ESL Resources at Purdue

Academic Resources for international

and esl students at purdue

Purdue Writing Lab

Purdue’s Writing Lab resources are limited to students, staff, and faculty of Purdue’s West Lafayette campus. Learn more about the services the Writing Lab offers by visiting our website at


Please call (765) 494-3723or stop by to talk to someone at our front desk to set up a 30-minute appointment with a tutor.

Conversation Groups

Groups meet daily during most of the time school is in session during Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. Groups meet in the Writing Lab. Times and group leaders change each term. The schedule is available at

OWL: Online Writing Lab

Our world famous OWL has extensive writing and language resources.

OWL Mail

Ask tutors short questions about language and writing via email. Accessible through our OWL homepage.

Software Programs

We have the following programs available to use in the writing lab. This list will change over time as we update existing software. Please see the front desk for help.

8-in-1 English Dictionary

Basic Grammar in Use

Barron’s 501 English Verbs

The Everyday Writer

ESL Instant Immersion

Grammar 3D

Longman Writing Coach

McGraw-Hill’s GED

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

Pronunciation Power2

Speak English Like an American

Living Language Business English

NorthStar Focus on Listening and Speaking

TOEFL iBT (4 practice tests)


We have many books about writing, grammar, speaking, and language. Please feel free to use any of them in the Writing Lab. Unfortunately, our books cannot be checked out, but please see the front desk to make copies or scanned images to email to yourself.

Purdue campus &Community

This information is provided as a service. These resources are not affiliated with Purdue’s Writing Lab.

ENGL 10600I: First Year Composition forInternational Students

Extensive practice in writing clear and effective prose.Instruction in organization, audience, style, and research-based writing.Available to undergraduate students. Register through MyPurdue.

ENGL 62100: Written Communication forInternational Graduate Students

A course in English composition for non-native English speaking graduate students.Available to graduate students.Register through MyPurdue.

Oral English Proficiency Program

155 S. Grant Street, 810 Young Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

The Oral English Proficiency Program (OEPP) works with university departments to facilitate the use of non-native English speaking teaching assistants as instructors in their departments.Services include screening potential teaching assistants for oral English proficiency, certifying students for oral English proficiency, and providing classroom communication training in ESL for international graduate students.The OEPP also strives to serve as a resource not only to departments on campus who employ international graduate students, but also to the international graduate students themselves and to graduate students who are studying English as a Second Language.

Academic Success Resources

Beering Hall, Room 1114


Offers consultations, handouts, workshops, credit courses, tutoring, and study group sessions in a variety of formats. Includes help with study and reading skills.

Editor and Tutor List

The Writing Lab maintains a list of private editors and tutors. This is a paid service not affiliated with Purdue’s Writing Lab and is available to graduate students. Please contact our front desk for a copy.

Purdue Village ESOL

Purdue Village Community Center, 50 Nimitz Drive (in Purdue Village), West Lafayette, IN 47906
Phone 494-0500

The ESOL program at Purdue Village is committed to teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Classes are taught with an integrated approach and include speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, and pronunciation skills. Students must register and pay for courses. Open only to adults living in Purdue Village, Hawkins, or the undergraduate residence halls.

International Center

523 Russell Street, West Lafayette

Phone 743-4353

Offers free conversation classes; classes in grammar, pronunciation, and slang/idioms; and conversation partner arrangements. Also offers paid English classes such as TOEFL, writing, and pronunciation.

Lafayette Adult Resource Academy (LARA)
1100 Elizabeth Street, Suite 3, Lafayette, IN 47904
Phone 476-292

The mission of the Lafayette Adult Resource Academy (LARA) is to teach academic and life skills to enable learners to make productive, ongoing changes in their personal lives, in society, and in public policy.English as a Second Language Program:speaking, listening, reading, and writing the English language; civic responsibility and citizenship. Morning and evening classes. Call for an appointment.

University Lutheran Church

100 South Chauncey, West Lafayette

Phone 743-2472

Morning and evening English conversation classes and Bible studies aimed at internationals. (Free).

for information

A cross cultural friendship program with the students of Purdue Christian Campus House. Activities include weekly English classes, weekly Bible studies, conversation partners, dinners, festivals, and trips.

International Friendship House

5th and University St.

For more information: call Geri Briggs at 448-2764 or email

Designed for international students (or their families) who desire to improve their English skills.The class includes lessons on vocabulary, listening comprehension, and pronunciation practice based on TOEFL essay topics. Students will also read literature and selections about history, culture, nature, or brief passages from the Bible. (free)


Christian Student Center, 115 Waldron St.

Phone 743-0954 Email:

“FriendSpeak” is a program that uses the book of Luke from the Bible as an Englishreading tool. Meetone-on-one with a native-English speaker once-a-week and go over a booklet that has lessons based on the readings. It's free and seeks to provide a casual, non-pressure environment.

Academic ResearchCitation resources

This information is provided as a service. These resources are not affiliated with Purdue’s Writing Lab.

Purdue’s CORE tutorial

A research tutorial designed to help students:

  • Use the Purdue Libraries comfortably and effectively.
  • Determine what kinds of resources are found in academic libraries.
  • Gain confidence in retrieving and managing information resources.
  • Develop critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate information.
  • Conduct successful research that culminates in a finished project.

Academic Phrasebank

The Academic Phrasebank is a general resource for academic writers. It aims to provide examples of some of the phraseological "nuts and bolts" of academic English. It was designed primarily for international students whose first language is not English, but native speaker writers may still find parts of the material helpful.


KnightCite is a free online citation generator service that supports MLA, APA, and Chicago formatting.

Online Grammar/Style/Editing Websites

Comments, Questions or Suggestions?Please contact ESL Specialist through the OWL homepage.


Updated Aug 2012