Strawberries wreath Tart

Strawberries (preferably with regular size)

Dacquoise biscuit


90 gr Icing sugar / confectioners’sugar
80 gr almonds, finely ground
3 egg whites
30 gr sugar

Preheat the oven at 160°Celsius (T°4-5).

Sift together the almond flour and icing sugar / confectioner’s sugar.

Whisk altogether egg whites with the white sugar
on low-medium speed until stiff to obtain a French meringue.

Put the French meringue in a bowl,
and pour over the sifted almond flour and icing sugar / confectioner’s sugar.

Fold with a spatula delicately
the sifted almond flour and icing sugar / confectioner’s sugar into the whites.

Butter the side of an entremet ring (tart size),
and put it on a baking stray covered with baking paper.
If you do not have any entremet ring you can use a tart moult with baking paper on the bottom.

With a spatula or a pastry bag fill the entremet ring or tart moult.

Bake for 20 minutes

Unmould and let it cool on a wire rack.

Put on a service plate and round with a entremet ring or a piece of rhodoïd.

Vanilla Creme mousseline


300 ml milk
3 egg yolks
40 gr butter
20 gr cornflour
1/2 vanilla beansplit length-wise
50 gr sugar
1 gelatine leaf
30 cl double cream

Soak the gelatine leaf in cold water until soft.

In a saucepan start milk and vanilla bean over high heat
reduce heat and bring to s simmer.

In a bowl, whisk together the yolks and sugar until smooth.
Add the stifted cornflour and fold with a spatula delicately.

Pour the milk over and whisk.
Put back in the saucepan
and cook stirring continuously and whisk over medium heat until mixture thickens
(around 3-4 minutes)

Remove from heat and add the gelatine leaf and mix.

Let it cool.

Whisk the double cream to obtain a chantilly cream,
and fold with a spatula delicately into the mixture.

Then transfer the mixture to a pastry bag fitted with a round tip,
and put in the fridge for at least 1 hour.


Wash the strawberries, dry tehm and cut in 2 pieces in length-wise.
Keep one strawberry uncut for the middle of your tart.

Cover the dacquoise biscuit with a layer of creme mousseline
make another layer in the middle
and a last one in the center.

Put strawberry piece around the entremet ring, they should fix by the cream.

Put the uncut strawberry in the middle
and arrange the strawberry pieces around it to form a flower.

Decorate as you like.

Source : Macaronette et Cie (