CHSE Faculty Teaching and Learning conference, March 2018


Room / Clifton Suite (lower ground floor)
8.15 – 8h 45 / Registration (coffee/tea & pastries, fruit, hot breakfast rolls)
9.00 / Conference opens - Introduction
9.15 – 9.55 / KEYNOTE: Professor Tim Dornan:
Supporting the identity development of students of the health professions
9.55 – 10.10
10.10 – 10.20 / Short presentation: RikiMsindo (undergraduate MBChB)
The implications of media depictions of medical professionals upon thepublic perception of doctors
Questions/ discussion on themes
10.20 – 10.35

10.35 – 10.55Coffee

Room / Clifton Suite
(lower ground floor / Board Room
(ground floor) / (ground floor)
11.00 – 11.20 / Poster Presentations / Poster Presentations / Poster Presentations
11.25 – 11.45 / Short Presentation
Inside the 'Black Box': interactive practice in clinical reasoning for year 2 medical students. B Laue et al / Short Presentation
Supporting Graduate Students in an Adult Learning Environment.
E Love / Short Presentation
‘Go With The Flow' - an Innovative game to teach medical students about flow rates. S Mackin et al
11.50 – 12.05 / Show & Tell
Plasticine modelling: challenging the 3D understanding of anatomical structures. L Watson / Show & Tell
Clinical path match - the use of a game in small animal medicine teaching.
S Adamantos / Show & Tell
The Role of 3D Printing in Medical Education
M Lee
12.10 – 12.25 / Show & Tell
Interactive anatomy lectures using an audience response system. S Paterson / Show & Tell
Virtual Clinics in O& G: using technology to improve clinical learning. M O’Sullivan / Show & Tell
Augmented reality improves the SIM experience at lower cost. N Cook

12.30 – 13.40 Lunch and Poster viewing

Room / Clifton Suite
(lower ground floor) / Board Room
(ground floor) / Bow Room
(lower ground floor)
13.45 – 15.15 / Workshop
Using a Mental Wellbeing Toolbox to promote positive mental wellbeing in Health Science students.
L Bates & L Slingsby / Workshop
Designing and implementing a Peer Assessment activity.
G Ford / Workshop
An Introduction to Practitioner Research
E Fowler

15.15 – 15.25 Tea/Coffee

Time / Clifton Suite (lower ground floor)
15.30 – 16.10 / Pecha Kuchas
for topics, see over
16.10 – 16.45 / Complimentary Drink, Artist’s Feedback and Summary
Conference Prizes
Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching & Learning Prizes
16.50 / Close

Poster titles

  1. A simple interactive exercise for teaching and revision of cross-sectional anatomy (Craig Johnson)
  2. “..but from a clinician’s perspective that’s not going to work”: The role and place of the social and behavioural sciences in dental students’ perception of dentistry - a qualitative study (Patricia Neville)
  3. Simulation training through smart phones using virtual reality (Nicola Cook)
  4. Medical students and intimate examinations: what affects whether a woman will consent? (David Cahill)
  5. Making Sense of Psychiatry: undergraduate teaching on phenomenology and functions of symptoms (Tom Dalton)
  6. Innovation in suturing training: Could a cheap, simple tea-towel model be as effective as realistic silicon skin? (Sarah Baillie)
  7. Developing and evaluating the impact of digital professionalism awareness training on dental undergraduates in Bristol Dental Hospital(Mark Gormley)
  8. Praise where praise is due(Hannah Fuller)
  9. Promoting Pastoral Care (Jessica Ellis)
  10. Student response systems and self-reported scores: Do students report their scores accurately? (Scott Paterson)
  11. Writing It Right (Hannah Coakley)
  12. K Whittington: Enhancing the Assessment Literacy of Distance Learning Students
  13. Jessica Ellis: Remote Simulation
  14. Eva Bowditch: Trainee educational and leadership roles: their impact on professional identify in psychiatry
  15. Alex Grant: Getting in the way to getting on the way

Pecha Kucha topics

-Implementing Patchwork Assessment(Annie Noble)

-Revitalising Peer Review of Teaching for Teacher Professional Development(Isabelle Cunningham)

-What is racism doing in a nice field like education?(ThanosTzapas)

-Shifting identities - becoming a doctoral researcher in healthcare education(Sheena Warman)

-Discourse analysis of reflective writing: challenging dissonance(Ellayne Fowler)