Glaitness School

Pickaquoy Road, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1RP

Tel: (01856) 873648 Fax: (01856) 878868



Head Teacher: Mrs Morag Miller


Monday 30th April to Friday 4th May 2012

Additional Information


Packed lunch and drink (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks): these will need to be provided for the ferry journey on the Monday. Nethybridge will provide a packed lunch for the return journey home.

Luggage: your child must be able to carry their own kit in a robust holdall for transfer onto/off the ferry and buses. No plastic bags please.

Equipment and Clothing List:. All kit and clothing must be clearly labelled – lost items are never forwarded on. Jeans may only be worn during travel to and from the Nethybridge Centre and are not permitted for activities as they are difficult to get dried and uncomfortable to wear when wet!

Footwear: trainers can be used for the abseiling activities. Walking boots are provided by the Centre.

Mobile Phones:Should you feel that you want to allow your child to contact you during the trip, pupils will be allowed to take mobile phones. All mobile phones and chargers must be clearly labelled with the child’s name. Make sure there is enough credit on the mobile phone for the week. The mobile phones will be given out at specified periods in the evening for pupils to contact parents and collected in again. Mobile phone use will not be permitted outwith the allotted times. No responsibility is taken for loss or damage to the phone/charger.

Pocket Money:Pupils will only be allowed to take up to £20 pocket money as there are not very many opportunities to spend on souvenirs, and the purpose of the week is activity, not shopping! The children are able to buy small items at the shop on site each day. Leaders will be looking after pupil monies during the day and, at agreed periods, pupils will be given access to spend it at the shop. The pocket money in coins can be handed in to the school office in a clearly marked wallet or purse the week before the trip takes place.

Cameras: if you wish to allow your child to take photographs, please do not give your child expensive digital cameras, instead provide a clearly named disposable camera. Cameras are not allowed in the bedrooms at any time and inappropriate use of cameras will be dealt with seriously. Your child must hand in the camera to the Excursion Leader on the morning of the trip. The Excursion Leader will hand cameras out at appropriate times. Pupils will have access to school digital and video cameras which will provide a record of the whole excursion.

Expensive Equipment: no responsibility is accepted for personal items or equipment, ie electronic games etc.

Medicines:No medication can be administered without permission. If your child requires medication, you must have completed a pink Administration of Medicine form prior to the trip taking place, ensuring that you give full instructions for administering any medication. All medicines must be handed in a clearly named package with dosage to the Excursion Leader by the Friday before the trip takes place.

Sun cream: there will be no sharing of sun cream in case of allergic reaction, so please ensure your child brings their own, clearly labelled with their name.

Teddy: essential item to be brought along with a game/book/cards.

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