At Least 7 Days Prior to the §341 Meeting Debtors Counsel Shall Serve the Following on the Panel Chapter 7 Trustee Assigned to the Case

Trustee Mark J. Conway

(VIA US mail, e-mail or fax)

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent tax year.

Trustee Charles A. Bierbach

(VIA e-mail )

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent tax year.

2.Trustee will contact Debtor’s counsel if additional documents are required.

Trustee Steven M. Carr

(VIA US mail, e-mail or fax)

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent tax year.

2.Domestic Support Obligation Form if applicable, (Debtor(s) must sign form).

Trustee Lawrence G. Frank

(VIA e-mail to )

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent tax year.

2.County assessment for real estate and the NADA value for vehicles.

3.If there is anything else he feels he needs, he will request it of the Debtor and counsel at the 341 meeting.

Trustee Leon P. Haller

(VIA e-mail at )

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent 2 tax years.

2.Any additional documents will be requested by Trustee Haller at or prior to the 341 meeting.

Trustee John J. Martin

(VIA US mail, e-mail or fax)

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent tax year.

Trustee Michael G. Oleyar

(VIA mail, fax or e-mail) (if email please sendin PDF format to )

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent tax year.

2.Domestic Support Obligation Form if applicable, (Debtor(s) must sign form).

Trustee William G. Schwab

(VIA US mail)

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent tax year.

Trustee Robert P. Sheils Jr.

(VIA US mail)

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent tax year.

2.Domestic Support Obligation Form if applicable (Debtor(s) must sign form).

Trustee Markian Slobodian

(VIA e-mail to )

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent tax year.

2.Domestic Support Obligation Form if applicable, (Debtor(s) must sign form).

Trustee Charles A. Szybist

(VIA U.S. Mail)

1.Copy of tax return or transcript for most recent 2 tax years.

2.Domestic Support Obligation Form if applicable, (Debtor(s) must sign form).

3.Appraisals and or tax assessments for all real estate.

Trustee Lawrence V. Young

(VIA U.S. Mail,e-mail or fax)

1.Copy of tax return or transcript and w-2s if an extension to file the tax return was filed with IRS/PA Revenue for most recent tax year.

2.Copy of Appraisal and/or CMA obtained no later than within 1 year

of the bankruptcy filing.