PUPIL NOTICES Friday 4thNovember2016
All / Rock ChallengeThe first rehearsal for the whole team is on Monday in the PE hall until 5.30pm. All team members must attend in suitable kit for dancing. If you require a bus pass, please collect it from the General Office at the end of the school day. If you cannot attend you must see Miss Greig before Monday.
Miss Greig (Science)
ALL / Pupil Council
The next meeting is Tuesday 8thNovember in the Lecture Theatre. We will start promptly at 1.20pm so bring your lunch please and feedback from classes.
Mrs Milne (Depute Head Teacher)
ALL / 2016 Poppy Appeal
Prefects will be selling Poppies during registration. Suggested donation £1. Please show your support by purchasing and wearing a poppy.
Mrs Milne (Depute Head Teacher)
ALL / Film Club
Film Club will be back on this Monday (7thNov). It starts at 1.15pm so please feel free to bring your lunch with you!
Ms Looker (English)
S1 / Science Club
Come along Friday lunchtime, after you’ve eaten, at 12.40pm for more science fun and experiments.
Ms Murray (Science)
S4 / Careers Appointment – Parents’ Evening
Sharon Tulloch, school Careers Adviser, is available to meet with you at Parents’ Evening but appointments must be made before the night.
Sharon Tulloch (Careers Adviser)
S4 – S6 / Job Vacancy
Iceland (Peterhead) have temporary vacancies: part-time Christmasstaff hours are 7.5 hours per week but maybeincreased to12–14hours per week. If you are interested please call at shop for an application form.
Sharon Tulloch (Careers Adviser)
S5 – S6 / Senior Ball
Ball letters and consent forms will be issued to pupils who expressed an interest in attending the Ball through Registration teachers on Monday morning. You will be issued with a letter, consent form and envelope. Please return both forms and payment in the envelope provided with your name clearly marked on the envelope. They should be given to Maisie Morrison (6C) who will collate the information. Receipts and tickets will be issued in due course. Please remember that a minimum attendance rate of 85% is expected to attend. Places allocated first come first served provided all information and payment is received.
Mrs Milne (Depute Head Teacher)
S5 – S6 / SQA Leadership Award
A wee reminder that there will be a meeting for all those interested in completing the Leadership Award today in B6 at 12.40pm. The meeting will be to find out what the award involves and to collect all the materials you will need in order to complete it. If you cannot attend today’s meeting, please come and see Miss Cowan to collect materials and register your interest. Looking forward to seeing some of you at lunch!
Miss Cowan (Social Subjects)
S6 / Yearbook Information
Forms will be issued via Registration on Monday for pupil profiles. Please complete these and return to the tray on Mrs Milne’s desk in the DHT office by Friday 11thNovember.
Mrs Milne (Depute Head Teacher)