Dear Parents, Students and Teachers,

We are very excited about our upcoming fundraiser. We will be selling the Westview Middle/CCI coupon book. This is a valuable fundraiser for Westview Middle and will cut the high cost of eating out in half. As usual the coupons are mostly food, Buy-One-Get-One FREE coupons. However, in addition to the Greater Greenwood area, there is a Greenville bonus section. The flip side of the book features coupons from the Clinton, Laurens, and surrounding areas as well. The book also includes a reusable DISCOUNT CARD from each area on the inside covers. Both the coupon book and discount cards are valid through December 31, 2014!

The sale begins on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 and concludes on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1. Each student will be given a presale brochure. $10.00 for each book sold should be collected at the time of the sale. Checks should be made out to WESTVIEW MIDDLE PTO. Turn in orders and collect money as it is received. Sold book orders will be filled and go home each Friday. If you would prefer to have books in hand, please call the school and leave a message and someone will get back with you. To be eligible for prizes, orders and money (and any unsold books, if applicable) must be turned by TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1.


  • IMMEDIATE PARTICIPATION PRIZE: Turn in money for at least one book by WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th and win a pull from the lollipop tree (see below – the one book prize applies ONLY to September 11th).
  • LOLLIPOP PULL: Each time you turn in money for 4 books, you’ll get a pull on the lollipop tree (8 books=2 pulls, 12 books=3 pulls, etc.). Some lollipops have dollar amounts attached. Pulls will be on Fridays.
  • 5 BOOK PRIZE: Turn in money for 5 books or more and get invited to an ice cream party!
  • 10 BOOK PRIZE: Turn in money for 10 books or more and get a grab in the money machine. (Every 10 books gets one grab, maximum—4 grabs.)
  • ACTION DAY: Sell 10 books or more and earn an invitation to Action Day highlighted
  • by the Games2U program held right here at WestviewMiddle School! Imagine playing
  • the latest video games on huge plasma screens in a climate controlled gaming utopia! We will also be playing Laser Tag, Hamster Ball and Booger Wars. Kids will love it!
  • TOP SELLERS: The top seller in each grade wins the CASH COW!

Profits from the sale will go to more efficiently operate your child’s school. This is a family project. We encourage parents to involve your business associates, friends, relatives and neighbors to purchase books. We do not want students going door to door.This $10.00 coupon book is a WIN-WIN-WIN program (school-merchant-you, the customer). We want to thank you in advance for your support of this project.


Westview Middle School PTO