Dr. Skinner

Latin Room: 134

World Language Office: 136

Office phone: 854-6067

I’m in class 2nd, 3rd, 5th & 6th periods, but am otherwise usually available in the classroom or language office.


Class Expectations

A successful student will:

➤participate actively ➤be on task

➤have materials ready[1] ➤respect and support others

➤have phones off and out of sight[2] ➤ask questions

➤be on time[3] ➤take intellectual risks

➤volunteer ➤make connections with what you know

➤check board for instructions: if none, then get out class materials for the items on the agenda

➤do his/her own work (copying is not the same as collaboration)[4]

➤expect to read and translate Latin every day

➤expect to hear and pronounce Latin

➤be responsible to self and others

➤see teacher first day back after an absence (better yet, email teacher/contact a classmate when you are gone)[5]

➤take care of personal needs (restroom, nurse, tissues, water) between classes[6]

A final note: Students should expect to spend some time studying Latin each day – most people do better by studying 20 minutes every day than waiting until the night before the test and cramming for a couple of hours. If there is not specific homework on any given day, please spend some time working on Latin vocabulary and reviewing forms.

What you bring to class each day:

·  textbook: checked out from the school. Please treat the books well – they need to last us many years! Do not write in the books.

·  thin (1-inch or less is ok) 3 ring binder: with a few dividers and lined paper. See below.

·  2 kinds of writing utensils: a pencil for your main work and a colored pen for correcting papers.

·  your own tissues for cold/allergy needs! There aren’t any in the room.

Other things which you will want occasionally:

·  standard 3x5 index cards: for vocabulary and other drills

·  access to a good English dictionary: for use in looking up the etymology of English words (give yourself time to use the library’s dictionaries if you don’t have one at home)

Optional, but useful:

·  Latin dictionary: I like the New College Latin/English Dictionary edited by Traupmann because it is good but also inexpensive ($6-7 range). There are other good ones – see me for ideas.

Binder Details…

You’ll want sections for:

o  charts

o  vocabulary

o  grammar notes

o  chapter work

o  culture

The point of the binder is to organize yourself so that learning can be most efficient. Some parts of the binder will be kept for the entire year (vocabulary and charts) and other sections will be cleaned out after each unit.


·  quizzes, tests, projects 70%

·  assignments 20%

·  participation/collaboration 10%

The Semester Final Exam will count as 15% of the Semester Grade.

[1] Homework assignments are due at the beginning of the next class period. I may collect all or part of it at the very beginning of class.

[2] If I see or hear your machina electronica, I will confiscate it: 1st time until the end of the day, 2nd time until a parent/guardian can arrange to pick it up from the front desk.

[3] School policy regarding tardies: you are tardy if you are not in the room when the bell rings. Starting with the 3rd tardy each quarter, and each tardy after that, you serve an after school detention.

[4] Copying another student’s work or allowing someone to copy yours will result in a zero for the assignment for both of you.

[5] If you are absent, but know about a previously scheduled quiz/assignment, you should be ready to take the quiz or turn in the assignment when you return. There is no make-up work for unexcused absences.

[6] Water in a closed-top bottle is acceptable in class.