In Catholic Churches, the reception of Communion can raise many questions. Please read the following to more clearly understand our practice.

For Non-Catholics:
We welcome to this celebration of the Eucharist all those who are not baptized. However, as Baptism is the “door” to all the other sacraments, we cannot extend an invitation to you to receive Communion. We do, however, invite you to be united with us in prayer. We also welcome to this celebration those Christians from other denominations who are not fully united with us. It is a consequence of the sad divisions in Christianity that we cannot extend to you a general invitation to receive Communion for this would imply a oneness which does not exist, and for which we must all pray. An alternate sign of our Christian unity is to join the Communion line to receive a blessing. If you wish, you may remain in your pew and join with us in silent prayer.

To Receive a Blessing:
You may indicate that you wish to receive a blessing during the ordinary time for Communion by approaching the priest or minister with both arms across your chest (in the form of an X).

For Returning Catholics:
If you have been away from the practice of your faith for some time, you are urged to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) before receiving Communion. If you are aware that you may be in mortal sin, it is necessary to go to individual confession before receiving Communion.

Be assured that God’s mercy is available to all who ask for it. See the front cover of the parish bulletin or parish website ( for times when the Sacrament of Confession is celebrated. In the meantime, please come forward to receive a blessing (refer to the above directions on receiving a blessing).

For Those Receiving Communion:

Normally, we only receive the Host at St. Ann’s. The Chalice is offered on special occasions. When the Chalice is offered, you are invited to take and drink, but not to “dip” the Host. Only the minister can dip the Host for intinction and then it must be received upon the tongue.

You may receive the Host either on the tongue or on the hand. It is appropriate to make a gesture of reverence when approaching the minister. While you are one or two people away from the minister, you may wish to bow, genuflect, or to make the sign of the cross. Consume the Host immediately while standing before the minister. Do not walk away with the Host in your hand. For larger celebrations, when you see additional ministers distributing Communion at the front, please be willing to move to the alternate ministers, as well as those standing in the very centre aisle, so as to allow Communion to be distributed in a reasonable period of time.

Those who are unable to walk long distances unassisted are invited to sit near the back of the church, so that a minister may bring Communion to you at your seat. We are able to offer a low-gluten Host (0.01% gluten) to those who suffer from Celiac disease and are unable to receive the regular wheat Host. Should you wish to receive a low-gluten Host, please come to the sacristy before Mass to make the necessary arrangements.