Monitoring Checklist – TEMPLATE - RAT

Project Title:
ACEC Approval Number:
Animal ID: / Pre-treatment Body Weight:
Procedure: / Date:
Score the following as either X (present), otherwise leave blank. Use “NAD” if no signs present
Insert specific clinical signs to be monitored in the left column. Frame the description of the clinical sign so that a "X" sign marked against it indicates that an abnormality is present. Eg. Use the term “isolation” rather than “social interaction”, or “ruffled coat” rather than “appearance of coat”. Any number of clinical signs can be listed.
Hair – rough, dull, standing on end
Hunched appearance
Reduced appetite
Porphyrin staining – nose, eyes, fur
Dehydrated - Sunken eyes, positive pinch test (skin over back remains folded when pinched), square tail
Respiration abnormal (laboured or rapid)
Poor body condition (Prominent vertebral spinous processes, scapulae, pelvis)
Unusually docile or aggressive when handled
Signs of Pain* (see back of form)
Weight changes / BODY WEIGHT (gms)
Body weight - % change from initial weight
Insert specific clinical sign related to problems arising from procedure
Insert specific clinical sign related to problems arising from procedure
Insert specific clinical sign related to problems arising from procedure
NAD ("No abnormalities detected")
This section should be used only by persons experienced in the monitoring of the species being used.
Other signs
This section should be used to record signs that were not predicted prior to conduct of the experiment.
This section should be used to record information such as treatment given in response to a clinical sign so that response can be evaluated.

Specific measures:Insert specific information in relation to signs to be monitored. For example: Normal range of body temperature or breathing frequency of the species.

Actions to be taken:Insert clinical sign, or combination of clinical signs, that will indicate that a specific action must be taken; eg. more frequent observation, consultation with a veterinarian, specific treatment (eg. an analgesic agent), removal of the animal from the protocol.

Endpoints:Insert clinical sign, or combination of clinical signs, that indicate that an animal is to be euthanased.

*Signs of pain in the rat are well described:

  • Back arch, belly press, writhe, stagger, twitch and fall
  • Careful observation is needed because the behavioural sign may be subtle or occur very quickly.
  • Observation of animals several times a day may be needed in order to detect these signs.
  • When you observe one of these signs score it as a √ each time.
  • The observation of any of these signs is an important clinical finding- it indicates the animal is in pain and additional analgesia is needed. Contact the vet for assistance.