WebLearn Tour:Finding Sites and Materials in WebLearn
In this video, you will learn how to:
- browse the site categories
- find sites by key words
- search for materials within sites
You can access any site in which you are a member via the My Active Sites tab. Please refer to related videos for details.
If you want to access other sites that you are not a member of, you can do so by browsing the site categories, or by searching for a site using key words. You can also search for required materials within the contents of other sites.
1.browse thesite categories
We will start on the WebLearn Welcome page, which is itself a WebLearn site.
Scroll down.
This is a list of sub-sites according to the university hierarchy.
Click on the linkSocial Sciences.
This is an example of a WebLearn site for a Division.
It has a home page, a tools menu and a list of departmental sub-sites.
To access a particular department, click on the relevant link on the Sub-sites menu.
We recommend that you do NOT use the Back button on the browser, since WebLearn has its own inbuilt navigation options.
To enter a site at a higher level, click on the tab to the left of your current site.
If you are on a tool page, thisReset button can be used to refresh the screen or navigate up from deeper layers. Please refer to related video for details.
Click on the Welcome tab to return to the Welcomepage.
2.find sites by key words
Click on the toolFind sites(by name).
Leave the default on Any.
Type in a name to search for any site with a similar name.
Click onSearch for sites.
You will see a list of sites whose titles contain your search term.
Please note that ome sites are joinable while others are not.
Click on the title to enter a particular site.
If you have authorised access, then you are taken to the site you searched for.
Whether or not you can enter the site will depend on how the access has been set up by the site maintainer.
Click on the Site Info tool on the tools menu.
This button will appear if this site is joinable.
To become a member of this site, click on the Join this site button.
Click on the My Active Sites tab.
Since you have joined this site, the site link now appears on your PROJECTS list.
Click on the Welcome tab to return to the Welcomepage.
3.searchfor materials within sites
Click on the toolSearch my site.
Enter a search term.
You can search for this term throughout the current site, or in all the sites in which you are a member.
SelectAll My Sites.
Click Go.
Alist is presented of all items containing this search term within the content of any of your sites.
For more information, please read our written guidance at:
4.related videos
Getting Started in WebLearn (how to login and logout of WebLearn; use My Active Sites; navigate around a site home page)
Viewing and Creating Folders (how to navigate within a particular tool)
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