Curricula Vitae
Roger E. Boyd
Identifying Information:
Office: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Department of Social Work
Box 1450
Edwardsville, IL 62026-1450
(618) 650-3014; cell (618) 973-4831
HYPERLINK mail to:
Home: Box 125
Sparta, IL. 62286-0125
(618) 443-2651
2005 (May): PhD in Public Policy Analysis and Administration, Saint Louis University. Dissertation title: “The Emergence of Gated Communities in the Metro East: Residential Growth and Development in St. Clair County, Illinois.”
1998 (May): Master of Social Work, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE). Area of focus: Juvenile Delinquency and Substance Abuse. Integrative Project: Juvenile Delinquency and Gang Behavior: Theories and Treatment Models.
1997 (May): Bachelor of Science in Social Work, summa cum laude, SIUE.
1967-1970: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC): James Scholar in engineering
Teaching Activities:
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville:
Fall 2003-Spring 2010 (3 courses per semester/ 4 summer sessions):
SOCW 200: Introduction to Social Work [Fall 2003]
SOCW 301: Introduction to Social Welfare Policy [4]
SOCW 303: Human Behavior in the Social Environment II [4]
SOCW 401: Generalist Practice: Neighborhoods, Organizations & Communities [2]
SOCW 480: Research Methods in Social Work [12]
SOCW 481: Statistical Methods for Social Workers [3]
SOCW 495: Special Topics in Social Work (URA Faculty mentor: AY 2005-2006) [1]
SOCW 502: Generalist Practice: Neighborhoods, Organizations & Communities (graduate) [7]
SOCW 514: Research Methods in Social Work (graduate) [1]
SOCW 515: Research Methods in Social Work (graduate) [1]
SOCW 530: Advanced Social Policy for Children & Families (graduate) [7]
Additional SIUE teaching activity:
IS 350: Women and Social Institutions (Summer 2005)
CJ 202: Introduction to Corrections (Summer 2004)
PAPA 501: Public Organizations (Fall 2001-graduate)
1997-2003: Serve as guest lecturer for both the Departments of Social Work and Sociology—juvenile delinquency, substance abuse, corrections, and law & society
1997-99: Assisted in developing video teaching techniques for Social Work 315: Practice Skills (with Kathleen Tunney, PhD: SIUE Department of Social Work)
1997: Assisted in program evaluation of the “Father Involvement Project” E. St Louis, IL.
(with Kris Kissman, PhD: SIUE Department of Social Work--Kellogg Foundation Grant)
Saint Louis University Teaching Activities:
Academic year 2001-2002:
School for Professional Studies
Law and Society
Deviance and Social Control
Criminal Justice: A Social-Psych Perspective
Social Research Methods
Academic year 2000-2001:
Dept. of Sociology and Criminal Justice
Organizations: Theory and Practice
Introduction to Sociology (2 sections)
Criminal Justice Systems (2 sections)
Clinical Sociology
Social Psychology (Spring 2000)
School for Professional Studies
Criminal Justice: A Social-Psych Perspective
Deviance and Social Control
Academic term—Summer 2000:
School for Professional Studies
Law and Society
Fall 1999: Dept. of Sociology, Instructor, Soc. A330: Social-Psychology.
Dept. of Political Science, POLA 483: Sr. Inquiry—Research Project Co- instructor with Professor Steven Puro, PhD.
McKendree College Teaching:
Fall 2001: Social Stratification
Scholarship, Research and Academic Activities:
Journal Articles:
Arras-Boyd, R., Boyd, R. & Gaehle, K. (2009, Summer): Reaching Men at Highest Risk for Undetected Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Men’s Health, 8(2), 106-186.
Boyd, R (under review): Has the Gated Community Bubble Burst? Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy.
Boyd, R, and Boyd, R (in final edit): Tobacco Use on a Midwestern University Campus. For submission to Health and Social Work.
Peer Reviewed Presentations:
Nov. 3-7, 2007: The 135th Annual American Public Health Association Conference, Washington, D.C. Paper presentation: “Minority Men: Under the Healthcare Radar.”
May 2-5, 2007: Third International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (University of Illinois,U-C). Paper presentation, “Minority Men: Under the Healthcare Radar.”
April 5, 2007: Fourth Annual CAS Colloquium (SIUE), “Thinking About the Environment.” Paper Presentation “Pluralism vs. Elitism: the Great Randolph County Landfill War.”
Nov. 4-8, 2006: The 134th Annual American Public Health Association Conference, Boston, MA. Paper presentation: “Teaching Policy Advocacy for Tomorrow’s Social Work Professionals.”
