國三 103學年 下學期 第2次段考 英語科 答案




1. When will you be back? 2. Let’s paint the walls a bright color. 3. The tea smells great!

4. How many pets do you have? 5. How long have you lived in this house?

6. Tony lost his wallet on his way home from school. 7. What is that machine? 8. We’re running out of milk. 9. What’s taking you so long? 10. How much does it cost to make a phone call to Taiwan?

11. M: It has been quite wet for so many days. W: Yes, but the good thing is that it isn’t cold.

M: This kind of weather is good for our farm. Q: What is the weather like now?

12. M: Welcome back! We’re now starting the last quarter of this game and everyone is playing to win! The players are feeling tired but they aren’t stopping yet! Look at the cheerleaders cheering at the side. That’s great. Now Eric Anderson has the ball, and he’s passing it to David Fisher.

Q: What kind of sport is the man talking about?

13. M: How is the boy is room 605? W: He still has a fever. I’m taking him this medicine.

M: Did anyone come to see him this morning? W: Yes, his parents. They’re still there.
Q: Who is the woman the man is talking to?

14. W: Look at this photo of me in my red dress! I hate it! M: It’s a lovely dress. What’s wrong with it?

W: The dress is all right, but my nose looks big! M: No, your nose is not big at all. And your eyes are beautiful! Q: What doesn’t the girl like about her photo?

15. M: Hi, Mrs. Hill. Is Scott at home? I want to play baseball with him.

W: No, he isn’t at home. He has gone swimming. M: What time will he back?

W: About 4 p.m. He told me he wants to watch baseball on TV. Q: What is Scott doing now?

16. W: Excuse me, is there a gas station near this museum? M: That one closed last year. The nearest one is across from the city library, about 5 minutes down this road. W: I need to go the other way. Is there another one? M: Yes, you can use the one next to the bridge. Q: Which gas station will the woman go to?

17. M: Mom, can we eat dinner now? W: Everything is ready except the rice. It will take about ten minutes.

M: But I’m so hungry. Can I eat the cookies in the living room?

W: No. Don’t eat the cookies, or you might be too full to eat later. Q: Which is true?

18. M: Mom, I’m afraid I won’t be home until seven. I’m on the bus now.

W: Were you playing soccer with your friends after school again? You have lots of homework to do.

M: I know. That’s what I was doing, at Kevin’s house.

W: OK. Well, there’s no traffic, so the bus should be quick. Q: Why did the boy come home late?

19. W: I used to have a friend called Tina. We went to high school together. When we were 15, she moved because of her father’s job, but we still kept in touch. We used to write long letters to each other. We didn’t have e-mail then. We lost touch after senior high school. I’d love to see her again. We used to be really good friends. Q: What is the woman talking about?

20. M: My parents told me that we want to move because my dad he lost his job. I was so angry. I even shouted at my parents. All of my friends live here. Our lives are here! How can we move? But I’m beginning to understand. There are so many businesses in the city that Dad and Mom are sure to find jobs. But I’ll be away from so many things I know. What can I do? Q: Which is true?