ICRI Review Comment Form

Document Title: 320.2R–xxGuide for Selecting and Specifying Materials for Repair of Concrete Surfaces / Date: July 20, 2015
Committee: 320 Repair Materials and Methods
No. / Initials / Pg # / Line # / E/P/S /


/ Committee Response
FG / 6 / 11 / E / Impacts should be impact
FG / 10 / 3 / E / deficiencies instead of deficiency
FG / 17 / 1 / E / “The expectations for the project need to be…”
FG / 18 / 1 / E / Consider adding to the list of Repair work interferences with the use of the structure list the items
Time window for work to occur
Environmental considerations such as noise, dust, overspray, hazardous materials, fumes, odors
Access to required utilities (electricity of satisfactory voltage and amperage), water, compressed air, ventilation, restrooms
Ingress and egress and traffic flow
“civilian” protection-must be a better word but consideration for those not involved in the repair process
FG / 18 / 9 / E / ACI 562 code requires a maintenance plan to be developed
FG / 23 / 19 / E / Need to provide guidance on how to measure flowability and non-sag characteristics
FG / 25 / 6 / E / Example 1 sounds like a recipe for salt scaling as well.
FG / 25 / 12 / E / Example sounds more like point loading than impact. I think of impact as falling objects and point loading as particles compressed between the steel wheel and the concrete.
FG / 32 / 1 / E / Add material performance consistency (in other words each bag mixes, applies, and hardens the same)
FG / 35 / 15 / E / “…within a specific service criteria” is better than load as load means force transmittal and service is a broader concept
FG / 38 / 11 / E / “…Of the test methods described, the direct tensile test….”
FG / 41 / 6 / S / Consider referencing ACI 562. The latest version has an entire section on the subject of when bond testing is required based on interface shear.
FG / 43 / 16 / E / Include “intrinsic properties of the particular repair material” or similar language. In other words some materials dry faster than others.
FG / 44 / 9 / S / It would be advisable to provide somewhat more of a description of what the modifications to C157 involve such as “ICRI 320.3 describes using the same size specimens for mortar, extended mortar, and concrete; demolding length change specimens at either 1 d for normal setting (or 2 hours after final setting time for rapid setting materials), determination of length change for both drying at 50% RH and water immersion, and beginning length change measurements immediately after demolding of the specimens continued through ultimate shrinkage.” I realize this is really wordy for this document, but am struggling for how to be correct and concise concurrently.
FG / 47 / 12 / E / “…creep of the repair materials generally should be similar to that of the hardened concrete substrate. “ In other words, the substrate has already crept while the repair material may still have undesirable comparatively large amounts of creep at early ages.
FG / 50 / 9 / E / Low permeability will also reduce the rate of sulfate, acid, carbonation, and other deleterious materials besides chlorides.
FG / 54 / 9 / E / Sulfates are also commonly associated with volcanic activity or deposits.
FG / 62 / 20 / s / Should inch pound units also be included in addition to cal/g? (BTU/lb)
FG / 63 / 9 / E / Consider mentioning that heat of hydration can also be controlled through lower cement contents, use of pozzolans, and retarding admixtures.
FG / 64 / 7 / E / Working time is the amount of time available after mixing until the material no longer has acceptable performance or placement characteristics.
FG / 67 / 4 / E / Revise to “…be verified by outside parties when reproducibility is considered.” If so required gives too much wiggle room.

P– Primary; E – Editorial; or S – Secondary; (“0” Pg# and Line# for General Comment)

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