May 3-6, 2006: Second International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (University of Illinois,U-C). Paper presentation, " The Emergence of Gated Communities in the Metro East: The Politics of Residential Growth and Development in St. Clair County, Illinois.”
Paper presentation with co-researcher Dr. Rita Arras, SIUE School of Nursing: "Tobacco Use on a Midwestern University Campus."
March 30, 2006: Third Annual CAS Colloquium (SIUE), “Thinking About Religion”: Paper Presentation “What Is Ethics?”
Dec. 13, 2005: The 133rd Annual American Public Health Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Paper presentation, "Tobacco Use on a Midwestern University Campus" with co-researcher Dr. Rita Arras, SIUE School of Nursing.
Oct. 21, 2005: First International Conference on Qualitative Research held at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Richmond, VA. Moderator for a discussion group on the “Paradigmatic Approach to Social Work Theory and Research.”
Sept. 25, 2005: Annual Gateway Martha Welch Nursing Research Conference held at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in Edwardsville, IL. Paper presentation, “Tobacco Use on a Midwestern University Campus” with co-researcher Dr. Rita Arras, SIUE School of Nursing.
July 28, 2005: Inter-university Consortium for International Social Development (Brazil) “An Archaeological Approach to Public Policy Analysis.” Co-author Professor Mary Katherine O’Connor, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work, accepted for presentation.
April 23, 2004: SIUE Faculty Symposium “Thinking About Empire”—Chaired panel presentation “America as Empire; Are we, Should we, Can we?” with SIUE colleagues Dr. Rita Arras (School of Nursing) and Dr. Julie Pietroburgo (Public Administration and Policy Analysis)
April 4, 2003: Midwest Regional conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA) in Chicago, IL Paper topic: “The Necessity for Organizational Independence and Civic Engagement to Rebuild and Revitalize Crumbling Urban Infrastructure and Local Neighborhoods in the St. Louis Metroplex.”—co-authored with Dr. Julie Pietroburgo (Public Administration and Policy Analysis: SIUE).
Nov. 2002: Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) 31st Annual Conference Montreal, Canada. Presentation topic: “Corporate Executives Gain Glimpse of ‘What’s Right with St. Louis’ Working with NPOs.”
Nov. 2001: Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) 30th Annual Conference Montreal, Canada. Presentation topic: Addressing Juvenile Delinquency and the Youth-gang Problem through Public-Private Partnerships.”
April 2000: Saint Louis University Graduate Student Association 6thbAnnual Research Day presentation, “Organizational Leadership in Developing and Implementing the St. Louis Downtown redevelopment Plan.”
March, 2000: Missouri Western State College Social Work Program Institute presentations: “Developing Critical Thinking Skills: Strategies for Social Work supervision.” Co-presented with Dr. Kathleen Tunney, PhD: SIUE Department of Social Work.
Invited Presentations:
Nov. 13, 2009: St. Clair County Policy Summit on Active Lifestyles and Healthy Eating (group discussion leader)
Oct. 22, 2009: Healthy People 2020 Midwest Regional Gathering at KU Medical Center, Kansas City, MO (policy discussant).
March 23, 2006: Excellence in Learning and Teaching Initiative Workshop (SIUE)—“Improving
Class Discussion, Student Learning and Course Management with Blackboard” co-presentation with Dr. Rita Arras, SIUE School of Nursing.
May 6, 2005: First International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry (University of Illinois,U-C). Paper presentation “The Emergence of Gated Communities in the Metro East: The Politics of Residential Growth and Development in St. Clair County, Illinois.” This paper was presented at the personal request of Norman K. Denzin, Congress Chair at conference site.
May 3, 2004: Annual speaker series for the Political Science Club of Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO. Topic: “Is the Saint Louis University Gating of the Campus in Keeping With Jesuit Ideology, and the Mission and Vision of the University?”
March, 2001: Missouri Western State College Social Work Program Institute presentations: “Introduction to Critical thinking” and “Developing Critical Thinking Skills: Strategies for Social Work supervision.” Co-presented with Dr. Kathleen Tunney, SIUE department of Social Work.
Research Activities and Grants:
Fall 2007-Spring 2010: Co-researcher for Prostate Cancer Alliance (St. Clair County Heath Dept and East Side Health District- annual grants 1-3) Illinois Department of Public Health grant with Dr. Rita Boyd: SIUE School of Nursing: “Informed Decision-making & Prostate Cancer Screening.”
