: Will plan, adapt and lead music time appropriate for campers on a daily basis. Will be willing to assist counselors as needed.
Nurse: Must be a licensed or registered nurse. Will administer medications to campers and counselors. Will assist in minor medical situations. Will be on site full time.
**Please know that the Arts and Crafts Leader, Sports and Games Leader, Bible Study Leader, Music Leader and Nurse are occupied positions through our volunteer teams for each week. However sometimes groups do not have these positions and they are filled through other applicants.**
Camp Hawkins Screening Form
Date: ______□ New Staffer □ Return Staffer
Name: ______
Date of Birth: ______
Home Address: ______
School or Work Address: ______
Phone Numbers:
Home: ______
School/Work: ______
Cell: ______
Email Address: ______
T-Shirt Size: ______
Emergency Contact Information (including name, phone #, and address):
Positions and Dates 2015
Please circle the sessions you are available to work:
Please notice there are two different locations that camp will be held this summer. Please note that three of the weeks coincide between Mt. Airy and Baxley. You can choose to work at both locations if available.
Mt. Airy, Georgia Location
Session 1: June 10-14 (Wednesday-Sunday)
Session 2: June 17-21 (Wednesday- Sunday)
Session 3: June 24-28 (Wednesday- Sunday)
Session 4: July 1-5 (Wednesday- Sunday)
Session 5: July 8-12 (Wednesday- Sunday)
Session 6: July 15-19 (Wednesday- Sunday)
Departure Date: July 21st
Baxley, Georgia Location
Session 1: June 17-21 (Wednesday-Sunday)
Session 2: June 24-28 (Wednesday- Sunday)
Session 3: July 1-5 (Wednesday- Sunday)
Departure Date: July 7th
All new staff regardless of which location you serve will attend the mandatory orientation in Mt. Airy, Georgia.
Orientation Weekend: June 3rd -June 9th
Arrival Time for New Staff is 7:00pm on Wednesday, June 3rd
Returning Staff Arrival:
Saturday, June 6th at 6:00pm
**If you are not working Week one, you are still required to be at the orientation but can leave on Monday by 6:00pm or after the staff outing on Tuesday morning**
Staff Questionnaire
Please complete the entire staff questionnaire even if you have worked before. Please take time and answer these questions honestly and thoroughly. We appreciate you taking the time to complete this and look forward to working with you.
What contributions do you think you can make at Camp Hawkins? ______
What contributions do you think a well-run camp can make to children with special needs? ______
What are three of your biggest strengths and how could they be utilized at camp? ______
What are three of your biggest weaknesses and how could those be improved on or hinder your ability at camp?
What do you think would be the toughest part of being a counselor? (Examples- changing someone, feeding someone, helping participate in activities, trying to communicate with someone who is non-verbal, not being able to have quiet time whenever you want, having to become selfless, or other…) Why? ______
Please write why you want to work and be a part of Camp Hawkins? ______
Medical, Specialized Trainings, and Background
Please note any medical issues, allergies, or accommodations our staff will need to be aware of in order to better meet your needs. ______
Please note any dietary accommodations that our staff will need to be aware of so we can better prepare meals that meet your needs.
Please indicate any special trainings or specialized classes you have taken below: (CPR, 1st Aid, etc.) ______
If you have had previous experience, please circle the disability areas with which you have experience:
Autism Developmentally Delayed Vision Impaired
Down Syndrome Cerebral Palsy Other: ______
ADD/ADHD Hearing Impaired ______
I attest that the above statements are true and correct. I understand that if I am considered for a camp position, I will need to complete the GBCH&FM employment/volunteer process.
Signature: ______Date: ______