THE HEAVY HITTERS GOLF CLUB OF FORT JACKSON has established a limited liability company, under which the State of South Carolina, Office of Secretary of State Mark Hammond has issued a certificate of Existence which states that the Heavy Hitters Golf Club, LLC has filed all reports due, paid all fees, taxes and penalties owed the Secretary of State under the South Carolina code, effective the 12th day of June 2014. The Heavy Hitters Golf Club of Fort Jackson shall operate as a limited liability company until the Secretary of State issue a notice indicating that it is being dissolved by administrative action pursuant to section 33-44-809 of SC Code, or that the company files articles of termination.

Article I


The Heavy Hitters Golf Club LLC, (HHGC) was formed to stimulate interest in golf at the amateur level by bringing together a group of golfers desirous of a golf club.

To foster and promote a strong membership in the club and to increase the spirit of the game of golf /rules and protocol for the respect of each playerby recognizing the tradition already established.

To provide a governed body of authority the option and opportunity to conduct club competitions held by the South Carolina Golf Association with other golf organizations deemed suitable to the club interest.

To assist in promoting Junior Golf and life skills: To work for the preservation and betterment of the HHGC.

Article II


Membership shall be available to all (women and men) 18 years of age or older. The club shall have a minimum of 10 members with a maximum of 100.The HHGC application shall be completed in its totality by all interested candidates before an application can be voted upon by the club membership, which then shall become the property of the club.

A new candidate for membership should be presented to the HHGC by an active member and received the recommendation of two additional members.Provisional membership begins on date completed application accepted by any current HHGC officer. Permanent membership status will be determined by vote at next scheduled HHGC meeting and payment of dues and fees. (Due within 30 days)

Memberships in the club are individual and non-transferable.

Fees and Dues structure:

There is aonetimeinitiation fee: $50.00 for applicants who have not reached the age of 65 and $30.00 for 65 plus.

All resident members under the age of 65 will be required to pay $120.00 annually; members 65 and older will need to pay $90.00 annually; non-residents members will pay $60.00 annually.

In any event that a member of the club should be accused of an act which brings discredit, refuse to comply with the governing rules and constitution adopted by the club, may be subject to suspension or dismissal. Appointed Disciplinary Committee collects and review any evidence before offering a written opinion/notice to the to the HHGC elected officers and the accused within thirty days. Accused has option to appeal committee decisions, at next scheduled meeting for member vote.

A legal quorum at any meeting should have at least (7) members present in person or proxies who are in good standing would be entitled to vote on any matter before the club.

Membership fees and dues should be noted as necessary to operate and maintain the club and should be paid in full by the deadline date. Annual fees are due January 1, members not paid by February 1, will be considered delinquent subject to suspension or dismissal, which shall be reviewed by disciplinary committee. Annual dues will be pro rata when new membership is accepted after the January 1 date which begins a new calendar year, accordingly.

Article III


The officers shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Parliamentarian.They should be selected by the majority vote.

President- presides over all meetings and directs the activities of the club, including the appointment of chairpersons and members of committees.

Vice President-shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or those assignments given by the president.

Secretary, or-Assistant Secretary-should be responsible for planning, scheduling and recording the minutes of all meetings, and all other HHGC events. The Secretary should retain a copy of all recordings for the club.

Treasurer-shall be responsible for all funds, receipts and disbursement for the club. Present a written statement/financial report at each meeting, to include dues/fees and other related club business expenses incurred which should be supported by a preapproved HHGC expense event planning document.

Parliamentarian-should be responsible for the expertise in parliamentary procedures, rules, or debate for the club.

Nomination and election of Officers:

Officers should be nominated and elected every two years, on a calendar basis, based on the By-Laws, with the second nomination/election to be held in December 2017; the elected officers will then take office on January 2018.

In case of an officer’s position vacancy due to death, resignation, or dismissal or any other cause deemed appropriate by the club, a successor shall be nominated and voted by the club.

All records should be made available to the membership upon request.

Article IV

Monthly Meeting

The HHGC has designated the Third Thursday of the month, unless otherwise noted and the place should be determined by the club, and published ten days in advance of the meeting, if not given at the close of the previous meeting.

Articles V


The Heavy HHGC shall not adopt Bylaws or change this constitution in any form that would be inconsistent with the Rules, regulations, and policies hereinafter adopted by the HHGC.

The constitution and Bylaws can by amended annually, (date and month of adoption) or a special meeting of the club members so long as the proposed change(s) to the amendments would have been posted thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

Roberts Rules of Order-should be used as a guideline for all meeting.

Adopted by membership vote.December15, 2016

Amended by membership vote January 25, 2018

Signature Page

HHGC President: ______Date: ______

HHGC Witness ______Date: ______