Special OlympicsYukon
Annual General Meeting
September 26, 2015
Teresa Rudolph, Amica Sturdy, Richard Johnson, Jennifer Lemay, Leslie McRae, Tom Gibbs, Lee Pigage, Esther Chasse, Jim Tucker, Lynn Pigage, Ken Binns, Helen Slama, Deb Sumner, Jasmine Dumcao, Jen Dumcao, Stacey Bowden, Janine Peters
Ross Ste-Croix, Program Manager, Special Olympics Canada,
Special Olympic Yukon Athletes:
Mallory Pigage, Darby McIntyre, Aimee Lien, Carrie Rudolph, Christopher Lee, Gaetan Michaud, Owen Munroe, Allana Dene, Sara Lee Edmonds, Duncan McRae
Serge Michaud, Executive Director, Special Olympics Yukon
Brettanie Deal-Porter, Program Director, Special Olympics Yukon
- Meeting called to order 12:20pm
Special Olympics Yukon Athlete Ambassador Gaetan Michaud gave an opening speech welcoming everyone to the Annual General Meeting.
Serge Michaud chaired the meeting. He noted that all necessary material for the AGM were available for download from the Special Olympics Yukon website before today’s meeting.
- Approval of Agenda
Moved: Helen Slama2nd:Richard Johnson CARRIED unanimously
- Reading and Approval of last Annual General Meeting Minutes September 21, 2014as read by Serge Michaud. Two corrections were noted for the minutes: revised spelling for Aimee Lien and date of previous AGM changed to September 21, 2013.
Moved for amended minutes: Leslie McCrae2nd: Duncan McCraeCARRIED unanimously
- Annual Reports
a)President’s Report – presentedas a written report by Tom Gibbs.
Tom noted that the previous year had been spectacular and that he was looking forward to the next year.
Moved: Tom Gibbs 2nd: Ken BinnsCARRIED unanimously
b)Executive Director’s Report – presented by Serge Michaud; he spoke to the written report.
He highlighted increased funding, several personal bests at the Special Olympics Canada National Summer Games in Vancouver by Special Olympics Yukon athletes,and Darby McIntyre participating in Special Olympics International World Games in Los Angeles. Two new hires have joined Office staff for Special Olympics Yukon.
Moved: Leslie McCrae2nd: Amica SturdyCARRIED unanimously
c)Program Director’s Report – presented by Serge Michaud in the absence of Janine Peters; he spoke to the written report.
Moved: Duncan McCrae2nd: Esther ChasseCARRIED unanimously
A friendly amendment to the motion to approve was introduced later. It was noted that Michael
Sumner was not an Athlete Ambassador at the time as was stated in the Program Directors report.
Amendment Moved: Deb Sumner 2nd: Leslie McCraeCARRIED unanimously
d)Treasurer’s Report – presented by Jim Tucker
Jim noted that Special Olympics Yukon revenue exceeded expenditures by $21,351 in the last fiscal year. This surplus for the year justified position of SOY to not change its plans because of the fiscal deficit during 2013-2014. The organization is currently financially healthy.
Leslie McCrae complimented Special Olympics Yukon for increased funding grant $ while keeping administration $ down. Serge Michaud noted that the SOY Board is looking for additional fundraising projects to replace the increased federal funding which is due to expire after 2018.
She also inquired as to the reason for the dramatic increase in donations for 1 year (from less that $2000 to $10000). Serge Michaud answered that the $10000 donation was a 1-year donation by ATCO Elelctric Yukon to SOY as their charity of choice.
Moved: Jim Tucker2nd: Duncan McCraeCARRIED unanimously
- Business Arising from the minutes of September 20, 2014
- Charlene Donald had suggested that the Board of Directors consider having a designated Coach Representative on the Board in the future.
-The Board did look at the indicated problem of coaches not having direct access to the attention of the Board of Directors. Structure of Special Olympics Yukondoes contain a Territorial Program Committee consisting of Head Coaches, the SOY Program Director, and a Program Chair from the Board of Directors; this committee meets every few months to discuss the different SOY activities. In the last little while this committee has not been meeting because the Board did not have a Program Chair. Going forward, the Board of Directors has promised to revitalize the Territorial Program Committee; Trevor Twardochleb will be the Program Chair from the Board of Directors. The Board felt that this would address Charlene’s concerns.
- New Business
a)Election of officers
The following slate of people have allowed their names to stand for the 2015-16 Board of Directors:
President:Tom Gibbs
Vice PresidentVACANT
Programs ChairpersonTrevor Twardochleb
SecretaryLee Pigage
TreasurerJim Tucker
Athlete RepresentativeChristopher Lee
DirectorBen Kingdon (LETR)
DirectorRichard Johnson
DirectorMike Pare
DirectorAmica Sturdy
There were no further nominations from the floor. All candidates were elected by acclamation.
Mike Pare, Ben Kingdon and Trevor Twardochleb had indicated that they are interested in being board members once again and will be appointed to the Board at the next Board meeting.
7- Adjournment
Moved: Leslie McCraeCARRIED
Meeting Adjourned at 1:03pm Next meeting September 2016
Carrie Rudolph gave closing remarks, thanking everyone for participating in the AGM.
President Signature ______
Director Signature ______