Fall 2006-Spring 2007: Completed qualitative component (Phase I interviews) of “Healthy Fathers/ Healthy Families” research effort with co-investigator Dr. Rita Arras: SIUE School of Nursing in cooperation with the St. Clair County Heath Dept, East-Side Health District Southern IL Healthcare Foundation: Phase II currently in process.
December 2006: Completed “SIUE Head Start Community Assessment Report” with social work colleagues and co-researchers Drs. Venessa Brown and Kathleen Tunney.
AY 2005-2006: Faculty mentor for social work student researcher Jennifer Mellick for Undergraduate Research Academy, SIUE. Research topic: “The Psychological Effect on Students Due to Increased Security Measures in Schools." Paper presentation at 2nd Annual Qualitative Congress.
2004-2006: Organized and developed research/educational project “Tobacco Use on a Midwestern University Campus]”exploring tobacco use on the SIUE campus with Dr. Rita Arras: SIUE School of Nursing. Four social work and four nursing students engaged in developing two-page survey instrument, analyzing results of 482 questionnaires using SPSS Stats for Windows and authoring final report. Advised and assisted students in preparing power point presentation for SIUE Tobacco Task Force and at two national conferences. Tobacco research activities with Dr. Arras and students were continued at the request of the SIUE Tobacco Task Force.
2005: Community research on “The Emergence of Gated Communities in the Metro East”
Other Academic Activities:
2007-2010: American Public health Association Social Work Section Counselor. I also review presentation submissions for the American Public Health Association’s APM for the Social Work section.
2007-2010: Reviewer of textbooks in the areas of social policy, HBSE, and research methods for both Sage Publications and Allyn & Bacon (see attached reference to the back over of Social Policy and Social Programs: A Method for the Practical Public Policy Analyst, 5th ed. (Chambers & Wedel, 2008).
2006-2010: Editorial Board Member for the Journal of Progressive Human Services.
Awards and Honorariums:
2007: Honorary induction into the Xi Iota chapter of Phi Alpha Honor Society for Social Work.
2004: Honorary induction into the SIUE chapter of the International Golden Key Honor Society
2000: Saint Louis University summer scholarship recipient for Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), University of Michigan: Ann Arbor.
2000: Second Place—Saint Louis University Graduate Student Association’s 6th Annual Research Day Symposium: “Organizational Leadership in Developing and Implementing the St. Louis Downtown Redevelopment Plan” (April 7)
Featured story in the Everyday section, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, “From Front of the Stage to Front of the Classroom.” (May).
1999: Certificate of Appreciation—The Saint Louis University Association of Criminal Justice and Sociology, “In recognition of your outstanding ability to persevere in difficult times and your outstanding teaching ability in the sudden absence of Dr. Buford Farris [Dept. Chair].”
1997: Graduated Summa Cum Laude, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
1997: Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi national scholastic honorary—SIUE Chapter
1996: Presentation Chair—CSWE APM, Chicago, IL.
1980: “Honored for contributions to our film ‘It’s For You’”—Missouri/Illinois Regional Red Cross Blood Services.
1979: Office of the Mayor, Milwaukee, WI. Key to the City of Milwaukee and Head East Day
1977: Mayor John Poelker: Key to the city of St. Louis, MO. for major contributions to the culture environment of the region
1967-69: University of Illinois (UIUC) James Scholar in engineering
Professional Memberships:
American Public Health Association (APHA)—council member
Alpha Phi Alpha—National Scholastic Honorary
International Golden Key Honor Society—International Scholastic Honorary
Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)
The Policy Studies Organization (PSO)
Professional Experience:
The Center for Adolescent Development: Florissant, MO. Private practice counseling services for juvenile and family behavioral and substance abuse issues. Services included individual and family assessment, treatment planning, counseling services, and conflict resolution services with families, schools, and courts in Hazelwood & Ferguson/Florissant school districts (1997-2002).
Southwestern Illinois Correctional Center, E. St. Louis, IL. (1998).
Substance abuse counselor: intake assessments, developing treatment plans, leading group therapy sessions, exit interviews, and lecturing for 16 client caseload. Program was a trial model for utilizing correctional institutions as substance abuse treatment facilities.
Gateway Residential Treatment Center, Caseyville, IL and Gateway Outpatient Treatment Center for Addictions, Bellevile, IL. (1997). Worked as substance abuse counselor developing treatment plans, leading group therapy sessions, lecturing, developing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) & working with elements of the criminal justice system in addressing client requirements and needs.